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==Sven's Shop in Delos==
He had been to the mainland once before, to aid Oorangu in casting a
spell to protect the forests, but he had never ventured much further
than the beach upon which he had landed. Sven picked his way carefully
to the highway, hoping to finally meet the famous Vinci. He was,
afterall, a scholar of tattoos, and he hoped to find knowledge of the
art somewhere on the continent of Sapience.
A young knight outside of Shallam pointed Sven towards Delos, and he
began the trip north. Upon the Delosian bridge he came across Mat
Shinta'moryu-Corey, who informed him of Vinci's death. A bit shaken,
Sven followed Mat to the artist's former shop, where he lingered for a
short while attempting to glean insight into the craft of tattooing.
When he had learned all that he could, Sven returned to the Delosian
bridge. Unsure about taking up residence in the bustling little city of
Delos, he began to think of other options. He had decided to look into
Shastaan when Tria happened along. With her kind words and aid, Sven
made it back to the village of Shastaan. Together they met with
Shanugis, who granted Sven residence. Shanugis sent a servant ahead to
set up Sven's new shop, and when Sven and Tria finally found it the
place seemed to be well in order.
Soon the word had spread, and many curious individuals came to visit the
grook in his new home and workshop. Even after most of the onlookers had
returned to their daily business, Tria, Ehlana and Rawyn remained,
chatting until the following day. Quite happy with his accomplishments,
Sven settled down to work, and began his new career as the tattoo artist
of Sapience.
{{SkillTableRow |Firefly | Inept | 0| Light up your surroundings. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Firefly | Inept | 0| Light up your surroundings. }}