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Perhaps the most powerful tool within Naturalism is the ability to manifest wild, tangling overgrowth anywhere sunlight may reach. While simply a mess of plants at first glance, overgrowth acts as an extension of the Shaman's might, directly controlled by mere will. A Shaman may spread the overgrowth as they please, even sprouting fresh life at their heel, and control it as if they stood beside it. Through this growth, a Shaman may pull their enemies from where they stand, animate the plantlife around them into a savage weapon, generate impassable barriers of vines and thorns and even invigorate all allies who stand within their domain.
Perhaps the most powerful tool within Naturalism is the ability to manifest wild, tangling overgrowth anywhere sunlight may reach. While simply a mess of plants at first glance, overgrowth acts as an extension of the Shaman's might, directly controlled by mere will. A Shaman may spread the overgrowth as they please, even sprouting fresh life at their heel, and control it as if they stood beside it. Through this growth, a Shaman may pull their enemies from where they stand, animate the plantlife around them into a savage weapon, generate impassable barriers of vines and thorns and even invigorate all allies who stand within their domain.
== Abilities ==
{{SkillTableRow |Elevate |Novice |50 |Ascend into the treetops with ease. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Elevate|Novice|50|Ascend into the treetops with ease. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Emergence |Skilled |0 |Purge the taint of the Earthen. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Emergence|Skilled|0|Purge the taint of the Earthen. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Blending |Gifted |33 |Fade away into the forest's shadow. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Blending|Gifted|33|Fade away into the forest's shadow. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Thorncoat |Expert |50 |A coat of vile thorns to punish your foes. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Thorncoat|Expert|50|A coat of vile thorns to punish your foes. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Panacea |Virtuoso |33 |Purify your body of ailments and maladies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Panacea|Virtuoso|33|Purify your body of ailments and maladies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Rejuvenate |Fabled |33 |Heal the land that has been blighted. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Rejuvenate|Fabled|33|Heal the land that has been blighted. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Malevolence |Mythical |66 |Brand the foes of nature. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Malevolence|Mythical|66|Brand the foes of nature. }}|}
== Grove Abilities ==
====Grove Abilities====
{{SkillTableRow |Perceive|Inept|0|Notice the presence of a Shamanic grove. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Perceive |Inept |0 |Notice the presence of a Shamanic grove. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Imprint|Inept|0|Place your mark and bring forth a grove. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Imprint |Inept |0 |Place your mark and bring forth a grove. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Sever|Inept|0|Destroy the bond between you and your grove. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Sever |Inept |0 |Destroy the bond between you and your grove. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Look|Apprentice|0|Use your grove to gaze upon another. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Look |Apprentice |0 |Use your grove to gaze upon another. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Cage|Apprentice|33|Prevent all entry to and from your abode. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Cage |Apprentice |33 |Prevent all entry to and from your abode. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Whisper|Apprentice|66|Speak through the trees themselves. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Whisper |Apprentice |66 |Speak through the trees themselves. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Eyes|Capable|0|Discern the presence of any within the forest. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Eyes |Capable |0 |Discern the presence of any within the forest. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fertility|Capable|33|Speed the growth of plants temporarily. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fertility |Capable |33 |Speed the growth of plants temporarily. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Return|Adept|0|Quickly return home to your grove. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Return |Adept |0 |Quickly return home to your grove. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Everbloom|Adept|33|Invigorate body and mind with ephemeral blossoms. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Everbloom |Adept |33 |Invigorate body and mind with ephemeral blossoms. }}
{{SkillTableRow |GroveFlow|Skilled|15|Travel through Grove links. }}
{{SkillTableRow |GroveFlow |Skilled |15 |Travel through Grove links. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Linking|Fabled|0|Form a permanent connection between groves. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Linking |Fabled |0 |Form a permanent connection between groves. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Annihilation|Transcendent|0|Destroy everything in one fatal blast. }}|}
{{SkillTableRow |Annihilation |Transcendent |0 |Destroy everything in one fatal blast. }}
== Overgrowth Abilities ==
====Overgrowth Abilities====
{{SkillTableRow |Overgrowth|Novice|0|The surge of Dendara itself. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Release |Novice |0 |Return the surge to the depths of Dia'ruis. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Release|Novice|0|Return the surge to the depths of Dendara. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Overgrowth |Novice |0 |The surge of Dia'ruis itself. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Trespassers|Capable|33|View those who intrude upon your overgrowths. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Trespassers |Capable |33 |View those who intrude upon your overgrowths. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Canopy|Capable|66|Occlude the skies with dense overgrowth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Canopy |Capable |66 |Occlude the skies with dense overgrowth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Roots|Adept|66|Hold yourself steady amongst plantlife. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Roots |Adept |66 |Hold yourself steady amongst plantlife. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Screen|Skilled|33|Deflect telepathic efforts within your growth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Screen |Skilled |33 |Deflect telepathic efforts within your growth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Thornwall|Skilled|50|A hindering wall of thorns. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Thornwall |Skilled |50 |A hindering wall of thorns. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Whispers|Skilled|66|Sense the movement of any within your domain. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Whispers |Skilled |66 |Sense the movement of any within your domain. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Flow|Gifted|0|Travel across overgrowth to your target. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Flow |Gifted |0 |Travel across overgrowth to your target. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Pulling|Gifted|66|Draw a nearby foe to your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Pulling |Gifted |66 |Draw a nearby foe to your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Hinder|Expert|0|Summon gripping vines to prevent trespass. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Hinder |Expert |0 |Summon gripping vines to prevent trespass. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Animation|Virtuoso|0|Lash out at any hostile entities in your domain. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Animation |Virtuoso |0 |Lash out at any hostile entities in your domain. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Surge|Virtuoso|66|Send forth a rapidly growing burst of plant life. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Surge |Virtuoso |66 |Send forth a rapidly growing burst of plant life. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Renewal|Fabled|25|Spread healing energy through your overgrowth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Renewal |Fabled |25 |Spread healing energy through your overgrowth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Displacement|Fabled|66|Swap places with another within your overgrowth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Displacement |Fabled |66 |Swap places with another within your overgrowth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Consumption|Mythical|0|Consume your overgrowth to empower your energy. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Consumption |Mythical |0 |Consume your overgrowth to empower your energy. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Barrier|Mythical|33|Cast a protective shield upon an ally. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Barrier |Mythical |33 |Cast a protective shield upon an ally. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Greenfoot|Transcendent|0|Travel across the land with growth at your heels. }}|}
{{SkillTableRow |Greenfoot |Transcendent |0 |Travel across the land with growth at your heels. }}
|skillname = Elevate
|skill = Elevate
|description = Ascend into the treetops with ease
|description =  
|detail = A skilled Shaman need not bother to climb trees - should they wish to ascend to the  
A skilled Shaman need not bother to climb trees - should they wish to ascend to the canopy, you can  
canopy, you can command nature to simply lift you. You can ignore disabling effects such as paresis  
command nature to simply lift you. You can ignore disabling effects such as paresis due to nature  
due to nature doing the lifting for you.
doing the lifting for you.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Emergence
|skill = Emergence
|description = Purge the taint of the Earthen
|description =  
|detail = Should you find yourself standing within someone else's domain, you may beckon the
Should you find yourself standing within the sand of a Teradrim, you may beckon nature to return to
natural state of nature to emerge forth, banishing all domains except for your own. If one of the
your location, eliminating any trace of taint. If a Teradrim is present then there will be a slight  
domain's controller resides in your location, there will be a slight delay to this ability.
delay before the sand is removed.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Blending
|skill = Blending
|description = Fade away into the forest's shadow
|syntax = NATURE BLEND
|syntax = NATURE BLEND
|description =  
|detail = Being well-versed in the eminence of nature, you may simply step into the foliage to hide  
Being well-versed in the eminence of nature, you may simply step into the foliage to hide yourself.  
yourself. You will only be able to find adequate cover when standing within a forest.
You will only be able to find adequate cover when standing within a forest.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Thorncoat
|description = A coat of vile thorns to punish your foes
|syntax = NATURE THORNCOAT [target]
|detail = Engulf yourself or a friend in an armour of thorns for a limited time. Not only will you
protect them from a significant portion of physical damage, but the mitigated damage will be
returned to their attacker.

There is also a 33% chance that your coat of thorns will give the loki venom to the attacker,
|skillname = Thorncoat
although this venom is not hidden like usual.
|syntax = NATURE THORNCOAT [friend]
|description =
By engulfing yourself or a friend in an armour of thorns, not only will you protect them from a
significant portion of physical damage, but the mitigated damage will be returned to their attacker.
This ability lasts a short time and may only be summoned periodically.

|cooldown = 20 seconds
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Panacea
|description = Purify your body of ailments and maladies
|detail = You may call upon the Cycle itself to remedy a single malady that afflicts you.

If you stand within a forest or overgrown location, this is increased to two afflictions. Nature
|skillname = Panacea
will only heal an extra affliction every 35 seconds, even if you use this skill again.
|description =
This ability is not usable while you suffer from paresis or paralysis.
While standing within any forest or overgrown location, you may call upon the cycle itself to
remedy up to two random maladies that afflict you. Outside of such confines, you may only heal one
affliction upon you.

|cooldown = 20 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Rejuvenate
|skill = Rejuvenate
|description = Heal the land that has been blighted
|description = Requires elemental ice.
|detail = Requires elemental ice.

You may restore the state of an environmental location that has been transformed for an ability  
You may restore the state of an environmental location that has been transformed for an ability  
through this simple incantation. It will cost 10 ice if it has been exterminated by a Necromancer,  
through this simple incantation. It will cost 10 ice if it has been exterminated by a Necromancer,  
otherwise it is simply 1 ice to do so.
otherwise it is simply 1 ice to do so.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Malevolence
|skill = Malevolence
|syntax = NATURE MALEVOLENCE <target>
|description = Brand the foes of nature
|description =
|syntax = NATURE MALEVOLENCE <target>  
You may declare your foe to be an enemy of nature itself, placing a curse upon them that will  
|detail = You may declare your foe to be an enemy of nature itself, placing a curse upon them that  
destroy magical shields while they linger within a forest or overgrowth location. It will  
will destroy magical shields while they linger within a forest or overgrowth location. It will  
additionally increase the damage dealt by natural weather.
additionally increase the damage dealt by natural weather.

Only one target may be cursed at a time and it will have little effect if you are in the same  
Only one target may be cursed at a time and it will have little effect if you are in the same  
location as the target.
location as the target. The effect will fade if they no longer stand within a location with
overgrowth or a forest.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Perceive
|skill = Perceive
|description = Notice the presence of a Shamanic grove
|syntax = PERCEIVE
|syntax = PERCEIVE
|description =  
|detail = Discern whether a location has been marked as the property of another in some fashion.
Discern whether a location has been marked as the property of another in some fashion.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Imprint
|skill = Imprint
|description = Place your mark and bring forth a grove
|description =  
|detail = Bond with the forests in your location, making it your personal Grove. You may not form a  
Bond with the forests in your location, making it your personal Grove. You may not form a Grove in  
Grove in a location someone else has.
a location someone else has.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Sever
|skill = Sever
|description = Destroy the bond between you and your grove
|syntax = GROVE SEVER
|syntax = GROVE SEVER
|description =  
|detail = Sever the bond you share with your Grove, allowing you imprint a new one elsewhere. There  
Sever the bond you share with your Grove, allowing you imprint a new one elsewhere. There is a  
is a short delay until it is fully severed.
short delay until it is fully severed.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Look
|skill = Look
|description = Use your grove to gaze upon another
|syntax = GROVE LOOK <target>
|syntax = GROVE LOOK <target>
|description =  
|detail = Draw upon the bond with your Grove to take a glimpse through the forest at someone  
Draw upon the bond with your Grove to take a glimpse through the forest at someone standing within  
standing within one.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Cage
|skill = Cage
|description = Prevent all entry to and from your abode
|description =  
Cage off entry and exit from your Grove, preventing people from moving through it for a temporary  
|detail = Cage off entry and exit from your Grove, preventing people from moving through it for a  
period of time, or until you release it. Additionally, the thick foliage will prevent many line of  
temporary period of time, or until you release it. Additionally, the thick foliage will prevent  
sight abilities while you remain within your Grove.
many line of sight abilities while you remain within your Grove.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Whisper
|skill = Whisper
|description = Speak through the trees themselves
|syntax = GROVE WHISPER <target> <message>
|syntax = GROVE WHISPER <target> <message>
|description =  
|detail = Whisper through the trees to anybody standing in the forest. They will not know who is  
Whisper through the trees to anybody standing in the forest. They will not know who is speaking to  
speaking to them.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Eyes
|skill = Eyes
|description = Discern the presence of any within the forest
|syntax = GROVE EYES
|syntax = GROVE EYES
|description =  
|detail = Detect the presence and whereabouts of all people who stand within a forested location.
Detect the presence and whereabouts of all people who stand within a forested location.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Fertility
|description = Speed the growth of plants temporarily
|detail = At your behest, you may make a variety of wild flowers grow instantly within your Grove,
which you can then use.

|skillname = Fertility
|description =
At your behest, you may make a variety of wild flowers grow instantly within your Grove, which you
can then use. You may only perform this ability once every month.

|cooldown = Until a new Aetolian month
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Return
|skill = Return
|description = Quickly return home to your grove
|syntax = GROVE RETURN
|syntax = GROVE RETURN
|description =  
|detail = Return to your Grove from any forested location after a short delay. This is a channelled  
Return to your Grove from any forested location after a short delay. This is a channelled action  
action and will require your full attention until completion.
and will require your full attention until completion.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Everbloom
|skill = Everbloom
|description = Invigorate body and mind with ephemeral blossoms
|description =  
|detail = Draws upon the latent energy of your Grove to create a radiant garden that lasts for one  
Draws upon the latent energy of your Grove to create a radiant garden that lasts for one Aetolian  
quarter of an Aetolian day. This garden will grant increased willpower and endurance regeneration  
day. This garden will grant increased willpower and endurance regeneration for everybody within  
for everybody within your Grove.
your Grove.
This ability is taxing upon your Grove and will require time to recharge before it can be cast

|cooldown = 4 hours
|target =
|required =
|skillname = GroveFlow
|skill = GroveFlow
|description = Travel through Grove links
|syntax = GROVE FLOW
|syntax = GROVE FLOW
|description =  
|detail = Travel through between two Groves that are linked together. Refer to AB NATURALISM  
Travel through between two Groves that are linked together. Refer to AB NATURALISM LINKING for more  
LINKING for more information on how the link is formed.
information on how the link is formed.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Linking
|skill = Linking
|description = Form a permanent connection between groves
|syntax = GROVE LINK <target>
|syntax = GROVE LINK <target>
|description =  
|detail = Create a unidirectional spiritual pathway from your Grove to the Grove of one who  
Create a unidirectional spiritual pathway from your Grove to the Grove of one who considers you an  
considers you an ally. Once linked, any Shaman can use Groveflow in your Grove to end up at the  
ally. Once linked, any Shaman can use Groveflow in your Grove to end up at the linked Grove.
linked Grove.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Annihilation
|skill = Annihilation
|description = Destroy everything in one fatal blast
|description =  
|detail = At the cost of your Grove and the surrounding plantlife, you can completely destroy all  
At the cost of your Grove and the surrounding plantlife, you can completely destroy all within your  
within your location in a single devastating wave of power that will deal an incredibly large  
location in a single devastating wave of power that will deal an incredibly large amount of spirit  
amount of spirit damage. In order to perform this action, you must be still for a short period as  
damage. In order to perform this action, you must be still for a short period as the power is drawn  
the power is drawn forth from your Grove.
forth from your Grove.

Once the deed is done, the forests will reject your touch and prevent you from imprinting a new  
Once the deed is done, the forests will reject your touch and prevent you from imprinting a new  
Grove for at least one full season.
Grove for at least one full season.

Cooldown (Imprint): Until a new Aetolian season
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Overgrowth
|skill = Release
|description = Return the surge to the depths of Dia'ruis
|description =         NATURE OVERGROWTH LIST
While standing outdoors in a non-urban environment, you can empower the force of nature, causing
plants to overgrow and encompass your surroundings. An overgrown location will allow numerous
abilities to be used, many of them remotely.
Leaving an overgrown location will not cause the growth to recede, though each overgrowth will
place a toll on your willpower.
|skillname = Release
|description =  
|detail = In a single command, you may force all overgrown locations you control to recede at once.  
In a single command, you may force all overgrown locations you control to recede at once.  
Overgrowth you are standing in will not be affected, unless you supply the HERE argument which will  
Overgrowth you are standing in will not be affected, unless you supply the HERE argument which will  
then only affect your current room.
then only affect your current room.

|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Overgrowth
|description = The surge of Dia'ruis itself
|detail = While standing outdoors in a non-urban environment, you can empower the force of nature,
causing plants to overgrow and encompass your surroundings. An overgrown location will allow
numerous abilities to be used, many of them remotely.

Leaving an overgrown location will not cause the growth to recede, though each overgrowth beyond
|skillname = Trespassers
the first will place a toll on your willpower.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Trespassers
|description = View those who intrude upon your overgrowths
|description =  
|detail = List all those who currently step upon your overgrowth, along with their location.
List all those who currently step upon your overgrowth, along with their location.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Canopy
|skill = Canopy
|description = Occlude the skies with dense overgrowth
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.
By causing the plant growth around you to condense into a barrier from the sky, you may turn your
surroundings into an indoor location. You may only support one canopy at a time.

By causing the plant growth around you to condense into a barrier over the sky, you can prevent
those in your location from using flight as an escape option.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Roots
|skill = Roots
|description = Hold yourself steady amongst plantlife
|syntax = NATURE ROOTS
|syntax = NATURE ROOTS
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

Call forth roots from your overgrowth to secure you to the ground, making you heavier and harder to  
Call forth roots from your overgrowth to secure you to the ground, making you heavier and harder to  
move, much like the density defence.
move, much like the density defence.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Screen
|skill = Screen
|description = Deflect telepathic efforts within your growth
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

While standing within the presence of your overgrowth, you may command the life around you to form  
While standing within the presence of your overgrowth, you may command the life around you to form  
Line 308: Line 377:
attempt to pierce its veil. This will increase the length of time it takes for a telepath to obtain  
attempt to pierce its veil. This will increase the length of time it takes for a telepath to obtain  
a mind lock upon those in your location. You may only support one screen at a time.
a mind lock upon those in your location. You may only support one screen at a time.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Thornwall
|skill = Thornwall
|description = A hindering wall of thorns
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

Create a wall of hindering thorns across all exits. Any who pass through it will be scratched by  
Create a wall of hindering thorns across all exits. Any who pass through it will be scratched by  
Line 321: Line 393:
The thornwall will wither away faster if there is no overgrowth in the room and/or you do not  
The thornwall will wither away faster if there is no overgrowth in the room and/or you do not  
remain with it.
remain with it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Whispers
|skill = Whispers
|description = Sense the movement of any within your domain
|description =  
|detail = At a significant drain to your willpower, track all movement in and adjacent to your all  
At a significant drain to your willpower, track all movement in and adjacent to your all your  
your overgrowth.

|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Flow
|skill = Flow
|description = Travel across overgrowth to your target
|syntax = NATURE FLOW <target>
|syntax = NATURE FLOW <target>
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

While standing within your overgrowth, you may instantly travel to anyone else within your domain.
While standing within your overgrowth, you may instantly travel to anyone else within your domain.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Pulling
|skill = Pulling
|description = Draw a nearby foe to your location
|syntax = NATURE PULL <target>
|syntax = NATURE PULL <target>
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

Vines will lash out from the overgrowth in your current room, attempting to pull in a target from  
Vines will lash out from the overgrowth in your current room, attempting to pull in a target from  
Line 354: Line 435:
vines will have the strength to overcome it.
vines will have the strength to overcome it.

|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Hinder
|skill = Hinder
|description = Summon gripping vines to prevent trespass
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

With a single command, you can force the plantlife around you to grow rapidly and snake around the  
With a single command, you can force the plantlife around you to grow rapidly and snake around the  
legs of those within your presence - indiscriminately hindering all movement including your own.
legs of those within your presence - indiscriminately hindering all movement including your own.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Animation
|skill = Animation
|description = Lash out at any hostile entities in your domain
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

Any enemy standing within overgrowth in your current area will be struck by a thorny stalk that  
Any enemy standing within overgrowth in your current area will be struck by a thorny stalk that  
will deal cutting-based damage and inflict them with the loki venom.
will deal cutting-based damage and inflict them with the loki venom.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Surge
|skill = Surge
|description = Send forth a rapidly growing burst of plant life
|syntax = NATURE SURGE <target>
|syntax = NATURE SURGE <target>
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

While standing within your overgrowth, you may direct the overgrowth around you to surge toward a  
While standing within your overgrowth, you may direct the overgrowth around you to surge toward a  
target - moving it rapidly through every room between you and your target. This may only be  
target - moving it rapidly through every room between you and your target. This may only be  
performed within the same area, and only within a limited range.
performed within the same area, and only within a limited range.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Renewal
|skill = Renewal
|description = Spread healing energy through your overgrowth
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

Spread healing energy over your overgrowths in the local area, slowly healing your allies standing  
Spread healing energy over your overgrowths in the local area, slowly healing your allies standing  
within your overgrowth for the next few seconds.
within your overgrowth for the next few seconds.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Displacement
|skill = Displacement
|description = Swap places with another within your overgrowth
|syntax = NATURE DISPLACEMENT <target>
|syntax = NATURE DISPLACEMENT <target>
|description = Requires an overgrown location.
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

While standing within your overgrowth, you may instantly swap locations with anybody else that  
While standing within your overgrowth, you may instantly swap locations with anybody else that  
stands within your domain.
stands within your domain.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Consumption
|description = Consume your overgrowth to empower your energy
|detail = Requires an overgrown location.

Instantly consume your overgrowth in thie location. Doing so will generate 3 primal energy for use
|skillname = Consumption
with Primality.
|description = Requires an overgrown location.

Instantly consume the location's overgrowth effect, even if it isn't yours. Doing so will generate
Greenfoot will not cause the overgrowth to reappear after consumption, you must move first.
3 primal energy for use with Primality. There is a short cooldown on this ability before you may do
it again.

|cooldown = 30 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Barrier
|skill = Barrier
|description = Cast a protective shield upon an ally
|syntax = NATURE BARRIER <target>
|syntax = NATURE BARRIER <target>
|description =  
|detail = Usable from overgrowth or a forest room. This will summon both a magical shield and a
Usable from overgrowth or a forest room. This will summon a magical shield around any target,  
prismatic barrier around any target, excluding yourself, in the local area who also stands within  
excluding yourself, in the local area who also stands within an overgrowth or a forest.
an overgrowth or a forest.

|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Greenfoot
|skill = Greenfoot
|description = Travel across the land with growth at your heels
|description =  
|detail = With a heavy toll to willpower, an overgrowth will spread out from your very feet after  
With a heavy toll to willpower, an overgrowth will spread out from your very feet after moving  
moving to a new location, should you linger there. This overgrowth will recede again once you leave  
should you linger within a location. This overgrowth will recede again once you leave the location.
the location.

|cooldown =
|target =
|required =

Latest revision as of 18:23, 25 September 2024

The service of a [[Shaman (class)|Shaman as a guardian of Nature is manifest directly in the skill of Naturalism. Expanding the role the Druids once served, the transition to Shaman also expanded their arsenal considerably, allowing the Shaman greater control over the forces of Nature itself rather than a subset of its physical presence.

By studying Naturalism, a Shaman first learns to navigate through their domain, gaining a degree of aid from the forests of Sapience and allowing them swift and safe passage. The Shaman also retains a haven of their choice in the form of a grove - a single location where the Shaman is master of their surroundings, a testament to the art of the Druid, and a home to center their studies. Within this location, the Shaman may shun all visitors, travel rapidly to other groves and even enhance the growth of nature, invigorating not only the plants within but all they claim as allies.

Perhaps the most powerful tool within Naturalism is the ability to manifest wild, tangling overgrowth anywhere sunlight may reach. While simply a mess of plants at first glance, overgrowth acts as an extension of the Shaman's might, directly controlled by mere will. A Shaman may spread the overgrowth as they please, even sprouting fresh life at their heel, and control it as if they stood beside it. Through this growth, a Shaman may pull their enemies from where they stand, animate the plantlife around them into a savage weapon, generate impassable barriers of vines and thorns and even invigorate all allies who stand within their domain.

Skill Rank Percent Description
Elevate Novice 50 % Ascend into the treetops with ease.
Emergence Skilled 0 % Purge the taint of the Earthen.
Blending Gifted 33 % Fade away into the forest's shadow.
Thorncoat Expert 50 % A coat of vile thorns to punish your foes.
Panacea Virtuoso 33 % Purify your body of ailments and maladies.
Rejuvenate Fabled 33 % Heal the land that has been blighted.
Malevolence Mythical 66 % Brand the foes of nature.

Grove Abilities

Skill Rank Percent Description
Perceive Inept 0 % Notice the presence of a Shamanic grove.
Imprint Inept 0 % Place your mark and bring forth a grove.
Sever Inept 0 % Destroy the bond between you and your grove.
Look Apprentice 0 % Use your grove to gaze upon another.
Cage Apprentice 33 % Prevent all entry to and from your abode.
Whisper Apprentice 66 % Speak through the trees themselves.
Eyes Capable 0 % Discern the presence of any within the forest.
Fertility Capable 33 % Speed the growth of plants temporarily.
Return Adept 0 % Quickly return home to your grove.
Everbloom Adept 33 % Invigorate body and mind with ephemeral blossoms.
GroveFlow Skilled 15 % Travel through Grove links.
Linking Fabled 0 % Form a permanent connection between groves.
Annihilation Transcendent 0 % Destroy everything in one fatal blast.

Overgrowth Abilities

Skill Rank Percent Description
Release Novice 0 % Return the surge to the depths of Dia'ruis.
Overgrowth Novice 0 % The surge of Dia'ruis itself.
Trespassers Capable 33 % View those who intrude upon your overgrowths.
Canopy Capable 66 % Occlude the skies with dense overgrowth.
Roots Adept 66 % Hold yourself steady amongst plantlife.
Screen Skilled 33 % Deflect telepathic efforts within your growth.
Thornwall Skilled 50 % A hindering wall of thorns.
Whispers Skilled 66 % Sense the movement of any within your domain.
Flow Gifted 0 % Travel across overgrowth to your target.
Pulling Gifted 66 % Draw a nearby foe to your location.
Hinder Expert 0 % Summon gripping vines to prevent trespass.
Animation Virtuoso 0 % Lash out at any hostile entities in your domain.
Surge Virtuoso 66 % Send forth a rapidly growing burst of plant life.
Renewal Fabled 25 % Spread healing energy through your overgrowth.
Displacement Fabled 66 % Swap places with another within your overgrowth.
Consumption Mythical 0 % Consume your overgrowth to empower your energy.
Barrier Mythical 33 % Cast a protective shield upon an ally.
Greenfoot Transcendent 0 % Travel across the land with growth at your heels.

Elevate Ascend into the treetops with ease
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: A skilled Shaman need not bother to climb trees - should they wish to ascend to the

canopy, you can command nature to simply lift you. You can ignore disabling effects such as paresis due to nature doing the lifting for you.

Note: {{{note}}}

Emergence Purge the taint of the Earthen
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Should you find yourself standing within someone else's domain, you may beckon the

natural state of nature to emerge forth, banishing all domains except for your own. If one of the domain's controller resides in your location, there will be a slight delay to this ability.

Note: {{{note}}}

Blending Fade away into the forest's shadow
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Being well-versed in the eminence of nature, you may simply step into the foliage to hide

yourself. You will only be able to find adequate cover when standing within a forest.

Note: {{{note}}}

Thorncoat A coat of vile thorns to punish your foes
Syntax: NATURE THORNCOAT [target]
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Players only
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Engulf yourself or a friend in an armour of thorns for a limited time. Not only will you

protect them from a significant portion of physical damage, but the mitigated damage will be returned to their attacker.

There is also a 33% chance that your coat of thorns will give the loki venom to the attacker, although this venom is not hidden like usual.

Note: {{{note}}}

Panacea Purify your body of ailments and maladies
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may call upon the Cycle itself to remedy a single malady that afflicts you.

If you stand within a forest or overgrown location, this is increased to two afflictions. Nature will only heal an extra affliction every 35 seconds, even if you use this skill again.

This ability is not usable while you suffer from paresis or paralysis.

Note: {{{note}}}

Rejuvenate Heal the land that has been blighted
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires elemental ice.

You may restore the state of an environmental location that has been transformed for an ability through this simple incantation. It will cost 10 ice if it has been exterminated by a Necromancer, otherwise it is simply 1 ice to do so.

Note: {{{note}}}

Malevolence Brand the foes of nature
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: You may declare your foe to be an enemy of nature itself, placing a curse upon them that

will destroy magical shields while they linger within a forest or overgrowth location. It will additionally increase the damage dealt by natural weather.

Only one target may be cursed at a time and it will have little effect if you are in the same location as the target. The effect will fade if they no longer stand within a location with overgrowth or a forest.

Note: {{{note}}}

Perceive Notice the presence of a Shamanic grove
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Discern whether a location has been marked as the property of another in some fashion.
Note: {{{note}}}

Imprint Place your mark and bring forth a grove
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Bond with the forests in your location, making it your personal Grove. You may not form a

Grove in a location someone else has.

Note: {{{note}}}

Sever Destroy the bond between you and your grove
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Sever the bond you share with your Grove, allowing you imprint a new one elsewhere. There

is a short delay until it is fully severed.

Note: {{{note}}}

Look Use your grove to gaze upon another
Syntax: GROVE LOOK <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Draw upon the bond with your Grove to take a glimpse through the forest at someone

standing within one.

Note: {{{note}}}

Cage Prevent all entry to and from your abode
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Cage off entry and exit from your Grove, preventing people from moving through it for a

temporary period of time, or until you release it. Additionally, the thick foliage will prevent many line of sight abilities while you remain within your Grove.

Note: {{{note}}}

Whisper Speak through the trees themselves
Syntax: GROVE WHISPER <target> <message>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Whisper through the trees to anybody standing in the forest. They will not know who is

speaking to them.

Note: {{{note}}}

Eyes Discern the presence of any within the forest
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Detect the presence and whereabouts of all people who stand within a forested location.
Note: {{{note}}}

Fertility Speed the growth of plants temporarily
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: Until a new Aetolian month
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: At your behest, you may make a variety of wild flowers grow instantly within your Grove,

which you can then use.

Note: {{{note}}}

Return Quickly return home to your grove
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Return to your Grove from any forested location after a short delay. This is a channelled

action and will require your full attention until completion.

Note: {{{note}}}

Everbloom Invigorate body and mind with ephemeral blossoms
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 4 hours
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Draws upon the latent energy of your Grove to create a radiant garden that lasts for one

quarter of an Aetolian day. This garden will grant increased willpower and endurance regeneration for everybody within your Grove.

Note: {{{note}}}

GroveFlow Travel through Grove links
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Travel through between two Groves that are linked together. Refer to AB NATURALISM

LINKING for more information on how the link is formed.

Note: {{{note}}}

Linking Form a permanent connection between groves
Syntax: GROVE LINK <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Create a unidirectional spiritual pathway from your Grove to the Grove of one who

considers you an ally. Once linked, any Shaman can use Groveflow in your Grove to end up at the linked Grove.

Note: {{{note}}}

Annihilation Destroy everything in one fatal blast
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: At the cost of your Grove and the surrounding plantlife, you can completely destroy all

within your location in a single devastating wave of power that will deal an incredibly large amount of spirit damage. In order to perform this action, you must be still for a short period as the power is drawn forth from your Grove.

Once the deed is done, the forests will reject your touch and prevent you from imprinting a new Grove for at least one full season.

Cooldown (Imprint): Until a new Aetolian season

Note: {{{note}}}

Release Return the surge to the depths of Dia'ruis
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: In a single command, you may force all overgrown locations you control to recede at once.

Overgrowth you are standing in will not be affected, unless you supply the HERE argument which will then only affect your current room.

Note: {{{note}}}

Overgrowth The surge of Dia'ruis itself
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: While standing outdoors in a non-urban environment, you can empower the force of nature,

causing plants to overgrow and encompass your surroundings. An overgrown location will allow numerous abilities to be used, many of them remotely.

Leaving an overgrown location will not cause the growth to recede, though each overgrowth beyond the first will place a toll on your willpower.

Note: {{{note}}}

Trespassers View those who intrude upon your overgrowths
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: List all those who currently step upon your overgrowth, along with their location.
Note: {{{note}}}

Canopy Occlude the skies with dense overgrowth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

By causing the plant growth around you to condense into a barrier over the sky, you can prevent those in your location from using flight as an escape option.

Note: {{{note}}}

Roots Hold yourself steady amongst plantlife
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

Call forth roots from your overgrowth to secure you to the ground, making you heavier and harder to move, much like the density defence.

Note: {{{note}}}

Screen Deflect telepathic efforts within your growth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

While standing within the presence of your overgrowth, you may command the life around you to form a barrier - one capable of introducing disruptive static into the mind of a telepath when they attempt to pierce its veil. This will increase the length of time it takes for a telepath to obtain a mind lock upon those in your location. You may only support one screen at a time.

Note: {{{note}}}

Thornwall A hindering wall of thorns
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

Create a wall of hindering thorns across all exits. Any who pass through it will be scratched by the thorns, causing them to bleed and delivering the venom loki.

The thornwall will wither away faster if there is no overgrowth in the room and/or you do not remain with it.

Note: {{{note}}}

Whispers Sense the movement of any within your domain
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: At a significant drain to your willpower, track all movement in and adjacent to your all

your overgrowth.

Note: {{{note}}}

Flow Travel across overgrowth to your target
Syntax: NATURE FLOW <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

While standing within your overgrowth, you may instantly travel to anyone else within your domain.

Note: {{{note}}}

Pulling Draw a nearby foe to your location
Syntax: NATURE PULL <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

Vines will lash out from the overgrowth in your current room, attempting to pull in a target from an adjacent room. If they are within line-of-sight, you can try to pull them providing they stand within your overgrowth.

While it can be prevented by the density defence, if they are marked by your malevolence then the vines will have the strength to overcome it.

Note: {{{note}}}

Hinder Summon gripping vines to prevent trespass
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

With a single command, you can force the plantlife around you to grow rapidly and snake around the legs of those within your presence - indiscriminately hindering all movement including your own.

Note: {{{note}}}

Animation Lash out at any hostile entities in your domain
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

Any enemy standing within overgrowth in your current area will be struck by a thorny stalk that will deal cutting-based damage and inflict them with the loki venom.

Note: {{{note}}}

Surge Send forth a rapidly growing burst of plant life
Syntax: NATURE SURGE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

While standing within your overgrowth, you may direct the overgrowth around you to surge toward a target - moving it rapidly through every room between you and your target. This may only be performed within the same area, and only within a limited range.

Note: {{{note}}}

Renewal Spread healing energy through your overgrowth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

Spread healing energy over your overgrowths in the local area, slowly healing your allies standing within your overgrowth for the next few seconds.

Note: {{{note}}}

Displacement Swap places with another within your overgrowth
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

While standing within your overgrowth, you may instantly swap locations with anybody else that stands within your domain.

Note: {{{note}}}

Consumption Consume your overgrowth to empower your energy
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires an overgrown location.

Instantly consume your overgrowth in thie location. Doing so will generate 3 primal energy for use with Primality.

Greenfoot will not cause the overgrowth to reappear after consumption, you must move first.

Note: {{{note}}}

Barrier Cast a protective shield upon an ally
Syntax: NATURE BARRIER <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Usable from overgrowth or a forest room. This will summon both a magical shield and a

prismatic barrier around any target, excluding yourself, in the local area who also stands within an overgrowth or a forest.

Note: {{{note}}}

Greenfoot Travel across the land with growth at your heels
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: With a heavy toll to willpower, an overgrowth will spread out from your very feet after

moving to a new location, should you linger there. This overgrowth will recede again once you leave the location.

Note: {{{note}}}