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|description=A makeshift remedy to a broken limb.
|detail=With quick thinking and a few resources, you can set up a splint for a crippled or broken leg. After some time has passed, your leg will be fully healed. But be warned, if it receives trauma again in the mean time, the splint will fall apart.
|description=Increase your ability to weather damage.
|detail=Your budding control over your body will assist you in weathering the storm of life by increasing your constitution by one point.
|description=Rise high into the sky with an athletic leap.
|detail=Leap into the skies with athletic might, allowing you to temporarily suspend yourself in mid-air.
|description=Enhance the value of what you eat.
|detail=By using this ability, you will begin to concentrate on processing your food more efficiently, increasing the amount it reduces your hunger by. After activating it, you'll have a short period during which to eat some food.
|description=Adapt to the unique challenges of the wilderness.
|syntax=WAYFARE MASTERY <type>
|cooldown=Until a new Aetolian season
|detail=You are skilled enough in general survival that you are able to adapt to your surroundings, gaining new abilities due to environmental insight. As you progress in Wayfaring, the environment you have affinity for will also yield new abilities.<br><br>Mastery Type              Environments<br>--------------------------------------------------<br>Wastelands                    Desert, Tundra and Ruins<br>Forests                      Forest<br>Underground                  Natural Underground<br>Mountains                    Mountain, Hill<br><br>Mastering an environment is not a quick process, and the decision to specialize may not be taken lightly. You may only specialize in one environment at a time, and you may only change it once per season.<br><br>Each Mastery type grants you access to six different abilities, which you will learn as part of Wayfaring:<br><br>Wastelands        Mountains        Forests          Underground<br>----------------------------------------------------------------<br>Desolation        Mountaineer      Bushwhack        Blindsense<br>Circulation      Dustcoat          Manhunt          Guerrilla<br>Hardiness        Sidestep          Swinging        Stalking<br>Tireless          Breakfall        Lumberjack      Hibernation<br>Resilience        Scaling          Foraging        Skulking<br>Quickstep        Endure            Identify        Echolocation
|description=Fortify yourself against physical harm.
|detail=Become hardier and more resilient to damage, granting you a moderate bonus to your physical resistance. If standing in an environment you have mastery of, this bonus is increased.
--Need to look into this one, will come back
|description=Stash supplies for later use.
|detail=A survivalist will often have supplies stashed away in hidden locations, allowing for a quick restock in a time of need. By taking some time, you can stash away a full vial of health, that you can later consume to heal yourself to full health instantly.<br><br>By default, you will always know the location of your own stashes. However, a Wayfarer is trained to discover these stashes and can search out another's stash in the room for their own use.
|description=Quickly move in a chosen direction.
|syntax=SPRING <direction>
|detail=You may rapidly move in a direction of your choice, though obstacles in your path will halt your movement.
|description=Become a master of your home terrain.
|detail=This ability is passive.<br><br>When standing in an environment you have mastered, you will now benefit from increased celerity and
endurance regeneration.
|description=Rest your weary body in comfort.
|required=2 wood, or 3 wood and 1 cloth if enclosed.
|detail=Creates a campsite for you and your allies that will soothe minds, increasing willpower regeneration. It will also protect you from cold weather. Using extra cloth, you can also optionally enclose the campsite, turning the location indoors.<br><br>Campsites will be destroyed after ten minutes, and need to be rebuilt.
|description=Navigate swiftly with the night sky.
|detail=By memorizing the orientation of your location compared to the constellations, you can memorize a location and quickly return to it. The time of this return is dependent on the time of day - it is quickest at midnight. You may memorize up to three locations to return to in this way.
|description=Spot the signs of injury.
|syntax=WAYFARE BLOODTRAILS <on/off>
|detail=Using your aptitude for survival, you can easily spot the telltale signs of injured prey. When anyone in your presence is suffering from at least 200 bleeding damage or has an axe embedded in their body, you will be able to spot the flowing wounds and the traces they leave. In this state, no type of evasion will mask someone's departure from the room, and you will be able to spot the direction the injured target moved from other rooms.
|description=Move through the lands with ease.
|detail=Bolster your celerity by two levels and speed through the land - however, when you next take a significant amount of damage, you'll both lose the bonus and be stunned for a short period of time. You can deactivate the defense manually to prevent the latter effect.
|description=Track down your wounded prey.
|detail=Survey your area quickly for the signs of any targets, notifying you of their location. If you are able to sense the target's blood trail, you will also gain information about their vital status, and this ability will not cost balance to use.
|description=Adapt to your terrain.
|detail=This ability is passive.<br><br>If you spend more than one minute standing in an environment that can be mastered, you will gain access to that mastery's abilities so long as you do not leave that environment.
|description=The strength of the land flows through you.
|required=1 green ink.
|detail=Overlay your existing tree tattoo with a symbol of empowerment, boosting its power by reducing the cooldown between uses by 3 seconds. The extra power of your tree symbol is mentally taxing, and will drain your willpower at a significant rate.
|description=Step alongside your bleeding victim.
|detail=Focus your attention on an individual target's movements, notifying you when your target is severely injured - you will receive a message when they fall below half health, and another when below a quarter of their health. In addition, if your target flees your location with a discernible blood trail, you will move with them regardless of your state of balance.<br><br>Tracking a target will only carry you a few rooms from your location, however, and will fade if the target flees too far.
|description=Defy the limits of mortality.
|cooldown=5 minutes (when triggered)
|detail=When activated, for the next 6 seconds, you will be unable to die by falling below 0 health. If you are enraged, this ability will automatically activate when necessary.<br><br>At the end of the duration, you will be restored to 20% of your maximum health, if you would be lower.
