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                    Cannoness: Caiti
                       Patron: Ivoln, the Earthen Lord
                         City: Bloodloch
                   Supporting: Thrasius

Founded in the year 241 Midnight Age by Acino Dar'sroth, the noble house Dar'sroth prides itself in its unity and faith, seeking excellence as expressions of their faith and devotion. Where other houses may bicker and argue ceaselessly, as is always the dance of such politics, Dar'sroth is a unified brotherhood of warriors and scholars, dedicated to the ceaseless pursuit of excellence and defeat of that which opposes them, be it in action or word.

To understand Dar'sroth best, one might consider the words of one of its leaders, Caiti Dar'sroth:

"Foursome shall be the virtues of the House, and to break any of them will henceforth result in punishment severe.

First of these shall be Strength. Be it of the mind or the body you shall be the swords and pens of the Lord and of the House. Always will you strive to this excellence and should you be found wanting your penance shall be to apply yourself thricefold over to find this excellence. Failing that shall you be offered back into the Earth that gave your form Undeath.

Second of these shall be Purity. You shall be of a pure mind, unblemished by the taint of life nor of its failings. You shall offer to no Divine that supports life, nor shall you grant Their warriors mercy. No heresy of the enemy shall be given rest nor reprieve. Our scholars will discount their flawed doctrines as our warriors shall cast the lesser shells of these mortals into the Earth as offering to our Lord.

Third of these shall be Vigilance. The devices and subterfuge of our foes is a common and constant threat. We cannot let those in our care go unattended, or the minds and bodies of those in our care, our thralls, our loved ones, they shall be forfeit for our lack of vigilance. We shall be the ever-seeing eyes of the Earth and we shall let no passing escape our eyes nor no heresy escape our vengaence.

Fourth of these shall be Unity. We were founded as a fraternity, a brotherhood of warriors and indeed while we have more than men among us this idea is paramount. We must stand united against our foes or divided shall we fall. A hand splayed in many directions shall harm a foe much less than a hand balled together into a fist. And our fist shall be a fist of mail and fury."

                               -- From the postings of Caiti Dar'sroth
                                      circa 10 Variach, 293 MA

Be they vampire or Cabalist, scholar or warrior, the persuasions of Dar'sroth's members are many, but their goal is singular, and their dedication to their House and their goals, unquestioned. To join Dar'sroth happens once, and traitors are suffered poorly, for to turn one's back on these most holy of tenets is an act for which no punishment seems severe enough.