Terramancy (skill)

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The Earth requires great strength to control and master, and only a Terramancer posseses the necessary requisites to do so. The flail is the weapon of choice for a Terramancer, for it is one of the few weapons brutal enough to hew apart stone with a swing.

Skill Rank Percent Description
Formation Inept 0 % Call upon the Earth to grant you a deadly flail.
Absorb Novice 0 % Let the Earth ease all physical afflictions.
Stonebind Novice 50 % Embed your weapon into your body.
Surefooted Apprentice 0 % Travel with ease across the earth.
Entwine Apprentice 50 % Punish your foe for tactical missteps.
Stoneblast Capable 50 % Break through barriers with a rock blast.
Resonance Adept 0 % Regenerate your body upon the earth.
Footfeel Adept 33 % Sense movement within the earth.
Stonefury Adept 66 % Imbue your flail with the earth's force.
Grasp Skilled 0 % Knock your foe from the sky.
Rockshower Skilled 33 % Pelt your enemies with rocks.
Merge Skilled 66 % Merge with the earth.
Quake Gifted 0 % The earth will ripple and shake.
Erosion Gifted 25 % Imbue your flail with the desert's rage.
Runemark Gifted 50 % Etch ancient runes upon your flail.
Earthenpass Gifted 75 % Travel through the earth itself.
Chasm Expert 0 % Absorb your foe back into the earth.
Impale Expert 50 % Strike through your foe with a stalagmite.
Steady Expert 75 % Cleanse the earth of unnatural effects.
Ricochet Virtuoso 0 % Bounce your weapon off of theirs.
Stonevice Virtuoso 33 % Turn their innards to stone.
Tomb Virtuoso 90 % Let them rest deep within the earth.
Momentum Fabled 0 % Make every blow faster and more wicked.
Earthenwill Fabled 50 % Release your golem's potential.
Shockwave Mythical 20 % Unleash a resonant wave that cripples limbs.
Earthenmaw Mythical 40 % Churn the earth into a gaping maw of spikes.
Undeath Mythical 60 % Impart the gift of Undeath.
Earthenform Transcendent 0 % Embrace your true form, and become one of the Earthen.

Flail Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Batter Inept 0 % Assault your foe with a whirling flail.
Slam Capable 0 % Crush their limbs with a traumatic blow.
Facesmash Adept 33 % A blow to the face leaves them reeling.
Gutsmash Skilled 66 % Crush their innards with a forceful strike.
Fracture Expert 25 % Their limbs crumble beneath your blows.
Furor Virtuoso 50 % Batter your target and their limbs.
Overhand Virtuoso 66 % Bypass their defenses in a mighty blow.
Pulp Fabled 25 % Crush their chest as they lie bleeding.
Barrage Fabled 75 % A perpetual assault upon their body.
Skullbash Mythical 0 % Shatter their skull with your weapon.
Hammer Mythical 80 % Bury them beneath a cascade of stone.

Formation Call upon the Earth to grant you a deadly flail
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Creates an earthen flail, that you may use to crush your foes. Unlike flails formed of

metal, it will not be as durable and will possess inferior quality, however it can serve well in a pinch.

You can additionally petrify "a steel-banded club" item, turning it into a suitable stone war club.

Note: {{{note}}}

Absorb Let the Earth ease all physical afflictions
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Call upon the earth to cleanse yourself of a random affliction. Should you be standing

underground or in a flood of sand, then you will remove an extra affliction.

Note: {{{note}}}

Stonebind Embed your weapon into your body
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By binding your weapon in stone, its earthen properties will extend and envelop your arms

in a sheet of granite - both preventing you from being disarmed and allowing you to make use of it with a single crippled arm.

Note that although you will be able to attack with a single crippled arm, it will inflict a penalty on the speed of your flail attacks if you choose to do so.

Note: {{{note}}}

Surefooted Travel with ease across the earth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: The earth will now grant you passage, allowing you to move with increased celerity for a

limited time as long as you stand upon the ground.

Note: {{{note}}}

Entwine Punish your foe for tactical missteps
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Entwine your hands with earthen magic so that, when you parry an opponent's blow, you can

touch their weapon in response and fill it with the weight of the earth.

This weight will disarm your opponent if they cannot hold onto their weapon, otherwise there is a small chance it will cripple their arm under its weight.

Note: {{{note}}}

Stoneblast Break through barriers with a rock blast
Syntax: EARTH STONEBLAST <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Releasing a volley of stone fragments will allow you to shatter the aura of rebounding or

a magical shield upon your target. Should they be protected by neither, then you will strip a random defence instead at an increased balance cost.

Note: {{{note}}}

Resonance Regenerate your body upon the earth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Resonating with the might of the earth will grant you a bonus to your health and mana

regeneration, providing you remain upon the ground.

Note: {{{note}}}

Footfeel Sense movement within the earth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: As a master of the earth, it is a simple task to check for those enter into its embrace

through the vibrations in the rock. This ability will allow you to passively sense if an adventurer enters into the ground below through any means in your current area. You must be upon the ground to feel the vibrations.

Note: {{{note}}}

Stonefury Imbue your flail with the earth's force
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Imbue your flail with the fury of stone. This will cause your flail to deal increased

damage against your target, however as a trade off, your attacks will become somewhat slower.

You may only imbue your flail with one force at a time.

Note: {{{note}}}

Grasp Knock your foe from the sky
Syntax: EARTH GRASP <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Send forth a column of earth into the skies above you, dragging down a target of choice

who attempts to evade your grasp. This will throw them to the ground and knock them off balance if successful.

Note: {{{note}}}

Rockshower Pelt your enemies with rocks
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Providing you are within an earthen environment, this lesser manifestation of earthen

might will draw the sharp rocks from around you into a swarm above you, then drop them upon your unwilling enemies in the location.

You may perform this ability in the following earthen environments: Mountain, Hills, Desert, Natural underground, Constructed underground, Mines, Lifeless sands, Cavern, Crater, Canyon.

There is also a small chance one of the rocks will upset the balance of a person it strikes.

If you are indoors, then it will become harder to escape the swarm of rocks and the damage will be increased.

Note: {{{note}}}

Merge Merge with the earth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Merge into the earth, taking you below ground. While buried within the earth, you can

shift around to travel, and emerge again when ready.

When you emerge back to the surface, you will burst free from the ground and hurl rubble and stone at your enemies, dealing blunt damage to them.

Note: {{{note}}}

Quake The earth will ripple and shake
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: The earth will shake with your very presence, damaging anyone in your location who is

unlucky enough to have fallen upon the ground. This damage is further amplified by the amount body part damage inflicted upon the victim.

Note: {{{note}}}

Erosion Imbue your flail with the desert's rage
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By imbuing your flail with the force of the desert, each strike has half a chance to

increase the strength of your sandstorm in your location by one level. You can read AB DESICCATION SANDSTORM for more information.

You may only imbue your flail with one force at a time.

Note: {{{note}}}

Runemark Etch ancient runes upon your flail
Syntax: EARTH INSCRIBE <minor rune> UPON <major rune>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Major rune: 2 inks

Minor rune: 1 ink

You may now etch ancient runes upon yourself, granting you a number of bonuses. The first rune etched is known as the minor rune, and is etched upon a major rune. Depending on the colors used, a number of effects will occur.

--- MAJOR ---

RED: Improves limb damage by flails, reduces direct damage. BLUE: Stonefury damage increased and malus reduced, reduces limb damage. YELLOW: Erosion chance improved by 10% and doubles sandstorm growth. GREEN: Fracture now has a 50% chance to make the target fall. PURPLE: You may swap your minor rune with no equilibrium loss.

--- MINOR ---

RED: Fracture becomes faster and deals increased limb damage. YELLOW: Increases bleeding done from Teradrim abilities by 30%. BLUE: The chance for Ricochet to fade/end is decreased. GREEN: Gutsmash will cause the heartflutter affliction. PURPLE: You may swap your major rune with no equilibrium loss. GOLD: Your flail damage is dependent on intelligence, not strength.

For purple inks, the same syntax is used, but as long as the purple ink remains in the slot it was originally painted in no equilibrium loss will be incurred.

Note: {{{note}}}

Earthenpass Travel through the earth itself
Syntax: EARTH PASS <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: While buried within the earth, you may travel to your target anywhere on the continent

after a short delay. Should there be a monolith or should either of you stand in a non-earthen location, then the delay will become somewhat longer.

Earthen environments include: Mountains, hills, desert, natural underground, constructed underground, mines, lifeless sand, caverns, craters, and canyons.

Note: {{{note}}}

Chasm Absorb your foe back into the earth
Syntax: EARTH CHASM <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may draw upon the earth itself to devour your victim, slaying them instantly after a

channelled delay. While opening the chasm will require your full attention, there is a small chance that it will expand to an extra two enemies within your location, slaying them as well if the action is completed.

Note: {{{note}}}

Impale Strike through your foe with a stalagmite
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may draw upon the earth with your flail to provide a massive stalagmite, allowing you

to impale a prone target upon its end. You may withdraw the stalagmite to free them if you so choose.

Note: {{{note}}}

Steady Cleanse the earth of unnatural effects
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may purge the earth around you of unnatural effects, removing magically flooded water

or destroying a spiritual rite.

Note: {{{note}}}

Ricochet Bounce your weapon off of theirs
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may swing your weapon with such force and precision that parried blows will sometimes

bounce from your target's weapon, crippling a random limb and delivering a small stun to the unfortunate victim.

You have a chance to lose your concentration with each ricochet, causing the defence to fade.

Note: {{{note}}}

Stonevice Turn their innards to stone
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Should your victim remain impaled upon your stalagmite, you may cause the earth to

explode - shredding their gut and dealing both magical damage and asphyxiation damage at once.

The rock shrapnel will also inflict light and deep wounds upon their body, and cause trauma to their torso.

Note: {{{note}}}

Tomb Let them rest deep within the earth
Syntax: EARTH TOMB <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If there is an opponent buried within the earth below you, you can instruct the earth to

crush them of their breath and bones. This will deal significant damage and crack their ribs under the pressure.

Note: {{{note}}}

Momentum Make every blow faster and more wicked
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Increase your internal momentum, causing the next five flail attacks that you use to have

increased accuracy and less downtime due to balance loss. This does not cost equilibrium nor balance to activate and will expire if not used promptly.

Note: {{{note}}}

Earthenwill Release your golem's potential
Syntax: PREPARE EARTHENWILL [imprint action]
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Imbue your golem with the will to deliver a blow of choice against your target when you

next land a successful attack with your flail. If you do not select a choice of attack, then it will choose on its own.

This ability costs no equilibrium or balance to activate.

Cooldown (when triggered): 15 seconds

Note: {{{note}}}

Shockwave Unleash a resonant wave that cripples limbs
Syntax: EARTH SHOCKWAVE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may send a ripple through the earth itself, crippling any bruised limb on your

unfortunate foe, to a maximum of three, and knock them to the ground.

Should they lack levitation, then it will cripple three random limbs regardless of bruising state.

Note: {{{note}}}

Earthenmaw Churn the earth into a gaping maw of spikes
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Call upon the earth it open its maw wide, thrusting forth stalagmites of stone to impale

any enemy of yours in your location or adjacent that is prone.

If they remain impaled for more then five seconds and stand upon soft ground, then they will be dragged into the earth below. They will need to BURROW ABOVE in order to escape.

Note: {{{note}}}

Undeath Impart the gift of Undeath
Syntax: EARTH UNDEATH <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Through choice and voluntary sacrifice, one may shed the coils of mortality and embrace

the Gift given by the Earthen Father. What was left of the weak mortal body will be left behind, embraced into a new form helped to be shaped by the Earth itself. In making this choice, one will no longer visit Lord Dhar's realm through death, but rely upon the earth for reshaping.

The purification process must be done within the Ivoln's temple, before His shrine, where Earthcaller Khuzrol resides.

This skill requires you to be a part of the Apostle guild, or to be sanctioned by the guild, in order to successfully use.

Note: {{{note}}}

Earthenform Embrace your true form, and become one of the Earthen


Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may make a pact with the jailers of the sorcerer-kings of Azvosh, granting yourself

the strength of the Pillars of the Earth and rising to embrace a new, massive earthenform.

While in this state, you will receive the following bonuses:

* Increased strength.
* Increased constitution.
* Increased intelligence.
* Resistance to electrical damage.
* Can speak the Earthen language.
Note: {{{note}}}

Batter Assault your foe with a whirling flail
Syntax: EARTH BATTER <target> [body part]
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Grasping your flail, you may batter your foe in quick succession. If you so choose, you

may aim for a specific body part in the hopes of causing internal damage.

You may aim for the head, the torso, an arm, or a leg.

Note: {{{note}}}

Slam Crush their limbs with a traumatic blow
Syntax: EARTH SLAM <target> <LEFT/RIGHT> <ARM/LEG>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By whirling your weapon in a wide arc, you can batter your target's limbs with a powerful

blow - causing limb damage and inflicting surface trauma in the form of bruises.

Note: {{{note}}}

Facesmash A blow to the face leaves them reeling
Syntax: EARTH FACESMASH <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: A heavy blow to the head with your flail will both cause vicious damage to your victim

and inflict surface trauma in the form of bruises.

Note: {{{note}}}

Gutsmash Crush their innards with a forceful strike
Syntax: EARTH GUTSMASH <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This mighty blow to the torso with your flail will not only harm your foe, but inflict

trauma in form of bruises in the process.

Note: {{{note}}}

Fracture Their limbs crumble beneath your blows
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This powerful swing from your flail will crack an opponent's limb, dealing trauma to it.

Should the limb be suffering from bruising, then the blow will cause bonus limb damage depending on the severity, and will additionally cripple it.

Note: {{{note}}}

Furor Batter your target and their limbs
Syntax: EARTH FUROR <target> <body part> <body part>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: In a moment of furor, bring your flail crashing down upon an opponent twice, attacking

two body parts of your choice and dealing damage to them. You may not target the same body part twice.

You can only target the arms or legs with this ability. For example, you could target the left leg and right arm.

Note: {{{note}}}

Overhand Bypass their defenses in a mighty blow
Syntax: EARTH OVERHAND <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may position your flail strike to bypass your target's aura of rebounding, knocking

them to the ground and stripping their levitation defence in the process.

Note: {{{note}}}

Pulp Crush their chest as they lie bleeding
Syntax: EARTH PULP <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This powerful strike to the torso will only connect to a prone target, dealing heavy

damage and crushing their chest. This will collapse their lung in the process, making it difficult to escape and cause harm when smoking a pipe until it is cured.

Note: {{{note}}}

Barrage A perpetual assault upon their body
Syntax: EARTH BARRAGE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: A slow but powerful barrage upon your foe. This will strike your opponent three times

with your flail, battering random limbs in a chaotic fashion, although each landed hit will be slightly weaker. It will not strike the same limb more than once.

Additionally, there is one-in-two chance that each blow will cause surface trauma to your opponent's limb, forming a bruise where your flail struck.

Note: {{{note}}}

Skullbash Shatter their skull with your weapon
Syntax: EARTH SKULLBASH <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This slow but powerful blow to the head will not only damage the skull, but deal an

increasing number of mental afflictions dependent on the bruising caused to the head. Each effect is cumulative.

No bruising: Amnesia. Minor bruising: Whiplash. Moderate bruising: Indifference. Severe bruising: Smashed throat.

Note: {{{note}}}

Hammer Bury them beneath a cascade of stone
Syntax: EARTH HAMMER <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Generate a massive cascade of stone to form an earthen maul, bringing it down upon your

victim in an attempt to end their life. Your victim must possess at least three body parts with moderate bruising or more to be successful, otherwise it will have little effect.

Note: {{{note}}}