Contracts (skill)

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Arguably one of the more dangerous arts for mortal adventurers to countenance, the skill of Contracts allows the Oneiromancer to summon entities from the Astral Realm, a world of chaos over which Omei, the Imago holds sovereignty.

Practising this skill requires striking bargains and making deals with an esoteric cadre of beings known as the Astral Nobles. These Fae aristocrats are not to be trifled with; they are immensely powerful and extremely cunning, more than capable of ensnaring the unwary or careless Oneiromancer into giving far more than they receive in return. Be warned.

Skill Rank Percent Description
Address Inept 0 % Negotiate with the Astral Nobles.
Contracts Inept 0 % Consider your existing Astral contracts.
Sovereignty Inept 0 % The art of Astral command.
Corridor Apprentice 37 % A rainbow bridge to the Astral Realm.
Tiptoe Skilled 0 % The Astral may make itself less obtrusive.
Cord Mythical 31 % Knowledge of the silver cord.
Sylphid Inept 0 % Amsatha, the Astronomer.
Lamia Novice 0 % Hraqa Silvertongue.
Faunapod Apprentice 0 % Vog Springfoot.
Sphere Capable 0 % Dvovion, the Errant.
Helminth Capable 40 % Jomunth, the Ravenous.
Hippalectryon Adept 0 % Chelya of Garnets.
Sentinel Adept 50 % Ryb, the Indomitable.
Eye Skilled 0 % Ghel, the Beholder.
Blob Skilled 40 % Sha'ahanidhi Who Drinks Light.
Tegalid Gifted 0 % Nkdatha, the Ochreous Emissary.
Puppeteer Gifted 50 % Mar, the Magnate.
Snaretongue Expert 0 % Dart-tongued Ranna.
Quetzal Expert 50 % Yollotl, the Worldflower.
Mocker Virtuoso 0 % Cym of the Catacombs.
Mirrormask Virtuoso 45 % Inasea, the Mercurial.
Huntress Fabled 0 % Eudaimonia, the Slayer of Stars.
Bridge Fabled 45 % Diantha, Princess of the Dreaming Moon.
Cerberus Mythical 0 % Viskein, the Cerberus Breeder.
Moth Mythical 62 % Ecdysia, the Illuminator.
Maw Transcendent 0 % Calliope, the Harmonist.