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Latest revision as of 17:58, 29 November 2021

Learning Messages

Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood demonstrates the first tool of the Oneiromancer's Hyalincuru - a sheet of chromatic paper, glimmering with resplendent rainbow promise as he rotates it through the air. "Hyalincuru," he explains, "Remains nothing but a crafter's talent without one key ingredient." He infuses it with silver light, and it begins to flutter: "The element of spirit."

Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood demonstrates the ability of the manifold, transforming his vibrant sheet of paper into a folded rabbit. It begins to glow a pure, pale white, compelling your attention. "Like Oneiromancy, colors are vital to our art. If the rabbit were any other shade..." It fluxes to a dim, scarlet sheen, "...it wouldn't be as captivating."

Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood demonstrates two more shapes. The first is the cube, neatly folded to its six sides - when he opens it, inspiring light blazes from its depths, setting your thoughts racing. The second shape, a flower, blazes with poppy-red illumination, and its very sight warms you.

"Perceive," explains Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood, "How the simple element of spirit produces such varied effects? It's not *just* the paper's shade, but its geometries. The folds in the paper are like veins, enlivening the page. The more complex the folds, the greater the intensity of its effects..." In demonstration, he nimbly folds a chromatic crane, and its wings come to life in a gleaming, agile flurry.

"Let's study the opposite case: an edgeless shape," Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood continues, smoothing the crane flat. His fingers are a dizzying weave as he fashions the paper anew, contorting its four corners into the shape of a perfectly rounded globe. "The innocuous sphere." It blazes with a terrible rainbow light, its very presence in his palm menacing. "Who knows what it'll do to your enemies?"

"...but let's say you want more control." Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood rotates the paper again, reducing it from a full sphere to a hemisphere. "We call this shape the bowl," he explains, "And we use it to reframe the world." He drags his finger along the ridged curve, and for a moment, reality ripples dangerously. Nightmarish visions dance in the air, and disembodied teeth gleam from someplace distant in the Astral. "Circles are very stable, powerful shapes. Good for larger effects."

"Here's something to keep in mind, though," Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood adds, and begins to twist and pull at the page, artfully crumpling it until its outline is eldritch and fuzzy. "Just because you have control," he speaks, reifying the shape, "Doesn't mean your enemy has to know that." Silvery clouds blossom around his fingertips, further obscuring the details of his folding and unfurling.

After Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood produces another sheet of paper, the first one used up in full demonstration of the effect, he dispels the silvery clouds. "One of the most powerful shapes," he continues, "Is the telescope." He rolls the page into a tube, sighting along you toward it with a mischievous smile. "Two, connected circles. If you're a precise enough Oneiromancer, you can travel almost anywhere with just this."

After a cautious glance around, Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood beckons you close and demonstrates one of the most complex and dangerous feats of Hyalincuru: the meticulously-folded figurine of a Faerie. "Don't mess around with this shape," he warns you in an undertone. "It's one of our most powerful, but it'll eat your memories if you're not careful..."

"...and this one," Raest, Hunter of the Heartwood indicates, producing the iridescent shape of a folded raven, "Is for death. It's one of the Hunter's symbols, and between that and these creases here..." He points out the paper's complex geometries, thrumming with chromatic potential, "...you shouldn't unfurl it at anybody you're too fond of."