
Skill Rank Percent Description
Rouse Inept 0 % No time for sleep.
Tempo Inept 0 % Thrust forward with steel.
Flair Inept 49 % Add a little extra flair.
Tackle Capable 0 % Tackle another to the ground.
Charisma Capable 50 % Exert your charming charisma.
Pierce Adept 0 % Pierce through their defences.
Seduce Adept 50 % An act of seduction on another.
Tolerance Skilled 0 % Legends will speak of your tolerance.
Mimicry Skilled 33 % Speak as though you are another.
Tumbling Skilled 66 % Tumble past obstructions.
Guilt Gifted 0 % Guilt your enemies into mercy.
Bootstrap Gifted 66 % Borrow a horse for a brief moment.
Crackshot Expert 0 % A small pellet that packs sound.
Whistle Expert 25 % Draw intrigue to your location.
Frugality Expert 50 % The frugal life is the only life for me.
Equipoise Expert 75 % Concentration and poise.
Needle Virtuoso 0 % Throw a vicious needle with venom.
Unwind Virtuoso 25 % Relax and enjoy the local tavern.
Rhythm Virtuoso 50 % Sway and dance with the blade.
Deflect Virtuoso 75 % Deflect an attack intended for you.
Quip Fabled 0 % Unleash a nasty quip about their mother.
Harry Fabled 20 % Chase after your opponent.
Stretching Fabled 40 % Loosen your limbs against attack.
Bilingual Fabled 60 % Speak in a second language.
Sock Fabled 80 % Throw hands with your fist.
Hiltblow Mythical 0 % The hilt can be just as effective.
Bravado Mythical 20 % Spurn injury and proclaim your mettle.
Gossipmonger Mythical 40 % You know all the secrets.
Reprisal Mythical 60 % An eye for an eye.
Mundane Mythical 80 % Blend in with the mundane population.
Cadence Transcendent 0 % Glitz your foe with a baleful blow.