
Revision as of 19:14, 20 September 2024 by Onu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SkillHeader}} {{SkillTableRow |Wounds |Capable |0 |Determine if a limb has undergone trauma. }} {{SkillTableRow |Mindset |Capable |50 |Mind over matter. }} {{SkillTableRow |...")
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Skill Rank Percent Description
Wounds Capable 0 % Determine if a limb has undergone trauma.
Mindset Capable 50 % Mind over matter.
Fending Capable 75 % Fend off attacks on your limbs.
Sprint Adept 0 % Sprint as far as you can.
Endlink Adept 10 % Attach an ending link to your silver chain.
Flow Skilled 66 % Flow into successive quick strikes.
Haste Gifted 66 % Move with extraordinary haste through the land.
Wrath Expert 0 % None are safe from your wrath.
Disunion Expert 50 % Shatter the spirit into multiple.
Swagger Virtuoso 50 % Resist numbed muscles with an act of swagger.
Caeveir Virtuoso 75 % Perform and master the Caeveir kata.
Hackles Fabled 20 % Command your chains with a will of their own.
Respiration Fabled 60 % Deep breathing allows wounds to heal.
Welt Mythical 40 % Form a throbbing welt upon your opponent.
Rebuke Mythical 60 % Defend a limb from destruction.
Litheness Mythical 80 % Remain lithe when in a state of focus.
Blitz Transcendent 0 % They cannot strike what they cannot see.

Fist Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Pummel Inept 0 % Pummel an arm with one of your hands.
Palmforce Adept 33 % Force an opponent to the floor.
Clawtwist Gifted 33 % Form the claw to damage a harmed torso.
Dislocate Expert 75 % Dislocate an arm with a pop.
Twinpress Fabled 0 % Utilise two fingers to weaken the spirit.
Direblow Mythical 20 % A devastating blow with a rigid hand.

Foot Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Wanekick Adept 66 % A whip-like kick to the lower limbs.
Sunkick Skilled 33 % A whirling kick to the temple.
Risekick Virtuoso 0 % Rise up with a kick to the chest.
Heelrush Virtuoso 75 % Three consecutive kicks to break limbs.
Edgekick Fabled 80 % Thrust the edge of your foot into the throat.

Chain Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Anklepin Skilled 0 % Deliver a pinstrike to their ankle.
Jawcrack Gifted 0 % Aim for the jaw to make them stutter.
Descent Expert 25 % Allow gravity to let you strike their back.
Wristlash Virtuoso 25 % Lash your opponents wrists.
Rive Fabled 40 % Shred the flesh with your chain.
Uprise Mythical 0 % Flick your chain toward the head.
Whipburst Mythical 0 % A burst of flame with the tip of the chain.