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Many years ago, a sect of powerful enchanters called the Ankyrean Order discovered a secret power that, among other things, allowed them to create items imbued with magical properties of mythical potency. But the Ankyri grew haughty and jealous, and denied others the use of their powerful creations. Soon, some would say inevitably, the Ankyri were destroyed by their lust for power.

Of the Ankyri only one survives today, Qeddwyn the Wise. After the destruction of his order, he collected the stores of powerful weapons and other items imbued with the secret power of the Ankyri, and now makes them available to any who have the desire and the means to acquire an Ankyrean artifact. As an Ankyri himself, Qeddwyn also possesses the arcane secrets of imbuing Ankyrean artifacts with additional powers.

Qeddwyn's shop can be found in the neutral city of Delos. There, Ankyrean artifacts can be examined up close before buying.

Qeddwyn can also imbue your purchased artifacts with additional artifact powers. In this way one could own, for example, a robe that reduces mana usage like robes of the magi AND that eliminates the need for food and sleep like a bracelet of sustenance. The possibilities are virtually limitless.

Some powers may only be added to weapons, and others may only be added to wearable artifacts (robes, rings, collars, etc.) To see the powers with which Qeddwyn can imbue your artifacts:






To learn more about a specific artifact power,


Qeddwyn's price for adding a power to one of your artifacts is as listed, with these exceptions: If you are upgrading an artifact power (for example, from level 2 magic damage bonus to level 3), the full cost of the old power will be subtracted from the price. If this is confusing, don't worry. You can simply ask Qeddwyn how much a proposed artifact power would cost:

 ASK QEDDWYN ABOUT <power> FOR <artifact>


 ASK QEDDWYN ABOUT <power> FOR <artifact> LEVEL <new level>

So if you wanted to inquire about the cost of adding the asp power to your artifact rapier, you would ASK QEDDWYN ABOUT ASP FOR RAPIER. If you wanted to inquire about adding level three magic damage bonus to your artifact robe, you would ASK QEDDWYN ABOUT MAGIC_POTENCE FOR ROBE LEVEL 3.

Finally, when you are ready to purchase a new artifact power for one of your artifacts:

 BUY ARTIFACT POWER <power> FOR <artifact>


 BUY ARTIFACT POWER <power> FOR <artifact> LEVEL <level>

So to imbue your artifact rapier with the asp ability, you would BUY ARTIFACT POWER ASP FOR RAPIER. To buy level three magic damage bonus for your artifact robe, BUY ARTIFACT POWER MAGIC_POTENCE FOR ROBE LEVEL 3.

You may also transfer powers from one artifact to another, if the power is transferrable and the artifact it is going to is able to receive it.

 BUY ARTIFACT TRANSFER <power> FROM <old artifact> TO <new artifact>

All artifact power transfers cost 25 Bound Credits, and if the artifact from which a power is being transferred has no powers left after a transfer, it will be destroyed.

All artifacts will reset into your inventory on a very regular basis, which means that they cannot be loaned out very long, but that they also cannot be stolen for very long. They'll also never decay. They cannot be changed to reset to anyone else's inventory, so do not buy artifacts of any kind if you intend to sell them.

A list of artifacts can be found in the following files. Feel free to ask Qeddwyn about the properties, if you are curious for more information or for prices.

Artifact tattoos

Artifact tattoos are also available in Qeddwyn's shop. These will not decay, nor can they be wiped off.

Some artifacts will have an automatic prefix or suffix attached to their description. You can hide these prefixes and suffixes with the following commands:

 HIDE <artifact>
 - Hide any extra descriptions on the item.
 REVEAL <artifact>
 - Display any extra descriptions on the item.
 - List all the artifacts you own.
 - Return your artifacts to your person. Including ALL will return artifacts, such as casks, that normally will stay in place back to you.


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.