Oh. Um.. Hi. I'm Haydyn. Don't look at anything of mine too closely. And if it's broken, I didn't do it and I probably won't know how to fix it. Trying to get this talk page figured out, but haven't as of right now. When it works, I've obviously figured it out.

What I Do

  1. Try not to break anything.
  2. "Edit" other people's pages to see how they got their formatting done then cancel out of the edit before I break anything.
  3. Make baby changes and "Preview" before ever saving the first time.
  4. The occasional edit/update to the crafting/talent pages. My addiction.

Who I Am

A Wiki-newb that has aspirations of greatness. No, not really. I'm just here to sate my need to make something pretty.

Extra Stuff

User:Haydyn/sig <- In production mode

To Do

  • Create the missing Talent pages.
  • Learn Wiki editing and formatting.