The Fall of House Montaganet

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Camilla Prietta, sick of her overbearing mother-in-law, finally could not take it anymore. In a fit of anger, she consulted The Prophet, Averroes for a solution to her problem. The Prophet, in his infinite wisdom, told her that for a price, and one she was not willing to pay, she could have her wishes come true. Naive to the nature of such portents, she pressed on and learned that the lich of Bloodloch, Amairgen, could assist her.

Receiving a favourable letter from the lich, Camilla set out to talk to Amairgen in her tomb in the depths of Bloodloch. She learned that for a favor that would be repaid later, she could have her wishes. She returned to Shallam to ponder the decision and in a month's time she travelled to Bloodloch to agree to the arrangement.

Amairgen was pleased with Camilla's decision, for she saw in it a way to obtain power for Bloodloch, a power that was extremely dark. She set out to find warriors who would obtain the body of the Dowager, and quickly she was referred to Count Xon Dhenar, who could assist her greatly. The Count amassed a force to sneak into Ashtan and kill the noblewoman within her own home.

But the Dowager was not without help herself. Xanithe and Oceania, along with some of the Archons of Ashtan, alerted her that something was amiss. She sensed an imbalance in her powers and her ability to control even her undead servants. She asked them to bring to her a small vanguard to protect her and her house.

When the assassins moved into the estate, the Dowager alerted her guards and attempted to summon her undead entourage, only to learn they were now under the power of Amairgen. Quickly, the group led by Xon and consisting of Bilexius, Koujin, and Gesiah, dispatched the guards and scared off the defenders, led by Xanithe and Belgarion and composed of Yeshia, Esper and Methuselah. With a fierce attack, Gesiah killed the Dowager and the party moved to drop the body off at the predetermined point.

But Artifice was not absent; Procurio, who obtained the body, told the Dowager's bodyguards that he would resurrect her. She would be prepared superbly and they would only have to wait to see her again. But, long having suffered under the reign of her terror, Chef Procurio had been in league also with Amairgen.

Invitations were sent out for the grand reappearance of the Dowager Montaganet and on the 15th of Midautumn, 73, a party was held at the Dowager Estate like no other seen. Citizens of cities far and wide were seen and the participants feasted on wine and potroast.

But since Artifice is never boring, it was a succulent (though stringy, by some standards) roast made of the Dowager herself! When the plot was revealed, the guests stood aghast at what had happened and resolved to kill all involved.

The disgusted dinner party moved through Bloodloch, killing first Amairgen and then the rest of the guards they could find. Oddly, as if they were under some spell, the guards did not attack them upon entering. Though they could not find the chef himself, they vowed to kill him as well. Belgarion seemed particularly fueled at this endeavour, suffering mental anguish from failing the Dowager.

What of Camilla? She still needed to pay back the lich for her services and when she went to visit, Amairgen wished to possess the hair and scalp of the Lady Prietta. Hideously ugly and scalpless, Camilla fled from Bloodloch to hide in the hills until she knew what to do.

When night came, she moved into Shallam to speak with her beloved. Rudolpho, having heard that Camilla plotted to kill his mother, and disgusted by her new hairstyle, spurned her. Camilla fled back into the hills, where she hides still.

Does the plot end here? It is unknown. Amairgen has now two bottles as reminders of the plots she led. What power can she derive from them? And what of Rudolpho? Where will his life take him now? And where was the Chef Procurio gone to?

Only Varian knows...