The Essence of Corruption

No sooner had the last fires died down over the saved city of Ashtan than the Goddess Chakrasul struck once more. Yet this time, Her attack did not come in the form of armies marching upon the land. No military force was unleashed to do Her twisted will. Instead, the very skies burst open, and a noxious rain fell upon the land. As the water hit the ground, it crystallized into the essence of corruption.

Outraged, the Goddess of Hope, Lleis, quickly reacted. She infused the Temporium within Her temple with additional powers, allowing the essence to stall before re-forming once more. Yet still, the green crystals flickered within the world, giving great unease to all wary of Corruption. That is, until a quiet Shallamese curator named Ogma found within the depths of the museum's archives a reference to some method that might help to destroy this essence permanently.

A great party of Shallam's devout began their search, which ended in success when within the beautiful park in the midst of Shallam, they unearthed a strange pool. Its ability to destroy corruption's essence was soon proven, as crystal after crystal disappeared within the pool's pure depths.

While the origin of the pool remains a mystery to ponder, some documents found in the archives hint that it may well have been an ancient artifact of power, created to combat Corruption in some form. If this does prove to be the case, the last Bastion of Light in the Midnight age may have gained a great weapon that day. But for now, all rest easy knowing that at least this attack of Corruption has been stemmed.