
Revision as of 21:17, 11 July 2017 by Gunnald (talk | contribs)

Iarsis, Acolyte of Dejaani says to you in an exotic tone, "Blessings of the Sun and Flame upon you, stranger. May the goddess smile upon you."

Iarsis, Acolyte of Dejaani bows his head in reverence, his soft voice wavering as he recites a passage to you, "The flame that lights our dark world, our souls, and our minds. She is the unsheathed blade that cuts away the shadow and casts down the sinners of the great dark." The old Utari gives a bleary smile. "May she smile upon you."

Solemnly, Vrin Sokersi, Sentinel of the Auric Guard says in an exotic tone, "Praise the sun."

You read what is written on a simple scroll: The Strictures of the Flame

[I] Beware the eyes that wander, for they look to the great dark and see not the glory of the Sun.

[II] Beware the feet that rove, for we tread close to that endless expanse of abyss. Look to the Sun and know its glory.

[III] Beware the tongue that waggles, for it spreads the perilous teachings of the craven and blind.

[IV] Beware the hands that search, for the Shadow Mother awaits to turn your blade on your allies with Her terrible eyes.

It is in flame that we are bathed and in battle that we are born. Blessings unto the Sun and the Flame.

[--as taken from the holy texts of the Grand Master Sovahol]

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