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(Created page with "{{SkillHeader}} {{SkillTableRow |Simulacrum |Inept |0 |Form a simulacrum from the ancestral memory. }} {{SkillTableRow |Discipline |Inept |0 |Understand basic simulacrum comma...")
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Latest revision as of 19:13, 20 September 2024

Skill Rank Percent Description
Simulacrum Inept 0 % Form a simulacrum from the ancestral memory.
Discipline Inept 0 % Understand basic simulacrum commands.
Naming Inept 0 % Bestow an identity upon your simulacrum.
Rally Novice 0 % Rally your simulacrums back to you.
Divine Apprentice 0 % Sense the presence of the living.
Identify Capable 0 % The tell-tale signs of battle.
Excavation Capable 50 % Dig and bury items.
Eternal Adept 0 % They're ghosts, after all.
Flanking Adept 25 % Send prey back to you.
Openings Adept 75 % Strike during opportunistic moments.
Drills Skilled 0 % Draw forth memories within your simulacrum.
Authority Skilled 33 % Grant a spirit authority to act on its own orders.
Target Gifted 0 % Attack specific limbs.
Commander Gifted 33 % Direct up to three simulacrums in battle.
Report Gifted 66 % Get details about the simulacrum's location.
Deliver Expert 33 % A ghostly courier.
Investigation Expert 66 % Discern the location of an item.
Retrieve Virtuoso 0 % Take an item for returning to you later.
Pursuit Virtuoso 66 % Hunt down your enemy.
Commendation Fabled 0 % Recognize a simulacrum's service.
Invoke Fabled 33 % Invoke persistent memories with aide.
Wayfinding Fabled 66 % Guide others back to you.
Requisition Mythical 0 % Bestow protection upon your simulacrum.
Scout Mythical 33 % Scout the nearby vicinity for enemies.
Veteran Mythical 66 % A master of combat.
Distinction Transcendent 0 % Tap the full strength of your simulacrum.

Simulacrum Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Warcry Inept 0 % A fierce battlecry to diminish a foe's resolve.
Assault Inept 0 % Press in upon them.
Advance Skilled 66 % Remove defences that bar your way.
Dirge Expert 0 % The fallen warrior's song.
Intimidate Virtuoso 33 % Force their minions to flee in terror.