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Skill Rank Percent Description
Handtrailing Inept 0 % Trailing light from your hand.
Tearing Inept 0 % Strike at their essence.
Glimmer Capable 0 % Distracting your opponent with light.
Sheath Capable 50 % Sheathe yourself against harm.
Image Adept 0 % Create a lifelike mirror image.
Scatter Adept 33 % Scatter woven light into nothing.
Nullstone Adept 66 % Weave together a destructive stone.
Soundblast Skilled 0 % Create a blast of sound with a clap.
Signage Skilled 33 % Use starry light to form words.
Facsimile Skilled 66 % Recreations of everyday objects.
Globes Gifted 0 % Illusionary globes to encircle your foe.
Patchwork Gifted 33 % Restore the well-being of an ally.
Aurora Gifted 66 % Empower your sorcery against others.
Horologe Expert 0 % Detonate and remove protective auras.
Swindle Expert 33 % Steal a defence for yourself.
Goblet Expert 66 % Weave a goblet of ebony blight.
Starfall Virtuoso 0 % Bring down terror from above.
Barbs Virtuoso 25 % Sharp barbs that draw upon mana.
Onyx Virtuoso 50 % Utilisation of the onyx stone.
Boundary Virtuoso 75 % Mark the location with a boundary of light.
Headstitch Fabled 0 % Detach their magical sources.
Anelace Fabled 20 % A small blade to inject hollow emotion.
Polarity Fabled 40 % Draw another into your grasp.
Impetus Fabled 60 % Death follows the black star.
Effigy Fabled 80 % Link your opponent with an effigy.
Runeband Mythical 0 % Glimmering band of encircling runes.
Thurible Mythical 20 % Choke your opponent with billowing smoke.
Bladestorm Mythical 40 % Conjure terrifying daggers.
Talisman Mythical 60 % A trusted source of luck.
Ironcollar Mythical 80 % Woven iron to choke the throat.
Heartcage Transcendent 0 % Bind their heart in a locket.