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== Marks ==
{{SkillTableRow |Duskosa |Inept |0 |The mark of shared suffering. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Duskosa |Inept |0 |The mark of shared suffering. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Nalay |Novice |50 |Absence of shadow to see by. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Nalay |Novice |50 |Absence of shadow to see by. }}
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{{SkillTableRow |Wilave |Mythical |25 |Rivers of blood from sources of pain. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Wilave |Mythical |25 |Rivers of blood from sources of pain. }}
|skill = Actuate
|description = Charge your weapons with the power of shadow
|syntax = ACTUATE <weapon/LEFT/RIGHT> WITH <mark>
|detail = Mark your weapons with different empowered marks, causing different effects when an enemy
is successfully hit with them.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Annul
|description = Purge a shadow effect from your weapon
|syntax = ANNUL <weapon/LEFT/RIGHT>
|detail = Remove all marks placed upon your weapon.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Reaping
|description = Glean power from your strikes
|syntax =
|detail = This ability is mostly passive.
Supplementary syntax: BLADE CHARGE <weapon|LEFT|RIGHT>
Each time you strike your foe, your blade will accumulate shadow essence from them. This essence
may be released for other effects with other abilities.
The amount of essence gained depends on the base penetration stat of your weapon, higher meaning
more essence.
This power will decay over time, and should you unwield your weapons or strike a new target, the
essence will become unattuned and vanish.
The above syntax will allow you to gauge the rough numerical quantity of essence in your blades.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Lawid
|description = Strike a foe with magical force
|syntax = BLADE SCRIBE [<weapon/LEFT/RIGHT>] LAWID
|detail =        "lawid" (noun, adjective) - magic
Release the stored essence to strike your foes with magical energy.
- One handed weapons will deal less damage, but are thin enough to cause bleeding.
- Two handed weapons will deal more damage and damage your enemy's torso.
If your weapon is below a certain amount of essence, the damage will be halved.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Owinta
|description = An explosion to make ashes of them all
|detail =        "owinta" (noun, verb) - explosion, to explode
Consume your blade's essence to cause an explosion of energy, damaging your opponent with fire
damage and setting them ablaze. More essence, more boom.
* One-handed weapons will deal half the damage of two-handed ones.
* Two-handed weapons will also produce a roaring sound that strips deafness.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Telvi
|description = Chill your foe to the bone
|syntax = BLADE SCRIBE [<weapon/LEFT/RIGHT>] TELVI
|detail =        "telvi" (noun, adjective) - cold, north, northern
Exchange the essence in your blade to consume heat, chilling or freezing your opponent.
- One handed weapons will freeze them by one level.
- Two handed weapons will freeze them by two levels. Their feet will also be frozen to the ground,
based upon essence expended.
If your essence is insufficient, the ability will not work.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Iyedlo
|description = Cut through like butter
|detail =        "iyedlo" (verb) - move smoothly, flow, drift
Convert the essence within your weapon to pierce through the air and any resistance it might meet.
This will allow you to recover balance more quickly when using the Duplicity and Fell abilities.
Please see either AB RIVING DUPLICITY or AB RIVING FELL for more information on those abilities.
You must have enough charge within your weapons in order to use this ability, and will fully drain
all charge from any weapons in your hands.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Aneda
|description = A bolt of shadow to rend the skies
|syntax = BLADE SCRIBE [<weapon/LEFT/RIGHT>] ANEDA
|detail =        "aneda" (noun) - cloud
Provided you and your enemy are not indoors, this ability will expend shadow essence to attract a
lightning bolt for them, after a delay. They will enjoy a blast of electricity.
If you are using a one-handed weapon:
  * You or the target will need to not be indoors.
  * If the essence is over 90, it will cause epilepsy when it strikes.
  * The damage will be halved.
If you are using a two-handed weapon:
  * You or the target can be indoors.
  * It will always cause epilepsy.
  * If they have epilepsy already, it will upset their balance instead.
The less essence, the slower the bolt will find them.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Cull
|description = Swift extinction
|syntax = CULL <target>
|detail = An enemy suffering from disrupted mental and physical balance, with body crippled,
paralysed... is not an enemy. They are no longer anything, and should be culled.
Provided those requirements are met, the death will be immediate.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Atdum
|description = A lance of swift shadow
|syntax = BLADE SCRIBE [<weapon/LEFT/RIGHT>] ATDUM
|detail =        "atdum" (noun) - shadow
Sacrifice your essence to strike your target with pure shadow. No damage will be inflicted, but the
shadow will bring any effects or venoms to your enemy regardless.
You must have sufficient essence to use this, and it will consume all essence available.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Lurk
|description = Let shadow lie in wait
|syntax = LURK <target>
|detail = Mark a target for shadow, signifying their weakness. Should a single instance of damage
where an extra 50%  would result in their death, then shadow will finish the job. There will be no
corpse remaining.
|cooldown = 60 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ingather
|description = Shadow is sourced from all around
|syntax = INGATHER [ON/OFF]
|detail = Offer yourself to attract shadow. For a drain on your willpower, your shadow essence will
fade half as quickly, supplemented by the shadow you trade mind for.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Duskosa
|description = The mark of shared suffering
|syntax =
|detail =        "dusko" (noun, verb) - hurt, harm, injure, injury, wound
        "sa" (noun, plural suffix) - two, pair, both
This is an actuated effect.
Mark your blade to damage both your enemy and yourself for a percentage of their current health as
shadow damage.
This can affect denizens, however it cannot score critical hits.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Nalay
|description = Absence of shadow to see by
|syntax =
|detail = "nalay" (noun, verb) - flame, to enflame, to light
This is an actuated effect.
Drain the shadows from the room, creating a sort of light, for a limited time.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Bimre
|description = Shake them to their core
|syntax =
|detail = "bimre" (noun) - fear
This is an actuated effect.
This mark is the beginning for something greater. Other marks require bimre to be upon your target
to work.
Only one Revenant may mark a target at a time.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Dirne
|description = Break their focus
|syntax =
|detail =        "dirne" (noun, verb, adj.) - break, broken, crack, disrupt
This is an actuated effect.
A mark to disrupt the balances of those struck.
First goes their body, making it harder to writhe from entanglement.
Second goes their mind, making it more difficult to focus.
This mark requires Bimre to be set on your target.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Azu
|description = Cut them down to size
|syntax =
|detail = "azu" (noun, verb) - sever, cut
This is an actuated effect, which will wear off over time if left uncured.
The first strike will cripple their legs, preventing escape.
The second strike will cripple their body, reducing their damage output by half.
This mark requires Bimre to be set on your target.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Livfa
|description = The overseer's mark
|syntax =
|detail = "livfa" (verb) - oversee, supervise, watch over
This is an actuated effect.
This mark draws attention. For a period of time, those struck will be unable to become invisible,
hide, or even become incorporeal.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Lura
|description = The crushing mark
|syntax =
|detail = "lura" (verb) - crush, smash
This is an actuated effect.
Crush them.
This mark, proportional to the base damage stat of your weapon, will increase damage to your
opponent's limbs.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Baludu
|description = Numb their limbs when you strike
|syntax =
|detail =        "balu" (noun, verb) - feeling, feel, perceive
        "du" (noun, particle) - not, opposite, none
This is an actuated effect.
This mark will obstruct signals in the limbs of those struck, numbing them. If the opposite limb is
crippled, the numbed limb will act as though it is crippled as well. Otherwise, it is but an
The only valid limbs in this scenario are arms and legs, not pseudopods or tentacles.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Nipdo
|description = A mark to attack thought and magic
|syntax =
|detail = "nipdo" (noun, verb) - think, thought, ponder, consider, mind, brain
This is an actuated effect.
With this mark you may feed the mana of those struck to shadow.
If your foe should bear the mark Bimre, the feeding will be greater.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Doyfo
|description = A mark of connection
|syntax =
|detail = "doyfo" (noun, verb) - bridge, connection, attach, connect
This is an actuated effect.
Leave a bit of yourself with your foe via this mark, similar to your shade, but with malicious
One marked so will be free of equilibrium and balance to perform the following upon: Diagnose,
Wounds, Gauge, Assess
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Atele
|description = A dread omen to torment them
|syntax =
|detail =        "atele" (noun, adj.) - sign, portent, omen, ominous, dire
This is an actuated effect.
Dread. Anticipation with fear.
Once set upon your foe, they have a doom set upon them, ready to burst outwards and attack their
mind after 30 seconds. This effect can be triggered early by knocking your opponent to the ground.
Other marks will combine effects to the impending burst by striking them with it before it triggers.
The following may be added:
Atele, Adil, Vusbadu, Nipdo, Doyfo, and Livfa.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Adil
|description = Stun them so ferociously they see stars
|syntax =
|detail = "adil" (noun) - star
This is an actuated effect.
A burst of shadow to stun them. Simple. Effective.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Wasi
|description = Sunder rebounding auras
|syntax =
|detail = "wasi" (noun, verb) - flaw, imperfection, mistake, to damage, to make a mistake
This is an actuated effect.
This mark will consume the rebounding aura defence of your foe.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Vusbadu
|description = Annihilate your foe's defences
|syntax =
|detail = "vusba" (noun, verb) - protection, shelter, to protect, to guard
"du" (noun, particle) - not, opposite, none
This is an actuated effect.
This mark will consume a defence from your opponent that did not originate from themselves.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Wilave
|description = Rivers of blood from sources of pain
|syntax =
|detail = "wilave" (noun) - river
This is an actuated effect.
If your foe bleeds, this mark will draw more from them, both in pain and blood. Blood calls to
The more they bleed, the more poison damage they will take, and the more bleeding will be added.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =


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