Yanai, the Evergiving Earth is also known to many as She Who Gives Breath, and Her domain runs through every granule of soil and sand that makes up Creation's wild domain. She walks in all things natural and filled with life, from the grains of the desert to the damp earth of the forests to to all the buds and birds and beasts the world over.

Her followers emphasise the need for those within Her domain to be nurtured, grow, succeed and remain within the world, lest it be worn down as crumbling mountains of unmoving and stagnant stone. Though She can take many forms, She most often appears to mortals as a slender humanoid figure carrying shades of warm sunlight in Her eyes.

Those born under the influence of the Evergiving are rumoured to be imbued with an innate zeal for Her gift, leading many of Her followers to take up a singular vocation: focused solely on ensuring the safety of the life around them. Yanai is known to spend Her time bringing about new species of flora and fauna with but a simple song, ensuring the variety of plants and animals can continue to grow and evolve over time under Her everlasting gaze.

She is also known to task Herself with ensuring the continued survival of those that yet breathe, whether they be of Her make or otherwise, leading to Her travelling the land in circuits.

Yanai is symbolised by a white fox superimposed over a redwood tree, for which She is most well known to have created and favours.