Savagery (skill)

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As a Carnifex, the most common weapons one wields are the warhammer and the polearm, and it is with Savagery that they assail their opponents. With the warhammer, brute force and devastating blows rain destruction down upon the unworthy, pulverizing those who stand in your way to a bloody pulp. Alternatively the polearm can also be used to deadly effect, slicing open your enemy and hacking off their limbs in mighty cleaving strikes. Savagery also leaves the option of attacking a foe with what nature has given, beating them into submission with your own two fists.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Raze Novice 0% Attack the defences that would keep your weapons out.
Fearless Novice 33% Carnifex do not know terror.
Fluidity Novice 66% Favor two weapons in battle.
Block Apprentice 0% Obstructing departure with your body.
Fitness Apprentice 50% Mastery over your breathing.
Envenom Capable 0% Coat a weapon in venoms.
Gripping Capable 33% Grip your wielded items in a deathlock.
Mastery Capable 66% Become an expert of your art.
Stalwart Adept 66% Guard your exit with tenacity.
Cruelty Skilled 0% Bolster your strength for your cruel deeds.
DoubleTarget Virtuoso 0% Attack two body parts at a time.
Furor Virtuoso 50% Throw yourself into a bloody rage.
Charging Fabled 25% Charge after those who flee.
Reveling Mythical 33% Derive pleasure from their pain.
Reckless Mythical 66% Ignore hinderances in a reckless fury.

Hammer Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Bash Inept 0% The most basic of hammer strikes.
Swatting Adept 0% Knock your foe towards an adjacent location.
Crush Skilled 33% Focus greater damage on specific body parts.
DoubleBash Skilled 66% Rain down a flurry of strikes.
HammerThrow Gifted 66% Projectile hammers.
BruteForce Expert 0% The force of your blows will even damage those who block.
GutCheck Fabled 0% Set up a hammer strike with a blow to the gut to stun.
HerculeanRage Fabled 50% Your rage shall empower your blows.
Batter Fabled 75% Treat their head like a melon.
Pulverize Transcendent 0% Beat a weakened body into a bloody pulp.

Polearm Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Hack Inept 0% A basic chop with a long-weapon.
Carve Apprentice 75% Hit the arteries to induce heavier bleeding.
Sweep Adept 33% Trip all those in range with a low sweep.
Spinning Skilled 66% Slash and spin your weapon for another strike.
Razehack Gifted 0% Raze and hack at the same time.
Skewer Gifted 33% Pin your foe with the mighty blade of your weapon.
Precision Expert 66% Precise enough to nick their ears.
Hooking Virtuoso 25% Catch their feet with the end of your weapon.
Whirlwind Virtuoso 75% A high arc of your weapon to slice all in range.
Dismember Mythical 0% Amputate the limbs from your foe.
Syntax: POLE/HAMMER RAZE <target>
Description: With raze, your weapons will become a tool of destruction, removing the protective auras and

barriers that would turn away your blade.

It will raze the following in order: Reflections Magical shields Rebounding aura Speed defence

Description: This ability will allow you steel your resolve and render you immune to the effects of fear.

Syntax: WEAPON FAVOR <polearm> <hammer>
Description: As a master of both bladed and blunt weapons, you are now able to reserve a second weapon in either

your inventory or a weaponbelt that can be drawn effortlessly. When wielding one of your two favored weapons, if you attempt to do an attack that cannot be performed with the current weapon, you will draw the second weapon and strike automatically.

There is a slight balance penalty associated with this usage if drawn from your inventory instead of a weaponbelt.

Syntax: BLOCK <direction> and UNBLOCK
Description: Move into a position that blocks others from leaving your location, providing you are not

incapacitated or feared. Should you move, you will cease to block.

Description: With the increased lung power you have gained from your bodily mastery, you are able to resist the

effects of asthma. If you already have asthma, then you can purge it from your body. There is a period of time before you may use fitness again after using it.

Syntax: ENVENOM <weapon/LEFT/RIGHT> WITH <venom>
Description: WIPE <weapon>

With this ability, you may layer venoms on an edged weapon. Each time that weapon hits somebody, one venom will poison your opponent, and disappear from the weapon.

Venoms work on a last-on, first-off basis, so if you put xentio on a weapon, and then put voyria on,

the voyria would come off first, and the xentio second. You must possess a rag with the venom in 

order to apply it to a weapon.

In order to get rid of the venoms on a weapon, simply WIPE <weapon>.

Description: By gripping your weapons tightly, you can prevent others from disarming you of your precious


Description: MASTERY WEAPON <weapon>
      MASTERY TALENT <talent>

This grants you the ability to select a hammer or polearm you wish to become proficient in, and a talent you wish to focus your abilities upon. Roughly once every sixty minutes, you will be able to change the weapon you are proficient in, and the talent you have chosen.

You can choose to master the halberd, bardiche, warhammer, or greatmaul. This will also grant you a small damage increase in your chosen mastery.

The benefits of a talent require you to be wielding the correct weapon archetype, otherwise no bonus will be bestowed.


* Yanking      : Upsets the balance of players when using Hook.
* Expertise    : Decreases the balance penalty from Furor.


* Demolishing  : Lowers the balance recovery of the Raze ability.
* Rattling     : Increases the chance of Herculean rage to proc.

Syntax: This ability is passive.
Description: When blocking a direction and an enemy attempts to walk past you, you will shove them to the ground

and knock them off balance, causing a small amount of blunt damage.

You can refer to AB SAVAGERY BLOCK for more information.

Description: Providing you are wearing suitable armour, you may let out a battle shout and rattle your armour.

This will bolster your strength for a limited time.

Anyone within three rooms of your current location will be able to hear your warcry when you use this ability.

Syntax: TARGET <bodypart> WITH <RIGHT/LEFT>
Description: This ability will allow you to target two separate body part locations with the Doublebash and

Spinning abilities.

Syntax: FUROR
Description: You may throw yourself into a blood furor, causing your attacks to temporarily deal significantly

more damage, but strike with decreased speed. While active, your strikes will also drain twice as much soul. There is a short period after using this ability before it may be used again.

Syntax: PREPARE TO CHARGE <target>
Description: CANCEL CHARGE

Prepare yourself to charge after your opponent should they attempt to flee before your might, causing you to strike them with your weapon and knock them off balance.

If your opponent attempts to fly away from you, you will jump up after them and knock them back to the ground, skewering them if wielding a polearm.

Description: At a moderate willpower drain, you may learn to truly savor your victim's agony - whenever the

damage you have done reaches a threshold, you will be invigorated and refreshed of health.

Description: You may enter a state of reckless rage in battle. While in this state, paresis will take twice as

long to transform into paralysis and you will be able to use two-handed weapon attacks even with a broken arm.

Syntax: HAMMER BASH <target>
Description: Smash your opponent with a basic hammer attack.

Syntax: HAMMER SWAT <target> <direction>
Description: Knocks a target towards the specified direction. If there is an obstruction in the way, then the

target will slam into it.

Description: Only when your target has fallen, you can slam your hammer into a specified location, causing a

variety of effects. This attack cannot be parried.

Knees: Gives the crushed kneecaps affliction. This will cause the victim to periodically fall over if one of their legs is broken, instead of two.

Elbows: Gives the crushed elbows affliction. This can cause abilities that require the arms to occasionally fail and hurt them in the process.

Chest: Gives the cracked ribs affliction, then the crushed chest affliction if it is left uncured upon a second strike. Crushing their chest will periodically cause asthma.

Syntax: HAMMER DOUBLEBASH <target>
Description: Strike your opponent twice in succession with your hammer. There is some additional bonus limb

damage applied that will scale with the base damage stat of your weapon.

Syntax: HAMMER THROW <target>
Description: Hurl your hammer towards a target with great speed, slamming into them and briefly stunning them.

You can throw your hammer at a target in an adjacent location to you as well as in your current location.

Description: For a limited time your hammer blows will become so powerful, that even if they are parried, the

enemy will still be harmed. Additionally, your Swat ability will be able to move those with the density defence.

Syntax: HAMMER GUTCHECK <target>
Description: Slamming your weapon into your target's gut will cause them great pain and upset their stomach. A

few seconds later, they will collapse to the ground and develop anorexia.

Description: At a willpower drain, you will give your hammer attacks the chance to bring your opponent to their

knees. If they are already prone, they will be knocked off balance, or further off balance.

Syntax: HAMMER BATTER <target>
Description: Batter the target's head with your hammer. This will initially afflict them with blurry vision.

For each 20% of the target's health that is missing after the damage is dealt, you will deal an additional affliction in the following order:

  20% Indifference
  40% Stuttering
  60% Blackout

Syntax: HAMMER PULVERIZE <target>
Description: If your target is fallen and has a crushed chest, then you may finish them off by pulverizing them

into pulp. This will instantly kill your target.

Syntax: POLE HACK <target>
Description: Rend your enemies apart with the most basic of polearm attacks.

Syntax: POLE CARVE <target>
Description: You may drive your polearm through a target's arteries, causing them to bleed and delivering a

venom. The amount of bleeding done will be determined by the penetration stat of your weapon.

Description: Sweep your polearm in a low arc, tripping everybody too close to you with the pole's shaft. This

will only hit people who have attacked you recently unless you choose otherwise.

Syntax: POLE SPINSLASH <target>
Description: Attack your target twice with two slashes from your polearm.

Syntax: POLE RAZEHACK <target>
Description: Like raze, this will destroy any protective auras and abilities that may prevent you from striking

your target. However you will additionally strike at them afterwards with your polearm.

It will raze the following in order: Reflections Magical shields Rebounding aura Speed defence

Syntax: POLE SKEWER <target>
Description: POLE WRENCH

When an enemy is prone, you can skewer them upon your polearm. You may then wrench your pole, brutally shredding their insides for heavy damage. The damage will be increased based upon how damaged their torso is.

If they are entangled or bound, then your blade will cut through their bindings and free them when you wrench your polearm.

Syntax: This ability is passive.
Description: When an enemy dodges your polearm that is dizzy, you will have a chance to nick them with the tip

of your blade. This will deliver any effects upon the blade.

Syntax: POLE HOOK <target>
Description: Drive your polearm between a target's legs and trip them with its shaft. If they are mounted, you

pull them from the mount to the ground.

Description: A crude, yet effective technique allowing you to spin with your polearm, becoming a whirling

tornado of death. You will hit everybody in the room three times over a short duration.

Description: In a show of true cruelty, you can simply lop your foe's limb off, leaving behind a bloody stump.

Striking the severed limb with any targeted attack will open the wound and cause profuse bleeding. Your target must have a mangled limb in order to amputate it.