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| class_name = Monk
| class_name = Monk
| alignment  = [[Spirit]]
| alignment  = Neutral
| city = [[Duiran]]
| city = [[Duiran]]
| guild = [[Sentaari]]
| guild = [[Sentaari]]

Revision as of 23:38, 20 September 2024

Starting CityDuiran
MirrorFile:None (tether-neutral)Icon.png[none (tether-neutral)]
Attacksphys - bal - str

Class Overview

Monks combine Tekura, Kaido, and Telepathy to form a cohesive martial system, focusing on the output and manipulation of limb damage, often with the ultimate goal of finishing their foe via the SkillIcon.png[Backbreaker].

Tekura provides attacks suitable for targeting each limb, special types of "guards", and stances that manipulate the raw limb damage, guard proc chance, and more. Notably, it also provides them with their throwing attacks, of which Backbreaker (BBT) forms their common instakill.

Kaido is powered by the resource kai, an inner spiritual force. This skillset provides most of the Monk's defenses, including SkillIcon.png[Numbness] and SkillIcon.png[Transmute], providing them with considerable tankiness at the cost of slowing their offense slightly or using mana. Some of the most important skills in Kaido allow a Monk to break all four of a victim's limbs at once, or even set up a dangerous field of energy that will immediately kill anyone who strikes them.

Telepathy is both a ranged and melee utility skillset. It allows Monks to cripple opponents with multiple afflictions at once (via SkillIcon.png[Batter] or SkillIcon.png[Terror]), strip defenses, move them to the Monk's location, and more. Telepathy also features SkillIcon.png[Blank], a passive debuff that provides a high chance to conceal which limb the Monk attacks.

Preferred Stats

  • Strength - Strength increases the damage of Tekura attacks, with some abilities receiving dramatic damage boosts at high levels of Strength.
  • Dexterity/Constitution - Dexterity allows you to dodge more often if you have learned Avoidance, and Constitution increases your maximum health and endurance, making you tankier.


Preferred statpacks for Monks are:

  • Typical - A good leveling statpack, this provides a 10% xp bonus as well as endurance regeneration, with no negative effects.
  • Stalwart - With only 12 strength, Stalwart lacks in DPS, but makes up for it for the tankiness, having 15 base constitution as well as resistance to cutting, blunt and electric.
  • Athletic - A well-rounded statpack, Athletic provides high strength, dexterity and constitution, allowing you to deal high damage while also being somewhat tanky.
  • Muscular - Muscular will provide high damage and decent survivability at the cost of speed. With a low mana pool, extended use of Telepathy can be dangerous.

Recommended Armaments

This list is meant to include things that might not appear painfully obvious. Things like vials, pipes and herbs would fall under that heading.

  1. Leather armour - Leather is the only armour available for this profession.
  2. The eclipse medallion - Negates the effects of the stars on the person wearing it. These effects are often beneficial in some way, so it's recommended that you remove it each month, to see if you actually want to be under their effects. Alternatively, a starchart relic may be used to choose which star you want to be affecting you.
  3. A necklace of purity - Has a chance to randomly remove one venom affliction from the person wearing it.
  4. Resistance rings - Increases the resistance of the person wearing it to their specific element by 10%. Available resistances are electric, fire, magic and cold.
  5. A piece of jewelry enchanted with Allsight - To see while blind and hear while deaf, two common afflictions often encountered while hunting. This frees up a tattoo slot.

Recommended Tattoos

Tattoos in Aetolia have various effects. Any novice can wear up to six at any one time. The following is a list of tattoos recommended for the Monk class:

  1. Boar - passively restores health.
  2. Moss - passively clots bleeding.
  3. Mountain - passively restores endurance.
  4. Shield - surrounds you with a magical shield that prevents damage.
  5. Cloak - prevents you from being summoned with the brazier tattoo.
  6. Tree - cures 1 random affliction when touched.

Additional recommendations are:

  1. Book - for hunting, increases experience gain.
  2. Crystal - restores health to 100% on a 15 minute cooldown.
  3. Starburst - Lets you revive from a death.
  4. Moon - passively restores mana.

Note: The Mindseye tattoo is NOT recommended, as the Allsight enchantment can do the same thing.

Enorian Duiran Bloodloch Spinesreach Neutral*
AkkariIcon.png[Akkari] TemplarIcon.png[Templar] MonkIcon.png[Monk]* ShamanIcon.png[Shaman] BloodbornIcon.png[Bloodborn] PraenomenIcon.png[Praenomen] AlchemistIcon.png[Alchemist] InfiltratorIcon.png[Infiltrator]* BardIcon.png[Bard]
AscendrilIcon.png[Ascendril] TidesageIcon.png[Tidesage] OneiromancerIcon.png[Oneiromancer] VoidseerIcon.png[Voidseer] CarnifexIcon.png[Carnifex] RavagerIcon.png[Ravager] ArchivistIcon.png[Archivist] RevenantIcon.png[Revenant] PredatorIcon.png[Predator]
LuminaryIcon.png[Luminary] ZealotIcon.png[Zealot] RunecarverIcon.png[Runecarver] WardenIcon.png[Warden] EarthcallerIcon.png[Earthcaller] TeradrimIcon.png[Teradrim] ExecutorIcon.png[Executor] SciomancerIcon.png[Sciomancer] ShapeshifterIcon.png[Shapeshifter]
SentinelIcon.png[Sentinel] IndoraniIcon.png[Indorani] WayfarerIcon.png[Wayfarer]
* is tether-neutral