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'''Predators''' are savage warriors of the frozen wilds, a special brand of arctic phantom drawn to this world from another. From knives carved of the bones of the fallen to the dominated wild beasts who rise to their call, the tools of the Predator exemplify their fierce dedication to self-reliance. Though a Predator's knifeplay focuses primarily on destroying a victim's limbs, they also have access to a very capable affliction based offense through flung darts and venoms. Predators are excellent hunters, especially if they've slain others recently ([[Predation_(skill)#Apex|AB APEX]]), dishing out significant damage with a particular emphasis on critical hits due to their three-or-four-hit combos.
| class = Predator
| overview = '''Predators''' are savage warriors of the frozen wilds, a special brand of arctic phantom drawn to this world from another. From knives carved of the bones of the fallen to the dominated wild beasts who rise to their call, the tools of the Predator exemplify their fierce dedication to self-reliance. Though a Predator's knifeplay focuses primarily on destroying a victim's limbs, they also have access to a very capable affliction based offense through flung darts and venoms. Predators are excellent hunters, especially if they've slain others recently ([[Predation_(skill)#Apex|AB APEX]]), dishing out significant damage with a particular emphasis on critical hits due to their three-or-four-hit combos.


Revision as of 01:06, 21 September 2024

Starting City(none)
TutorSigurd v76795
Attacksphys - bal - dex

This is a page about the mechanics of Predator. If you are looking for origin, history, roleplay, or any other lore-related topic, see: PredatorIcon.png[Predator (lore)].


Predators are savage warriors of the frozen wilds, a special brand of arctic phantom drawn to this world from another. From knives carved of the bones of the fallen to the dominated wild beasts who rise to their call, the tools of the Predator exemplify their fierce dedication to self-reliance. Though a Predator's knifeplay focuses primarily on destroying a victim's limbs, they also have access to a very capable affliction based offense through flung darts and venoms. Predators are excellent hunters, especially if they've slain others recently (AB APEX), dishing out significant damage with a particular emphasis on critical hits due to their three-or-four-hit combos.

New Predators are advised to use the Need 'statpack' variable statpack, though they may change to something else later. Everyone receives one free reincarnation upon leaving novicehood (level 31), and if that is used up, another one upon reaching Tekal (level 99). It is common for people to keep an early statpack until reaching level 100.


Need 'skill1' variable Need 'skill1_desc' variable
Need 'skill2' variable Need 'skill2_desc' variable
Need 'skill3' variable Need 'skill3_desc' variable


  • Need 'def1' variable: Need 'def1_desc' variable

Maintaining your defenses is an important part of staying alive in Aetolia! You should be using these in conjunction with your generic, non-class-specific, defences.
Firstaid Defences: blindness, deafness, fangbarrier, insomnia, levitation, waterbreathing (as needed), instawake, arcane, speed, vigor (while hunting)

  • Firstaid can also maintain a handful of combat-only defenses: density, rebounding, harmony

Other Defences: tattoos, allsight and waterwalking enchantments, nightsight, deathsight, thirdeye, clarity, and dodge or divert, as well as any ylem mist orbs


Weaponry: Need 'weapon_info' variable
Armor: Need 'armor_info' variable

  1. a jewelry item with a waterwalking enchantment (unless you have a zephyr artifact)
  2. a jewelry item with an allsight enchantment (replaces mindseye tattoo)
  3. a jewelry item with a purity enchantment
  4. a jewelry item with all four of magic, fire, cold, and electric resistance enchantments
  5. a fist sigil attached to each wielded item
  6. a handful of eye sigils and a weaponbelt, for combat against others

Recommended Tattoos:

  1. Need 'tattoo1' variable
  2. Need 'tattoo2' variable
  3. Need 'tattoo3' variable
  4. Need 'tattoo4' variable
  5. Need 'tattoo5' variable
  6. Need 'tattoo6' variable


Need 'hunt_info'

Core Offense

Need 'offense_info'

Group Fights

Need 'group_info'

Enorian Duiran Bloodloch Spinesreach Neutral*
AkkariIcon.png[Akkari] TemplarIcon.png[Templar] MonkIcon.png[Monk]* ShamanIcon.png[Shaman] BloodbornIcon.png[Bloodborn] PraenomenIcon.png[Praenomen] AlchemistIcon.png[Alchemist] InfiltratorIcon.png[Infiltrator]* BardIcon.png[Bard]
AscendrilIcon.png[Ascendril] TidesageIcon.png[Tidesage] OneiromancerIcon.png[Oneiromancer] VoidseerIcon.png[Voidseer] CarnifexIcon.png[Carnifex] RavagerIcon.png[Ravager] ArchivistIcon.png[Archivist] RevenantIcon.png[Revenant] PredatorIcon.png[Predator]
LuminaryIcon.png[Luminary] ZealotIcon.png[Zealot] RunecarverIcon.png[Runecarver] WardenIcon.png[Warden] EarthcallerIcon.png[Earthcaller] TeradrimIcon.png[Teradrim] ExecutorIcon.png[Executor] SciomancerIcon.png[Sciomancer] ShapeshifterIcon.png[Shapeshifter]
SentinelIcon.png[Sentinel] IndoraniIcon.png[Indorani] WayfarerIcon.png[Wayfarer]
* is tether-neutral