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Latest revision as of 19:10, 20 September 2024

Skill Rank Percent Description
Synthesise Inept 0 % Utilise your knowledge to construct a proto-elemental.
Direct Inept 0 % Issue directions to your elemental.
Enhancements Inept 0 % Enhance your elemental to act opportunistically.
Excise Novice 0 % Clear away any enhancements from your elemental.
Movement Novice 50 % Order your elemental to move about the land.
Imbuing Apprentice 0 % Enhance your construct with an element of choice.
Listening Apprentice 33 % Open your mind to allow your elemental in.
Escape Apprentice 50 % When in grave danger, your ally will quickly flee.
Glance Capable 33 % See what your elemental sees.
Designate Adept 66 % Designate an action as the highest priority.
Recuperate Skilled 66 % Regenerate the health of your elemental.
Mouthpiece Gifted 0 % Your elemental will speak and socialise on your behalf.
Modes Gifted 33 % Shift easily between plans of action.
Attend Expert 0 % Your elemental will attend to your defeated foes.
Lifebond Mythical 0 % Tie your fates together.
Amalgamate Mythical 0 % Take advantage of a second imbued element.
Ingrain Transcendent 0 % Ingrain commands directly into the mind.

Elemental Enhancements

Skill Rank Percent Description
Club Inept 0 % An effective but unrefined physical assault.
Trammel Capable 66 % Stop their heart with a brutal strike.
Squeeze Adept 33 % Even a gentle squeeze can break bones.
Chime Gifted 66 % The way to the heart is through the stomach.
Concuss Expert 25 % Leave them reeling.
Nullify Expert 50 % Cast aside their protective shields.
Clutch Expert 50 % Your elemental will hold them in place.
Pound Virtuoso 33 % The weak will pay the toll.
Strangulate Fabled 0 % Choke them with strands of air.
Deconstruct Fabled 25 % Wreak destruction on their limbs.

Elemental Directives

Skill Rank Percent Description
Detain Capable 0 % Prevent any upward escapes.
Enclose Adept 0 % Surround and conquer.
Guard Adept 50 % Your elemental will protect you.
Cover Skilled 0 % Your elemental will provide cover from aerial assaults.
Reprisal Skilled 33 % Your elemental will avenge you.
Brace Virtuoso 0 % Your elemental will attempt to keep you upright.
Circuits Virtuoso 66 % Ensure your elemental acts in the correct sequence.
Occlude Fabled 50 % Deny them the medicine they need.
Hobble Fabled 75 % There is no escape.
Ballast Mythical 0 % As sturdy as the mast.