
Revision as of 20:53, 11 July 2017 by Gunnald (talk | contribs)

Stonemason Gravi says in an exotic tone, "Blessings of the great Gereghond upon you, friend. May your harvest be fruitful and plentiful!"

You ask, in Albedi, "Who is Gereghond?"

Stonemason Gravi says in an exotic tone, "You know not of the Horned One--the Great Bull of the Earth? Like the warmth of summer, the Bull's breath is a fire unto our hearts, milk a sweet drink to our souls."

Stonemason Gravi says in an exotic tone, "The Horned One splits the earth with great hooves and life springs forth where the land has furrowed with His passing. He is fertility, life, hearth, and home. If you wish to honour His herd, please pour a libation of milk and honey at His shrine within the Halls of Accord."

You ask, in Albedi, "Wait, milk?"

Stonemason Gravi says in an exotic tone, "Do not question the great Bull!"

Stonemason Gravi clangs the bell before you furiously, his brow furrowed.

Stonemason Gravi puts his forefinger and middle finger to his lips as if in reverence, eyes flickering shut for a brief moment before speaking in a hushed voice. "The Great Bull bring blessings of the harvest upon you."

Hruan, Guardian of the Halls makes a horned-symbol with his gnarled claws at the name of the Bull. "Gereghond is the great Bull of hearth and home. Where the Bull walks, life blooms. When the Bull charges, war might be made. Blessings unto the Bull."

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