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Trolls can be a very fun race to play, either as a serious, stern warrior, devoted to combat, or as a more comical character type. The race's tendency towards low intelligence opens the door to set up a range of amusing situations, with Trolls even being known for odd - sometimes barely intelligible - speech structures, which makes them ideal for a burly, muscle-bound sort of comic relief. Conversely, a Troll can make an excellent stoic character, stalwart and stubborn in single-minded pursuit of his or her goals. Their predisposition for physical combat makes them ideal for a weapon-user, like a Carnifex, Templar, Teradrim, or Luminary, and their fame for strong constitutions make them ideal for a sheerly physical fighter, such as a lycanthrope, Daru or Sentaari monk.  
Trolls can be a very fun race to play, either as a serious, stern warrior, devoted to combat, or as a more comical character type.
Stereotypes: The race's assumed tendency towards low intelligence is a bit of a misnomer - while not natural scholars, they bear the same capacity of a Human's thought, only requiring more diligence in study in mental versus physical pursuits. Due to this, many Trolls default back to manual labour or martial training, as it plays to their strengths beyond what the other races can compete with.
Culture: Trolls come from a history of good and bad - trickery and salvation - and with their redemption coming through a God of Truth, tend to form subcultures focused around a strict regulation and 'honour', even if this falls within a hierarchy of muscle and internal control.
Language: Their jilted speech patterns in the common tongue come more from an issue of translation between language types than true stupidity, and typically converse more naturally in their native tongue. Their native tongue is layered with meaning, with words often clustering to express more depth and intention than can be otherwise cleanly communicated. There is a rough poetry to it, though it is greatly lost in translation, which leaves to many sources of miscommunication with other races.
Overview: This conflict of speech structures can both build to a depth of roleplay of communication as well as forming the role for a burly, muscle-bound sort of comic relief. Conversely, a Troll can make an excellent stoic character, stalwart and stubborn in single-minded pursuit of his or her goals. Their predisposition for physical combat makes them ideal for a weapon-user, like a Carnifex, Templar, Teradrim, or Luminary, and their fame for strong constitutions make them ideal for a sheerly physical fighter, such as a lycanthrope, Daru or Sentaari monk.
