Savagery (skill)

Revision as of 20:32, 5 May 2012 by Erion (talk | contribs) (Migrating to new template.)
You possess the following abilities in Savagery:
Skill Rank Percent Description
Grapple Inept 0% Grapple with someone on the ground.
Raze Novice 0% Attack the defenses that would keep your weapon out.
Takedown Novice 50% Bowl someone over.
Block Apprentice 0% Obstructing departure with your body.
Fitness Apprentice 33% Mastery over your breathing.
Mastery Apprentice 66% Choose your weapon.
Envenom Capable 0% Coat a weapon in venoms.
Gripping Capable 33% Grip your wielded items in a deathlock.
Gash Capable 66% Open gashes in your foe while grappling.
Duality Adept 33% The ability to wield and use two weapons simultaneously.
Impale Skilled 0% Sink your blade into an opponent.
Disfigure Gifted 0% Brutally disfigure their face.
LowBlow Expert 33% Cheap shots are your friend.
Charging Fabled 33% Charge after those who flee.
DoubleTarget Fabled 66% Attack two body parts at a time.
Reckless Mythical 50% Ignore hinderances in a reckless fury.
You can use the following hammer attacks:
Skill Rank Percent Description
Bash Inept 0% The most basic of hammer strikes.
Swatting Adept 0% Knock your foe towards an adjacent location.
Crush Skilled 33% Focus greater damage on specific body parts.
HammerThrow Gifted 66% Projectile hammers.
BruteForce Expert 0% The force of your blows will even damage those who block.
Batter Virtuoso 0% Treat their head like a melon.
GutCheck Fabled 0% Set up a hammer strike with a blow to the gut to stun.
HerculeanRage Fabled 50% Your rage shall empower your blows.
Pulverize Transcendent 0% Beat a weakened body into a bloody pulp.
You can use the following polearm attacks:
Skill Rank Percent Description
Hack Inept 0% A basic chop with a long-weapon.
Carve Apprentice 33% Hit the arteries to induce heavier bleeding.
Sweep Adept 66% Trip all those in range with a low sweep.
Spinning Skilled 66% Slash and spin your weapon for another strike.
Skewer Gifted 33% Pin your foe with the mighty blade of your weapon.
Precision Expert 66% Precise enough to nick their ears.
Whirlwind Virtuoso 33% A high arc of your weapon to slice all in range.
Hooking Virtuoso 66% Catch their feet with the end of your weapon.
Dismember Mythical 0% Amputate the limbs of your foe.

Syntax: GRAPPLE <target>
Description: If the target is prone, you can get down and grapple them. You must WRITHE out of a grapple.

Syntax: RAZE <target>
Description: With raze, your sword will become a weapon of destruction, attacking the defences of your enemies that serve to keep your weapons out.

Syntax: TAKEDOWN <target>
Description: Charge into someone with your shoulder, knocking them down to the ground.

Syntax: BLOCK <direction>
Description: This ability will allow you to block a particular direction, preventing normal movement in that direction.

Description: With the increased lung power you have gained from your bodily mastery, you are able to resist and cure the effects of asthma.

If you are afflicted with asthma, fitness will cure it after a short delay. If you are not afflicted with asthma, fitness will give you a one-time defence against that affliction.

Syntax: MASTERY SELECT <weapon>
Description: With your superior knowledge of weaponry, you are able to gain a mastered proficiency instantly.

Valid weapon choices:
- Battleaxe
- Broadsword
- Scimitar
- Rapier
- Bastard
- Halberd

Syntax: ENVENOM <weapon|right|left> WITH <venom>
WIPE <weapon|left|right>
Description: With this ability, you may layer venoms on an edged weapon. Each time that weapon hits somebody, one venom will poison your opponent, and disappear from the weapon. They work on a last-on, first-off basis, so if you put xentio on a weapon, and then put voyria on, the voyria would come off first, and the xentio second. You must have the selected venom in a vial in your inventory. In order to get rid of the venoms on a weapon, simply WIPE <weapon>.

Syntax: GRIP
Description: While using this ability, you will prevent items from being knocked out of your grip.

Syntax: GRAPPLE GASH <target>
Description: While grappling someone, use your nails to rend deep, bloody gashes in their skin.

Syntax: DOUBLESLASH <target>
DSL <target>
Description: A reminder of the Infernal legacy, a Carnifex still posseses knowledge on how to utilize two swords in combat at once.

However, you will find the blades do not sit as well in your hands as a polearm or hammer and as such will not be able to achieve the true slashing speeds Infernals could achieve.

Syntax: IMPALE <target>
Description: This wicked ability may be used when your hapless victim has fallen to the ground and lies there, helpless. With it, you will drive your sword into his body, causing regular damage as long as he is on the sword. Further, while impaled, he will find himself unable to move, though you too will be unable to move.

WITHDRAW BLADE will remove your blade from your opponent.

Syntax: GRAPPLE DISFIGURE <target>
Description: With your mouth and teeth, you can tear apart the face of someone you are grappling with. They will so disfigured by this attack, that only the strongest restoration medicine will be able to cure it.

Syntax: GRAPPLE LOWBLOW <target>
Description: In battle, always take advantage of your enemy's weak spots. A blow to the groin will leave even the toughest opponent reeling.

Syntax: PREPARE TO CHARGE <target>
Description: Prepare yourself to charge after your opponent should they attempt to flee before your might.

Syntax: TARGET <bodypary> WITH <right|left>
Description: When wielding two swords, you can target two different body parts. Your left hand will always be the first to strike your target, and the right hand will strike second.

Description: For a brief time, you will begin to act recklessly in battle. While doing so, you will unable to be hindered by any affliction. However, for each affliction you have that would normally hinder you, you will take an extra 15% damage from attacks.