Luminaries (Guild)

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The Luminaries

                        [GUILD LEADERS]
                  Guildmaster: Kylana
                Divine Patron: Auresae, Goddess of Fire
                  Secretaries: Jaelyn, Macian, Almeri, and Mari
                  Flamewright: Mari

As the mighty phoenix rises from death, so have the warriors of Light risen from the mire of apathy and corruption. It is the Luminaries who have been chosen by the Light to carry the enduring torch to reveal every shadowed corridor and brighten every darkened hall.

The guild of the Luminaries was formed shortly after the disbanding of the Priesthood and was inspired by the revelation gifted by Light to Sahmie Rhashye. Following the precepts of foresight, fortitude, and faith, the guild looks toward the future to guide their actions today.

Practicing the celestial skills of spirituality and devotion, the Luminary also wield the ancient magic that is a combination of fire and light. This extraordinary ability is called Illumination.

While members of the guild are powerful fighters, they are equally dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom and the imparting of wisdom to novices. The guild believes it is through the witness of their daily lives and the debate of their beliefs that the Luminary will win deciding victories over the dark. Also, the maintenance of their inspiration - the Great Spark - is an essential duty to all guild members.

Located in Enorian, the Luminaries are loyal citizens of the Beacon of Light and fierce protectors of her sovereign ground. Those seeking admittance into their ranks should first consult the scroll entitled HELP GUILDNOVICES LUMINARIES.