
Revision as of 19:03, 20 September 2024 by Onu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SkillHeader}} {{SkillTableRow |Bowmanship |Inept |0 |Hunt with bow and arrow. }} {{SkillTableRow |Adhere |Capable |0 |Adhere resins to your arrows. }} {{SkillTableRow |Warni...")
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Skill Rank Percent Description
Bowmanship Inept 0 % Hunt with bow and arrow.
Adhere Capable 0 % Adhere resins to your arrows.
Warningshot Capable 50 % Threaten your foe with a warning shot.
Bowstance Adept 0 % Wield bows fluidly.
Fireshot Adept 50 % Ignite resins on a distant target.
Delivery Skilled 50 % Attach an item to your arrow.
Crossbows Gifted 50 % The hunter's weapon of choice.
Heavyshot Expert 33 % A dense projectile that can push enemies.
Scent Expert 66 % Seek out the scents of those nearby.
Hurling Virtuoso 1 % Hurl a glob of resin using a fire source.
Aiming Virtuoso 33 % Increase your accuracy in shooting.
Powershot Virtuoso 66 % Strike a target with a stunning shot.
Combust Fabled 0 % Instantly ignite resins in your presence.
Preysense Fabled 33 % Spot resins burning from a distance.
Precision Fabled 66 % Snipe your enemies from distant treetops.
Quickshot Mythical 33 % Fire off a shot with inhuman reflexes.
Masking Mythical 66 % Cloak your scent with a mixture of herbs.
Alacrity Transcendent 0 % Experience the true mastery of dexterity.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Traps Capable 0 % Discern the presence of traps in your location.
Clothesline Adept 0 % Thin rope that will slice your victim.
Darts Skilled 0 % Pierce your foe with twin poisonous darts.
Coat Skilled 0 % Coat your traps in resins or venoms.
Incendiary Gifted 0 % An explosive trap that ignites resins.
Disarming Expert 0 % Quickly take traps apart.
Smokescreen Expert 50 % Take cover beneath smoke when your foe arrives.
Horseshoe Expert 75 % A trap that stuns its victims with a head strike.
Noose Virtuoso 0 % Catch your prey in an entangling trap.
Catapult Virtuoso 50 % Send your victim flying across the area.
Alarm Fabled 0 % Put an alarm on a trap.
Spike Fabled 50 % A hidden spear beneath the earth.
Launcher Mythical 0 % A mechanism for spraying resin onto foes.
Entrapment Mythical 50 % Steer an opponent into one of your traps.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Resins Novice 0 % Prepare pitch by distilling plantlife and inks.
Pyrolum Apprentice 0 % An explosive resin that burns with flames.
Corsin Skilled 0 % A resin that hardens as it burns.
Trientia Gifted 0 % A dizzying resin that emits powerful fumes.
Harimel Expert 0 % A slow burning resin that clings to the skin.
Glauxe Virtuoso 0 % Blackout-inducing resin that releases a tarry smoke.
Badulem Fabled 0 % A poisonous resin that mixes with toxins.
Lysirine Mythical 0 % A resin that induces sluggish behaviour.