
Revision as of 19:09, 31 January 2017 by Keroc (talk | contribs)
Class Navigator By Alignment - Note: Class alignment isn't always the same as the guild that teaches that class.
Shadow Neutral Spirit
CabalistIcon.png[Cabalist] CarnifexIcon.png[Carnifex] IndoraniIcon.png[Indorani] MonkIcon.png[Monk] ShapeshifterIcon.png[Shapeshifter] SyssinIcon.png[Syssin] AscendrilIcon.png[Ascendril] LuminaryIcon.png[Luminary] SentinelIcon.png[Sentinel]
PraenomenIcon.png[Praenomen] SciomancerIcon.png[Sciomancer] TeradrimIcon.png[Teradrim] WayfarerIcon.png[Wayfarer] ShamanIcon.png[Shaman] TemplarIcon.png[Templar] ZealotIcon.png[Zealot]

{{ClassNavigator}} takes no arguments, and is to be placed at the bottom of class-related pages, providing easy access to all class-oriented articles.