Skill Rank Percent Description
Clotting Apprentice 0 % Control the flow of your blood.
Envenom Adept 50 % Apply deadly venoms to your blades.
Sturdiness Skilled 0 % Stand firm against attempts to move you.
Juxtapose Skilled 30 % Juxtapose your shade upon an ally.
Rage Skilled 60 % None can quench your fervor.
Rotcull Gifted 0 % Heighten your reflexes to prevent rot harm.
Bruising Gifted 33 % Bludgeon them into submission with your blunted weaponry.
MainGauche Expert 12 % Counterattack with your off-hand short blade.
Anguish Expert 66 % Launch a shadow to induce anguish.
Blocking Virtuoso 0 % Prevent movement in certain directions.
Separate Virtuoso 25 % Split them off to finish them alone.
Mastery Virtuoso 33 % Stand as a weaponmaster with your armament of choice.
Doubletarget Fabled 0 % Direct your fury at two limbs.
Circle Mythical 0 % Close in as they flee.

Weaponry Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Rive Inept 0 % Use the wraith's standard armaments.
Raze Capable 0 % Raze the defences of your opponent.
Fell Gifted 0 % The martial style of the Trolls.
Duplicity Gifted 50 % Twinned ferocity.
Umbrage Gifted 83 % An ethereal dance of death.
Initiate Expert 37 % Initiate your foe from nearby.
Gouge Virtuoso 33 % Ruin their fragile flesh.
Deceive Virtuoso 50 % Feint and strike in one flowing action.
Eclipse Virtuoso 75 % Overshadow and extinguish your foe.
Harrow Fabled 33 % Attack without restraint.
Transpierce Fabled 66 % Pin your opponent down like a butterfly.
Hemoclysm Mythical 23 % There will be blood.
Jumpcut Mythical 50 % Step through shadow and attack from nearby.
Harvest Mythical 50 % Zigzag through them, leaving pain and shadow in your wake.
Extirpate Transcendent 0 % Ultimate suffering by the blade.