Hematurgy (skill)

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Skill Rank Percent Description
Well Inept 0 % Draw forth a well of blood.
Forewarn Novice 0 % Your blood well will alert you of your enemies.
Submerge Apprentice 0 % Submerge items within the depths of your blood well.
Aspects Capable 0 % Align your well with the humours of your sorcery.
Varicose Adept 0 % Extend your veins and power.
Suffusion Adept 0 % Recall your bloodied well into you.
Vein Skilled 0 % Expel your blood, and with it your afflictions.
Resurface Skilled 50 % Cause your blood well to emerge in someone's presence.
Bloodcry Gifted 0 % An ominous sending.
Reel Gifted 50 % Reclaim your drifting power.
Overlap Expert 0 % Allow your vicious arcana to overflow.
Severance Expert 33 % Plague them with arcane agony.
Descry Expert 66 % Divine the state of your foe.
Disparity Virtuoso 0 % Awaken disparate humours within your foes.
Primacy Virtuoso 33 % The primacy of blood outmatches all.
Atrophy Virtuoso 66 % Infuse your well with atrophic magic.
Surfeit Fabled 0 % Drown them in vile humours.
Contaminate Fabled 25 % Infuse your blood well with the power of humours.
Thrombose Fabled 50 % Clot the blood within their veins.
Circulate Fabled 75 % Delivery upon sanguine tides.
Immerge Mythical 0 % Find sanctuary within your crimson crucible.
Actualise Mythical 20 % Actualise their humours with your well.
Suffocate Mythical 40 % Choke them with a sanguineous haze.
Imbrue Mythical 60 % Drown them in a sea of blood.
Profane Mythical 80 % Elicit terrible heat from your sanguine well.
Permeate Transcendent 0 % Fill them with the blood of your well until they burst.