Enlightenment (skill)

Skill Rank Percent Description
Quietude Inept 0 % Take the first step.
Constrain Inept 0 % Return to material discord.
Solemnity Adept 0 % Find solemnity with the second step.
Serenity Expert 33 % Embrace inner peace as the third step.
Erudition Fabled 25 % Find fleeting perfection.
Affirm Mythical 80 % Throw wide the gates of your soul.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Enroot Novice 0 % Stand as implacable as the oak.
Project Apprentice 0 % Stand tall against obscurity.
Wayfind Capable 0 % Guide yourself to the unenlightened.
Finality Capable 50 % An inevitable end.
Introspection Adept 50 % Uncover that which constrains you.
Ensnarl Adept 50 % Draw someone to your location.
Espy Skilled 0 % Look upon the physical world through your oneness.
Transpiration Skilled 50 % Take on earthly burdens.
Skywalk Gifted 0 % Transcend weight and physical constraint.
Shelter Gifted 33 % Obfuscate your energy in spiritual shade.
Impel Gifted 66 % Reach through the window of someone's heart.
Staunch Expert 0 % Mind over matter.
Withstand Expert 66 % Bend as willows do.
Infirmity Virtuoso 0 % Weaken their physical form through chakral manipulation.
Architect Virtuoso 25 % To see is to believe.
Furrow Virtuoso 50 % Forge a mental channel betwixt you and another.
Disorder Virtuoso 75 % Encourage disorder within a foe's spiritual harmony.
Lucidity Fabled 0 % Bring astral clarity to your chakra.
Cogitation Fabled 50 % Enter a state of deep meditation.
Upheaval Fabled 75 % Upset another's spiritual well-being.
Synergism Mythical 0 % Join body and mind in harmony.
Resile Mythical 20 % Compel an instinctive return.
Turmoil Mythical 40 % Damage someone's chakral flow.
Transcend Mythical 60 % Guide someone towards universal oneness.
Zephyr Mythical 61 % Scatter upon the four winds.
Retrospection Transcendent 0 % Restore your well-being.