Difference between revisions of "Sporulation (skill)"

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m (Tor moved page Sporulation to Sporulation (skill))
Line 1: Line 1:
{{SkillTableRow |Germinate |Inept |0 |Form a mystical morass of spores. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Germinate |Inept |0 |Form a mystical morass of spores. }}
Line 20: Line 21:
{{SkillTableRow |Colonisation |Mythical |0 |Form a cloud of spores from myriad strains. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Colonisation |Mythical |0 |Form a cloud of spores from myriad strains. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Putrefactive |Transcendent |0 |Germinate a putrefactive cloud of decomposition. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Putrefactive |Transcendent |0 |Germinate a putrefactive cloud of decomposition. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Hartsblood |Capable |66 |An invasive strain nourished by blood and magic. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Hartsblood |Capable |66 |An invasive strain nourished by blood and magic. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Stormstem |Adept |0 |A dense, clustered strain of shady mushrooms. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Stormstem |Adept |0 |A dense, clustered strain of shady mushrooms. }}
Line 28: Line 32:
{{SkillTableRow |Rootcrest |Mythical |50 |A sturdy strain known for its stubborn growth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Rootcrest |Mythical |50 |A sturdy strain known for its stubborn growth. }}
|skill = Germinate
|description = Form a mystical morass of spores
|detail = By calling upon your link to the natural world, you may manifest a morass of dangerous
spores under the command of your shamanic prowess. It will remain where you have summoned it unless
moved with other abilities. Almost all abilities in Sporulation will require your morass.
A spore morass is classified into one of five sizes, listed here from smallest to largest:
The larger your morass is, the more damage some abilities will do and the more diverse its strain
content can be. An inchoate morass is only large enough to propagate a single strain.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Transplant
|description = Call your living morass back to your side
|detail = Call your morass back to you by communing with it from afar. This is instant.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Carpet
|description = Roll out the festering, green carpet
|syntax = SPORE CARPET
|detail = Your mastery of rot, mould, and fungus allows you to manifest a living carpet of
decomposition underfoot. This voracious combination of natural forces is similar to both the
levitation and waterwalking defenses.
This technique is one of the few that does not require communion with your living morass.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Rot
|description = Quicken the end of an object
|syntax = SPORE ROT <object>
|detail = As a master of decomposition, you can utilise your magic to destroy most objects with but
a single touch. This spell is an act of will that you cannot be forced into, and it cannot
sufficiently decay permanent objects.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Dispersal
|description = Emerge from the heart of your rotting morass
|detail = This spell will, after a brief moment of focus, disperse your physical form and return
you to your morass in a single breath. Should it be in the same area as you, this will be much
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Host
|description = Store something away for a rainy day
|syntax = SPORE HOST <object>        SPORE EJECT <object> AT <target>/GROUND
|detail = You may host up to three objects of your choice within mycological growths upon your own
physical form. While hosted upon your body, you and you alone may GET <object> to retrieve it free
of balance. This method of storage creates a build-up of fungal fluid within the growth's gills
that adheres to the object in question, allowing you to eject the object at a target and retract it
with a muculent cord. Unfortunately, you do not have enough fine control of these objects to
deliver a venom from an edged weapon, but ejecting something at a prone victim will do more damage.
Should you store sigils in this manner, you may eject them at the ground free of any balance.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ensnare
|description = Ensnare them with dangerous clutchgill spores
|syntax = SPORE ENSNARE <target>
|detail = Your shamanic sporulation is so potent that you may manifest a single, rapidly growing
clutchgill spore that latches onto a target and afflicts them with paresis, as well as propagating
a single culture. If a target stands within the darkness that nourishes fungal growth, the spore
will instead lash out and drag them to you directly, though doing so will remove a single culture.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Festering
|description = Grow your morass into a festering force
|detail = You are now attuned enough to nature and rot that you may germinate a festering morass. A
morass of this size may accomodate two fungal strains.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Degrade
|description = Devour flesh and bone with your rot
|syntax =
|detail = Syntax: SPORE DEGRADE <target> <left/right> <arm/leg>
By consuming all the cultures propagated upon a victim, you may cause limb damage dependent on the
amount of cultures present. If five cultures are consumed in this way, the rot will reach the bone
and cause significant trauma, becoming broken instantly.
If a target is marked as prey by your malediction alongside at least three spore cultures, the
degradation will consume the mark in place of the cultures.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Uplift
|description = Manifest a cloud of mystical, inflating rot
|syntax = SPORE UPLIFT
|detail = Temporarily flood your location with magical spores that draw in ambient air, sending any
items, denizens, and adventurers flying into the sky if they do not have the density defence. After
a couple of seconds, the spores will deflate, returning the surroundings to normal. As a result,
everything will fall back to the ground. The density defence is ignored should someone have five
spore cultures present on their body, but this will consume two of those cultures.
When the effect ends, anybody in the sky will be pulled back to the ground. If an adventurer is
infested by fungal cultures, they will take damage when they fall back down proportional to the
amount of stacks they have.
If you are indoors, adventurers affected will instead be stunned by slamming into the ceiling.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Mortify
|description = Manifest decay within the very heart of your enemy
|syntax = SPORE MORTIFY <target>
|detail = Direct a stream of flesh-eating spores to pour forth from your morass, causing
significant magic damage to a target in your line of sight. If you slay a target in this manner,
their body will be drawn into your fungal morass and consumed as nourishment.
The ability Rancour can modify the damage type for this skill. Please see AB MALEDICTION RANCOUR
for more information.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Enveloping
|description = Envelop the world with your fungal morass
|detail = You are now so skilled in sporulation magic that you manifest a morass that envelops its
surroundings. A morass of this size can propagate up to three fungal strains.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Infect
|description = Infect your foe with lethargic spores
|syntax = SPORE INFECT <target>
|detail = Draw upon your mycological might and infect your foe with an invasive spore that slows
their body's functions, increasing their pill recovery balance by a small amount. They must be
afflicted by at least one fungal culture for this ability to work. Each time they consume a pill,
however, there is a chance that their body will reject a culture, drawing them nearer to a healthy
state. Should they purge themselves of all fungal strains, this effect will end prematurely.
If your morass is massive enough to be considered putrefactive, this ability costs no balance or
equilibrium to use. You may only infect one target at a time.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Burst
|description = Express fungal fluid from your growths
|syntax =
|detail = This skill is passive.
So long as you have at least one object hosted upon your form, its fungal encasement will
periodically burst and spray decomposing fluid upon the last denizen you attack. This substance
will eat away at their form, causing minor damage.
|cooldown =
|target = NPCs only
|required =
|skill = Omophagia
|description = All things die
|detail = Set your dangerous morass free and allow it to creep into everything within your
surroundings, where upon it will eventually consume everything in a wave of death and decay.
When you initiate this fell spell, its danger will be obvious to any that stand around you, and
the morass will begin expanding. In this state, any strain you have active will cease its effect.
The longer you allow the morass to expand, the more powerful its resultant wave will be. When you
are ready to unleash its terrible hunger upon your foes, you may order it to consume the flesh of
all around you. Should you deny the morass its feast for too long, it will commence consumption on
its own.
It's important to note that once this process begins, there is no way to prevent it from completing
aside from killing the Runecarver responsible for its formation.
When the feast finishes, your morass will disperse and must be germinated once more. Those who are
maledictively mystified (see AB MALEDICTION MYSTIFY) will be helpless to resist and will perish
instantly, no matter how long the spores took to spread across the area.
If there is more than five people who can be damaged by the wave, there is a chance that some
select few will be too far away from the effect and will be spared.
Those who die through this skill will leave no corpse.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Consumptive
|description = Manifest a massive morass of consumptive spores
|detail = You are now adept enough to control a consumptive morass. A morass of this size can
support up to four fungal strains.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Inoculation
|description = Weave spores into your victim's flesh
|syntax = SPORE INOCULATE <target>
|detail = Germinate your target with a magical spore that enhances your maledictive magic. While
inoculated, there is a chance with each manifested hex that your victim will suffer an additional
spore culture. Each time you cast a spell against your target, the duration will refresh entirely.
If your morass is considered putrefactive, this ability costs no balance or equilibrium to use.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Encroach
|description = An approach as implacable as the Cycle
|syntax =
|detail = Syntax: SPORE ENCROACH <direction> <4-12>
After a short delay, you may propel your morass in a direction upon a gust of wind. If you are with
your morass when this occurs, its magical adhesion will pull you alongside it in whatever direction
you choose. You do not need to be on balance or equilibrium for this effect to occur, and the
morass will pull you past any who block your path regardless of your physical state. You are made
of flesh and blood, however, and thus cannot use this ability to bypass walls or doors.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Colonisation
|description = Form a cloud of spores from myriad strains
|syntax =
|detail = Syntax: SPORE COLONISE [<strain1> [<strain2>]...]
Your experience with handling fungal spores is so great that you can now germinate it with a
specified list of strains. Should you already have an existing morass, this will instead morph its
manifested strains to the specified list.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Putrefactive
|description = Germinate a putrefactive cloud of decomposition
|detail = You are now adept enough to control a putrefactive morass of spores. A morass of this
size can propagate up to six different strains.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Hartsblood
|description = An invasive strain nourished by blood and magic
|detail = Propagate the hartsblood strain within your morass, which will cause your foes to
steadily host more and more spore cultures for so long as they stand in its presence. This magical
strain may affect a target up to five times. Some sporulation spells will have stronger effects
against targets that host spore cultures. The only cure for culture propagation is time.
Hartsblood is a strain of fungal growth that has recently resurfaced after the birth of Dia'ruis.
This strain propagates much faster than other fungi and often grows in places of historic battles.
It is said to thrive upon blood and acquired its name from the splatters of blood from wounded deer
hunted by the ancient Ithmian tribes.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Stormstem
|description = A dense, clustered strain of shady mushrooms
|detail = Manifest the massive stormstem mushroom's spores within your morass, allowing it to
blanket your location in night-like darkness. The larger your morass, the further this tremendous
specimen shall reach - a putrefactive morass will extend its darkness up to 3 rooms away.
The stormstem mushroom is known to grow within conjoined, dense structures that spread out like a
storm cloud all throughout the forest. Its magical properties allow it to defy and smother light, a
natural wonder that other fungi use to prosper beneath its shade.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ravencap
|description = A strain that devours the mind
|detail = Cause your morass to exude the spores of the ravencap mushroom, inducing disorienting,
depressive visions in your enemies.
Possible afflictions your ravencap spores can give are:
Stupidity, dizziness, loneliness, or dementia.
The ravencap mushroom is also known as the Raven's Bruise. Traditionally, this specific strain is
associated with depressive or somber visions undertaken as a rite of passage for shamans of the old
Ithmian tribes. In these ancient times, it was often used in old rituals honoring spirits
associated with wisdom or self-reflection. After the birth of Dia'ruis and the renewal of the
natural world, the mushroom emerged in the wilds once more.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Greycrown
|description = A potent strain associated with Death
|detail = Awaken the greycrown strain in your morass, which will periodically cause magical damage
to any enemies present. These spores will also occasionally assault the senses, instilling a sense
of nausea within the victim. The larger your morass, the more often this will occur.
A fungal strain associated with death, the Greycrown is named in honor of He Who Is Death. In the
ancient times of the Ithmian tribes and other disparate Duirani people, the mushroom was consumed
in small doses during funerary rites of shamanistic figures.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Sapmantle
|description = A dangerous strain known for its paralytric secretions
|detail = Imbue your morass with the tramelling secretions of the paralytic sapmantle, hindering
the escape of any infected by your spores. While active, anybody with at least one spore culture
that attempts to leave the location will incur a delay time dependant on the amount of spores they
The sapmantle is a massive fungi that gets its name from a numbing substance it secretes all around
its cap and gills. Before the Ithmian tribes gained a rudimentary understanding of toxicology, the
sapmantle's fluid was used as a substitute in battle.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Furyscale
|description = A regenerative strain of exploding mushroom
|detail = This strain will increase the stability and regeneration of your morass, causing your
omophagia attempts to no longer disperse the spore cloud and instead impose a cooldown on its use.
Should your morass disperse due to uncontrollable hunger, it will still be destroyed.
Also known as the Fury's Fang, this strain is known to explode when it grows too large. The
resultant burst of spores is how it spreads most often, causing it to reproduce and create entire
glades of bursting mushroom patches in the spring and summer seasons.
Cooldown (Omophagia): 10 seconds
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Rootcrest
|description = A sturdy strain known for its stubborn growth
|detail = By awakening the rootcrest strain, your morass will prevent you from being moved
physically, by your own will or otherwise. Magical forms of movement are unaffected by this. While
secured, your morass is entirely unable to be moved as well, and you must end the rootcrest's
influence to move once more.
A sturdy strain of fungi known to be difficult to entirely extract from the ground, the rootcrest's
grip upon the land make it almost as implacable a tripping hazard as large rocks or immovable tree
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =

Revision as of 18:09, 25 September 2024

Skill Rank Percent Description
Germinate Inept 0 % Form a mystical morass of spores.
Transplant Novice 0 % Call your living morass back to your side.
Carpet Apprentice 0 % Roll out the festering, green carpet.
Rot Apprentice 50 % Quicken the end of an object.
Dispersal Capable 0 % Emerge from the heart of your rotting morass.
Host Capable 33 % Store something away for a rainy day.
Ensnare Adept 33 % Ensnare them with dangerous clutchgill spores.
Festering Adept 66 % Grow your morass into a festering force.
Degrade Skilled 0 % Devour flesh and bone with your rot.
Uplift Skilled 66 % Manifest a cloud of mystical, inflating rot.
Mortify Gifted 0 % Manifest decay within the very heart of your enemy.
Enveloping Gifted 66 % Envelop the world with your fungal morass.
Infect Expert 0 % Infect your foe with lethargic spores.
Burst Expert 66 % Express fungal fluid from your growths.
Omophagia Virtuoso 0 % All things die.
Consumptive Virtuoso 33 % Manifest a massive morass of consumptive spores.
Inoculation Fabled 33 % Weave spores into your victim's flesh.
Encroach Fabled 66 % An approach as implacable as the Cycle.
Colonisation Mythical 0 % Form a cloud of spores from myriad strains.
Putrefactive Transcendent 0 % Germinate a putrefactive cloud of decomposition.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Hartsblood Capable 66 % An invasive strain nourished by blood and magic.
Stormstem Adept 0 % A dense, clustered strain of shady mushrooms.
Ravencap Skilled 33 % A strain that devours the mind.
Greycrown Expert 33 % A potent strain associated with Death.
Sapmantle Virtuoso 33 % A dangerous strain known for its paralytric secretions.
Furyscale Fabled 0 % A regenerative strain of exploding mushroom.
Rootcrest Mythical 50 % A sturdy strain known for its stubborn growth.

Germinate Form a mystical morass of spores
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By calling upon your link to the natural world, you may manifest a morass of dangerous

spores under the command of your shamanic prowess. It will remain where you have summoned it unless moved with other abilities. Almost all abilities in Sporulation will require your morass.

A spore morass is classified into one of five sizes, listed here from smallest to largest: Inchoate Festering Enveloping Consumptive Putrefactive

The larger your morass is, the more damage some abilities will do and the more diverse its strain content can be. An inchoate morass is only large enough to propagate a single strain.

Note: {{{note}}}

Transplant Call your living morass back to your side
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Call your morass back to you by communing with it from afar. This is instant.
Note: {{{note}}}

Carpet Roll out the festering, green carpet
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Your mastery of rot, mould, and fungus allows you to manifest a living carpet of

decomposition underfoot. This voracious combination of natural forces is similar to both the levitation and waterwalking defenses.

This technique is one of the few that does not require communion with your living morass.

Note: {{{note}}}

Rot Quicken the end of an object
Syntax: SPORE ROT <object>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: As a master of decomposition, you can utilise your magic to destroy most objects with but

a single touch. This spell is an act of will that you cannot be forced into, and it cannot sufficiently decay permanent objects.

Note: {{{note}}}

Dispersal Emerge from the heart of your rotting morass
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This spell will, after a brief moment of focus, disperse your physical form and return

you to your morass in a single breath. Should it be in the same area as you, this will be much faster.

Note: {{{note}}}

Host Store something away for a rainy day
Syntax: SPORE HOST <object> SPORE EJECT <object> AT <target>/GROUND
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may host up to three objects of your choice within mycological growths upon your own

physical form. While hosted upon your body, you and you alone may GET <object> to retrieve it free of balance. This method of storage creates a build-up of fungal fluid within the growth's gills that adheres to the object in question, allowing you to eject the object at a target and retract it with a muculent cord. Unfortunately, you do not have enough fine control of these objects to deliver a venom from an edged weapon, but ejecting something at a prone victim will do more damage.

Should you store sigils in this manner, you may eject them at the ground free of any balance.

Note: {{{note}}}

Ensnare Ensnare them with dangerous clutchgill spores
Syntax: SPORE ENSNARE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Your shamanic sporulation is so potent that you may manifest a single, rapidly growing

clutchgill spore that latches onto a target and afflicts them with paresis, as well as propagating a single culture. If a target stands within the darkness that nourishes fungal growth, the spore will instead lash out and drag them to you directly, though doing so will remove a single culture.

Note: {{{note}}}

Festering Grow your morass into a festering force
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You are now attuned enough to nature and rot that you may germinate a festering morass. A

morass of this size may accomodate two fungal strains.

Note: {{{note}}}

Degrade Devour flesh and bone with your rot
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Syntax: SPORE DEGRADE <target> <left/right> <arm/leg>

By consuming all the cultures propagated upon a victim, you may cause limb damage dependent on the amount of cultures present. If five cultures are consumed in this way, the rot will reach the bone and cause significant trauma, becoming broken instantly.

If a target is marked as prey by your malediction alongside at least three spore cultures, the degradation will consume the mark in place of the cultures.

Note: {{{note}}}

Uplift Manifest a cloud of mystical, inflating rot
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Temporarily flood your location with magical spores that draw in ambient air, sending any

items, denizens, and adventurers flying into the sky if they do not have the density defence. After a couple of seconds, the spores will deflate, returning the surroundings to normal. As a result, everything will fall back to the ground. The density defence is ignored should someone have five spore cultures present on their body, but this will consume two of those cultures.

When the effect ends, anybody in the sky will be pulled back to the ground. If an adventurer is infested by fungal cultures, they will take damage when they fall back down proportional to the amount of stacks they have.

If you are indoors, adventurers affected will instead be stunned by slamming into the ceiling.

Note: {{{note}}}

Mortify Manifest decay within the very heart of your enemy
Syntax: SPORE MORTIFY <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Direct a stream of flesh-eating spores to pour forth from your morass, causing

significant magic damage to a target in your line of sight. If you slay a target in this manner, their body will be drawn into your fungal morass and consumed as nourishment.

The ability Rancour can modify the damage type for this skill. Please see AB MALEDICTION RANCOUR for more information.

Note: {{{note}}}

Enveloping Envelop the world with your fungal morass
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You are now so skilled in sporulation magic that you manifest a morass that envelops its

surroundings. A morass of this size can propagate up to three fungal strains.

Note: {{{note}}}

Infect Infect your foe with lethargic spores
Syntax: SPORE INFECT <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Draw upon your mycological might and infect your foe with an invasive spore that slows

their body's functions, increasing their pill recovery balance by a small amount. They must be afflicted by at least one fungal culture for this ability to work. Each time they consume a pill, however, there is a chance that their body will reject a culture, drawing them nearer to a healthy state. Should they purge themselves of all fungal strains, this effect will end prematurely.

If your morass is massive enough to be considered putrefactive, this ability costs no balance or equilibrium to use. You may only infect one target at a time.

Note: {{{note}}}

Burst Express fungal fluid from your growths
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: NPCs only
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This skill is passive.

So long as you have at least one object hosted upon your form, its fungal encasement will periodically burst and spray decomposing fluid upon the last denizen you attack. This substance will eat away at their form, causing minor damage.

Note: {{{note}}}

Omophagia All things die
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Set your dangerous morass free and allow it to creep into everything within your

surroundings, where upon it will eventually consume everything in a wave of death and decay.

When you initiate this fell spell, its danger will be obvious to any that stand around you, and 

the morass will begin expanding. In this state, any strain you have active will cease its effect. The longer you allow the morass to expand, the more powerful its resultant wave will be. When you are ready to unleash its terrible hunger upon your foes, you may order it to consume the flesh of all around you. Should you deny the morass its feast for too long, it will commence consumption on its own.

It's important to note that once this process begins, there is no way to prevent it from completing aside from killing the Runecarver responsible for its formation.

When the feast finishes, your morass will disperse and must be germinated once more. Those who are maledictively mystified (see AB MALEDICTION MYSTIFY) will be helpless to resist and will perish instantly, no matter how long the spores took to spread across the area.

If there is more than five people who can be damaged by the wave, there is a chance that some select few will be too far away from the effect and will be spared.

Those who die through this skill will leave no corpse.

Note: {{{note}}}

Consumptive Manifest a massive morass of consumptive spores
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You are now adept enough to control a consumptive morass. A morass of this size can

support up to four fungal strains.

Note: {{{note}}}

Inoculation Weave spores into your victim's flesh
Syntax: SPORE INOCULATE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Germinate your target with a magical spore that enhances your maledictive magic. While

inoculated, there is a chance with each manifested hex that your victim will suffer an additional spore culture. Each time you cast a spell against your target, the duration will refresh entirely.

If your morass is considered putrefactive, this ability costs no balance or equilibrium to use.

Note: {{{note}}}

Encroach An approach as implacable as the Cycle
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Syntax: SPORE ENCROACH <direction> <4-12>

After a short delay, you may propel your morass in a direction upon a gust of wind. If you are with your morass when this occurs, its magical adhesion will pull you alongside it in whatever direction you choose. You do not need to be on balance or equilibrium for this effect to occur, and the morass will pull you past any who block your path regardless of your physical state. You are made of flesh and blood, however, and thus cannot use this ability to bypass walls or doors.

Note: {{{note}}}

Colonisation Form a cloud of spores from myriad strains
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Syntax: SPORE COLONISE [<strain1> [<strain2>]...]

Your experience with handling fungal spores is so great that you can now germinate it with a specified list of strains. Should you already have an existing morass, this will instead morph its manifested strains to the specified list.

Note: {{{note}}}

Putrefactive Germinate a putrefactive cloud of decomposition
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You are now adept enough to control a putrefactive morass of spores. A morass of this

size can propagate up to six different strains.

Note: {{{note}}}

Hartsblood An invasive strain nourished by blood and magic
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Propagate the hartsblood strain within your morass, which will cause your foes to

steadily host more and more spore cultures for so long as they stand in its presence. This magical strain may affect a target up to five times. Some sporulation spells will have stronger effects against targets that host spore cultures. The only cure for culture propagation is time.

Hartsblood is a strain of fungal growth that has recently resurfaced after the birth of Dia'ruis. This strain propagates much faster than other fungi and often grows in places of historic battles. It is said to thrive upon blood and acquired its name from the splatters of blood from wounded deer hunted by the ancient Ithmian tribes.

Note: {{{note}}}

Stormstem A dense, clustered strain of shady mushrooms
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Manifest the massive stormstem mushroom's spores within your morass, allowing it to

blanket your location in night-like darkness. The larger your morass, the further this tremendous specimen shall reach - a putrefactive morass will extend its darkness up to 3 rooms away.

The stormstem mushroom is known to grow within conjoined, dense structures that spread out like a storm cloud all throughout the forest. Its magical properties allow it to defy and smother light, a natural wonder that other fungi use to prosper beneath its shade.

Note: {{{note}}}

Ravencap A strain that devours the mind
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Cause your morass to exude the spores of the ravencap mushroom, inducing disorienting,

depressive visions in your enemies.

Possible afflictions your ravencap spores can give are: Stupidity, dizziness, loneliness, or dementia.

The ravencap mushroom is also known as the Raven's Bruise. Traditionally, this specific strain is associated with depressive or somber visions undertaken as a rite of passage for shamans of the old Ithmian tribes. In these ancient times, it was often used in old rituals honoring spirits associated with wisdom or self-reflection. After the birth of Dia'ruis and the renewal of the natural world, the mushroom emerged in the wilds once more.

Note: {{{note}}}

Greycrown A potent strain associated with Death
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Awaken the greycrown strain in your morass, which will periodically cause magical damage

to any enemies present. These spores will also occasionally assault the senses, instilling a sense of nausea within the victim. The larger your morass, the more often this will occur.

A fungal strain associated with death, the Greycrown is named in honor of He Who Is Death. In the ancient times of the Ithmian tribes and other disparate Duirani people, the mushroom was consumed in small doses during funerary rites of shamanistic figures.

Note: {{{note}}}

Sapmantle A dangerous strain known for its paralytric secretions
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Imbue your morass with the tramelling secretions of the paralytic sapmantle, hindering

the escape of any infected by your spores. While active, anybody with at least one spore culture that attempts to leave the location will incur a delay time dependant on the amount of spores they have.

The sapmantle is a massive fungi that gets its name from a numbing substance it secretes all around its cap and gills. Before the Ithmian tribes gained a rudimentary understanding of toxicology, the sapmantle's fluid was used as a substitute in battle.

Note: {{{note}}}

Furyscale A regenerative strain of exploding mushroom
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This strain will increase the stability and regeneration of your morass, causing your

omophagia attempts to no longer disperse the spore cloud and instead impose a cooldown on its use. Should your morass disperse due to uncontrollable hunger, it will still be destroyed.

Also known as the Fury's Fang, this strain is known to explode when it grows too large. The resultant burst of spores is how it spreads most often, causing it to reproduce and create entire glades of bursting mushroom patches in the spring and summer seasons.

Cooldown (Omophagia): 10 seconds

Note: {{{note}}}

Rootcrest A sturdy strain known for its stubborn growth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By awakening the rootcrest strain, your morass will prevent you from being moved

physically, by your own will or otherwise. Magical forms of movement are unaffected by this. While secured, your morass is entirely unable to be moved as well, and you must end the rootcrest's influence to move once more.

A sturdy strain of fungi known to be difficult to entirely extract from the ground, the rootcrest's grip upon the land make it almost as implacable a tripping hazard as large rocks or immovable tree roots.

Note: {{{note}}}