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* Two landmarks - the Fist of Dameron and Pillars of Maya - crumble to ruin.
* Two landmarks - the Fist of Dameron and Pillars of Maya - crumble to ruin.
* A Grook named Oloo, fervent campaigner for 'Free the Suicide Mice' and 'Live in harmony with the Beetles' movements, cordons off the Blood Falls, a landmark, for environmental reasons resulting from year-long marathons of blood-pouring.
* A Grook named Oloo, fervent campaigner for 'Free the Suicide Mice' and 'Live in harmony with the Beetles' movements, cordons off the Blood Falls, a landmark, for environmental reasons resulting from year-long marathons of blood-pouring.
* Iosyne returns to prominence.
* Iosyne returns to prominence.
* The Tree landmark is destroyed by lightning.
* The Tree landmark is destroyed by lightning.
* The Crystal Cave is destroyed by an earthquake.
* The Crystal Cave is destroyed by an earthquake.
* The Rememberers, a group of oral historians, are revived by Qedddwyn
* The Rememberers, a group of oral historians, are revived by Qedddwyn and the Oracle Orechnai.
and the Oracle Orechnai.
* Wsalaly, traitorous guardian of the Globe of Balance in Ashtan, is killed by Barrkesh of the Bahkatu. It is revealed that Wsalaly's abuse of the Globe of Balance was directly responsible for the destruction of several landmarks.
* Unable to reconcile the confusion within Himself, Dhaivol splits into Dhar and Ivoln.
* The Second Totem War takes place in Tasur'ke as Indorani and Bahkatu aggression spurs the populace to embrace undeath and destroy their totem. After the sanctifying of a monument to undeath and the subsequent vicious warring back and forth, as well as the emergence of a holy artifact called the Savage Crown, the defending spirits are destroyed and the monument is broken, leaving Tasur'ke covered in lifeless sand.
* Wsalaly, traitorous guardian of the Globe of Balance in Ashtan, is
killed by Barrkesh of the Bahkatu. It is revealed that Wsalaly's abuse
of the Globe of Balance was directly responsible for the destruction of
several landmarks.
* Unable to reconcile the confusion within Himself, Dhaivol splits into
Dhar and Ivoln.
* The Second Totem War takes place in Tasur'ke as Indorani and Bahkatu
aggression spurs the populace to embrace undeath and destroy their
totem. After the sanctifying of a monument to undeath and the subsequent
vicious warring back and forth, as well as the emergence of a holy
artifact called the Savage Crown, the defending spirits are destroyed
and the monument is broken, leaving Tasur'ke covered in lifeless sand.
* Around this time, the secrets of Reanimation are discovered/developed.
* Around this time, the secrets of Reanimation are discovered/developed.
* The settlement of Nuunva is revealed to the wider world when a search for a missing child wanders into it.
* The Chapel Gardens are stricken with a curse of undeath as traitors in the prison bend necromancy to their own ends.
* The settlement of Nuunva is revealed to the wider world when a search
* In a bid to take the power of the Silver Spire for themselves, Saayar of the Spellshapers of Ayhesa tricks the Magi into assisting in a grand heist. When Saayar explodes due to a miscalculation, the Silver Spire is destroyed in a vortex of power, and Kelsys is destroyed along with it.
for a missing child wanders into it.
* The Kerrithrim, a huge and terrible beast, is wakened by the violence. Shastaan is utterly destroyed in its emergence.
* Arion is badly wounded in an engagement with the beast, fading away before His follower's eyes after only a brief scuffle.
* The Chapel Gardens are stricken with a curse of undeath as traitors in
the prison bend necromancy to their own ends.
* In a bid to take the power of the Silver Spire for themselves, Saayar
of the Spellshapers of Ayhesa tricks the Magi into assisting in a grand
heist. When Saayar explodes due to a miscalculation, the Silver Spire is
destroyed in a vortex of power, and Kelsys is destroyed along with it.
* The Kerrithrim, a huge and terrible beast, is wakened by the violence.
Ia, ia. Shastaan is utterly destroyed in its emergence.
* Arion is badly wounded in an engagement with the beast, fading away
before His follower's eyes after only a brief scuffle.
* Khepri is eaten unceremoniously when ordering the Kerrithrim to 'sit'.
* Khepri is eaten unceremoniously when ordering the Kerrithrim to 'sit'.
* A unified army is assembled from the villages across Sapience, and a
* A unified army is assembled from the villages across Sapience, and a plan is proposed by Corporal Cazin of the Enorian Army - using catapaults, a team of warriors could be launched onto the beast, to cut into it and kill it from the inside out.
plan is proposed by Corporal Cazin of the Enorian Army - using
* Severn attempts to command the Kerrithrim while wearing the form of an unknown Goddess. The beast does not fall for His trick and the God loses an arm in the resulting scuffle.
catapaults, a team of warriors could be launched onto the beast, to cut
* The combined assaults of Omei, Galleus, Chakrasul, Ivoln and Dhar avail them nothing, and Galleus loses an eye to the Kerrithrim.
into it and kill it from the inside out.
* The beast is slain when Dreadlord Missari and the Azudim Warlord Mazzion survive the assault on the heart chamber and succeed in destroying it, and collapses beside the highway.
* Severn attempts to command the Kerrithrim while wearing the form of an
unknown Goddess. The beast does not fall for His trick and the God loses
an arm in the resulting scuffle.
* The combined assaults of Omei, Galleus, Chakrasul, Ivoln and Dhar
avail them nothing, and Galleus loses an eye to the Kerrithrim.
* The beast is slain when Dreadlord Missari and the Azudim Warlord
Mazzion survive the assault on the heart chamber and succeed in
destroying it, and collapses beside the highway.
* Chakrasul merges with the essence of Khepri and becomes Ysmali.
* Chakrasul merges with the essence of Khepri and becomes Ysmali.
* A second Master Crystal is revealed beneath the Globe of Balance as Alaihandra attempts to recruit Ianus of the Ascendril Circle into propping up the flagging guild of the Magi.
* Mitrine hunters in the Tundra accidentally trigger an explosive device in the lost Ankyrean Containment Laboratory, sending up a beacon and killing most of the group. A group of adventures move to the containment facility, and Atrapoema releases an Ankyrean biological war machine called Amalgamated Prototype - Amal for short. In his rage at discovering the loss of the Ankyrean Order, Amal killed many, only halting when confronted by Qeddwyn and ordered to stand down.
* A second Master Crystal is revealed beneath the Globe of Balance as
* The Dreikathi invade from the east of Sapience, sending a fleet of airships to invade Delos, bomb Spinesreach and Eleusis, and finally regroup and establish a beach head in Scidve. Polemarch Andalso declares that Sapience has been claimed in the name of the Autarch, and demands the unconditional surrender of the entire populace.
Alaihandra attempts to recruit Ianus of the Ascendril Circle into
* The Aalen Forest is bombed with a terrible purple sludge, and mutations and death afflict all who live there.
propping up the flagging guild of the Magi.
* Ashtan is conquered by the Dreikathi and they begin brutally digging out the leylines once called the Seams of Balance.
* Mitrine hunters in the Tundra accidentally trigger an explosive device
* Having returned to physical existence and now seeking answers from His Brother Severn, Arion invades the minotaur village of Sterion and cuts His way into the Shadow Plane, vanishing from sight.
in the lost Ankyrean Containment Laboratory, sending up a beacon and
* Amal rises from the Great Rock and destroys a Dreikathi airship single-handedly, destroying the Shooting Star Inn, then clashes with Polemarch Andalso directly before being struck down.
killing most of the group. A group of adventures move to the containment
* Weeks of guerilla warfare and outright conflict, as well as the singular efforts of Villi of Spinesreach in picking off Dreikathi troops, result in the driving-back of the Dreikathi, and through the theft of an airship followed by the machinations of an elemental eld'akathi, the continent of Albedos and the city of Delve made known to Sapience. The eld'akathi also spreads their power in benediction, passing knowledge of the Albedi tongue - previously called Herolian - to the people of Sapience.
facility, and Atrapoema releases an Ankyrean biological war machine
* Dhar departs to examine the mystery of the Albedi dead. A revolt occurs within the Underking's Halls in His absence, led by the power-hungry Verkai. Edhain, Dhar's Order, as well as His High Priest Jirair, enter the Halls of Judgement to fight back Verkai but are repulsed.
called Amalgamated Prototype - Amal for short. In his rage at
* Haern attempts to cleanse the Aalen with divine fire, resulting in the wounding of the God and the emergence of blood-red stalks from the purple sludge.
discovering the loss of the Ankyrean Order, Amal killed many, only
* A terrible disease rises up from the stalks. Known as the Aalen Bloom, it kills many with no apparent cure.
halting when confronted by Qeddwyn and ordered to stand down.
* When the Hunter attempts to speak to the assembled people of Duiran about the nature of His wound and His work in the Aalen, it becomes apparent that He is cursed to silence. Calling upon Auresae, the congregation learns that the Artificer's mark is on Haern's geas. The sudden reappearance of Severn, wielding the stolen blade of Arion, once the Sword of Truth and now the Axiom, throws proceedings into violence, and it takes the sacrifice of a slave named Danerran to distract the Artificer long enough for His Sword to be broken and the Artificer driven off.
* The Dreikathi invade from the east of Sapience, sending a fleet of
airships to invade Delos, bomb Spinesreach and Eleusis, and finally
regroup and establish a beach head in Scidve. Polemarch Andalso declares
that Sapience has been claimed in the name of the Autarch, and demands
the unconditional surrender of the entire populace.
* The Aalen Forest is bombed with a terrible purple sludge, and
mutations and death afflict all who live there.
* Ashtan is conquered by the Dreikathi and they begin brutally digging
out the leylines once called the Seams of Balance.
* Having returned to physical existence and now seeking answers from His
Brother Severn, Arion invades the minotaur village of Sterion and cuts
His way into the Shadow Plane, vanishing from sight.
* Amal rises from the Great Rock and destroys a Dreikathi airship
single-handedly, destroying the Shooting Star Inn, then clashes with
Polemarch Andalso directly before being struck down.
* Weeks of guerilla warfare and outright conflict, as well as the
singular efforts of Villi of Spinesreach in picking off Dreikathi
troops, result in the driving-back of the Dreikathi, and through the
theft of an airship followed by the machinations of an elemental
eld'akathi, the continent of Albedos and the city of Delve made known to
Sapience. The eld'akathi also spreads their power in benediction,
passing knowledge of the Albedi tongue - previously called Herolian - to
the people of Sapience.
* Dhar departs to examine the mystery of the Albedi dead. A revolt
occurs within the Underking's Halls in His absence, led by the
power-hungry Verkai. Edhain, Dhar's Order, as well as His High Priest
Jirair, enter the Halls of Judgement to fight back Verkai but are
* Haern attempts to cleanse the Aalen with divine fire, resulting in the
wounding of the God and the emergence of blood-red stalks from the
purple sludge.
* A terrible disease rises up from the stalks. Known as the Aalen Bloom,
it kills many with no apparent cure.
* When the Hunter attempts to speak to the assembled people of Duiran
about the nature of His wound and His work in the Aalen, it becomes
apparent that He is cursed to silence. Calling upon Auresae, the
congregation learns that the Artificer's mark is on Haern's geas. The
sudden reappearance of Severn, wielding the stolen blade of Arion, once
the Sword of Truth and now the Axiom, throws proceedings into violence,
and it takes the sacrifice of a slave named Danerran to distract the
Artificer long enough for His Sword to be broken and the Artificer
driven off.
* With the breaking of the Axiom, Lanos' essence takes the broken body
* With the breaking of the Axiom, Lanos' essence takes the broken body
of Danerran as a shell and is reborn as Damariel. He frees Haern of His
of Danerran as a shell and is reborn as Damariel. He frees Haern of His