Ashtan, once known as the Merchant City of Sapience, is now no longer the bustling and vibrant settlement it was sculpted to be. Settled amidst the sprawling oceans, the city's three isles, the Isles of Tides, Dusk and Trees have now fallen under the occupation of the Drakkenmont Empire and further razed into smoking ruins by the various dragons of old: the mighty Iraneth, Quoloth, Bazzalth, Naloth and Verioth.
Led to victory by Polemarch Andalso and Marzpawns Ishixan and Zorusthi, the Dreikathian armies of Ursal swordsmen have stationed themselves within their conquered city and have started setting up camp, proceeding to the task of harvesting ylem.
The Dreikathian Outpost, as it is now known, is a buzzing military encampment, the grounds tightly patrolled by guards and peppered with newly set-up supply yards, barracks and watchstations on the Isles of Dusk and Trees. Circling the Isle of Tides, however, is an ongoing construction of a tall wall, each section in various stages of completion.
The red and gold flag of the Drakkenmont Empire flies proudly above the conquered city, a final but stark insult to the vanquished City of Ashtan.
Ashtan was built during the First Mortal Epoch, after Lleis challenged Her siblings to build cities for mortals to live within. It was Iosyne, the Muse, that designed and constructed the city of Ashtan as a place for mortals to learn more about art and beauty.
Ruined Landmarks
The Ashtan Colosseum was a historic monument within Ashtan, as it was the first arena to be built outside of Delos.
The citizens of Ashtan worked hard for many years, putting together what funds they could so that the Colosseum could be built. After the funding requirements were reached came the task of making a design for the Arena which was to be centered within an ancient ruined temple and the jungle area surrounding it. Many citizens helped with plotting and creating the area around the temple without destroying the area's natural beauty and landmarks. The Ashtan Colosseum being built around an ancient temple was largely a testament to the gods, with the lake within it being named after the city's patron at the time, Lady Khepri, the Goddess of Mischief.