Experimentation (skill)

Revision as of 01:27, 22 September 2024 by Tor (talk | contribs) (Tor moved page Experimentation to Experimentation (skill))
Skill Rank Percent Description
Extispicy Inept 0 % Study entrails to discern your target.
Ignition Inept 49 % A simple chemical reaction to inspire animalistic fear.
Obfuscation Novice 0 % Smoke from your conduit will make you harder to strike.
Dissolution Novice 50 % Sever the ties that bind Chaos entities to the Prime.
Gasmask Adept 0 % Transform remains into a protective gas mask.
Crutch Adept 33 % Utilise your conduit as a crutch.
Cognisance Gifted 25 % Outliers stick out like sore thumbs.
Disciplines Gifted 50 % Recall knowledge of your specialised studies.
Prognosis Expert 50 % Instill dread with the knowledge of future ailments.
Expeditions Fabled 0 % Arrange for expeditions to points of interest.
Lifevision Fabled 50 % The ability to see the life force of others.
Delegation Mythical 33 % Send another off to complete your expedition for you.
Hallucinogen Mythical 50 % So frail are mortal minds already; this substance may

not help.

Causality Transcendent 0 % Perfect the timing of cause and effect for precision

in science.

Experiment Abilities

Skill Rank Percent Description
Lacerating Apprentice 0 % A barbed and clawed experiment made for rending flesh.
Requesting Apprentice 0 % Request a particular experiment for your needs.
Transfusion Apprentice 50 % Lend your experiment some of your lifeblood.
Wailing Capable 50 % An experiment with a disconcerting habit.
Toxic Skilled 50 % Toxic secretions make for an effective attacker.
Preservation Skilled 75 % Safeguard your experiment from harm.
Articulation Gifted 0 % Make it speak as if it had thoughts.
Witness Gifted 0 % Witness that which your experiment sees.
Arachnidal Expert 0 % It's no Chiav, but the next best thing.
Interposition Virtuoso 0 % Your experiment will intercept blows against you.
Tumefactive Virtuoso 33 % Weighty tumours make for acceptable bludgeons.
Immolative Fabled 33 % Utilise Xoran features to induce fire.
Reconfiguration Mythical 0 % Reconfigure your experiment to suit your needs.

Compound Abilities

Skill Rank Percent Description
Compounds Capable 99 % Certain compounds when burnt can elicit harrowing effects.
Exposure Capable 0 % Expose your enemy to the effects of your deadly compounds.
Augmentation Capable 0 % Augment your conduit with additional compounds.
Exhilarant Capable 0 % Flare your synapses with an exhilarant of the mind.
Toxoid Adept 33 % Their sickness is your route to health.
Invigorant Skilled 0 % Just a whiff is all you need to continue your fight.
Caustic Skilled 25 % Erode the barriers that protect them.
Anticoagulant Gifted 75 % Their blood was already flowing; let it flow more.
Diagnostic Expert 25 % Some patients will insist on diagnosing themselves.
Anesthetic Expert 75 % A numbing agent, to counteract pain centres.
Inhibiting Virtuoso 66 % Motor functions are often the first to fail.
Intoxicant Fabled 66 % Overconfidence is the drunk's downfall.
Galvanic Mythical 66 % A dash of bottled lightning.