Iernian Fracture

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The Iernian Fracture
Terrain typesChaos.
Approx. size70 rooms
WeatherInhospitable. The sky bleeds fire and the entire Fracture is suspended over the burning depths of the ley.
Various forms of eld.
A nexus of destructive powers formed from the uncontrolled collapse of a major leyline nexus under the Putoran Hills.

The Iernian Fracture is an unstable list of leyline nexus beneath the Putoran Hills. It is extremely inhospitable, home to many insane eld, and offers a highly effective source of ylem for those willing to brave the dangers of the environment and fellow ylem hunters.


Early in 360 MA, the Ascendril guildhall within a subterranean Naldereth facility collapsed into the leylines as a result of several past experiments in harnessing leyline energy, taking a large portion of the interior of the hills with it. In an effort to stem the damage of the collapse, and with the insistent aid of Veid and Isomann, Xavin placed several Delve-built 'stabilizers' within the rock of the hill surface. As the Fracture 'settled' from the initial collapse, these stabilizers began to conduct the radiant ylem as conduits, and now offer instant transport into the heart of the ruptured nexus.