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==The Cabalist Guild==
                   Guildmaster: Eleanor
                   Guildmaster: Katriela
                 Divine Patron: [[Niuri]], the Ultraist
                 Divine Patron: [[Niuri]], the Ultraist
                     Seven-hand: Yusri
                     Seven-hand: Katriela

As a Guild of scholars, the Cabalists seek vast and deep knowledge in
As a Guild of scholars, the Cabalists seek vast and deep knowledge in
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Sapience, as the guild pursues greater and more powerful secrets which
Sapience, as the guild pursues greater and more powerful secrets which
underpin the very workings of the world.
underpin the very workings of the world.
==A new day in Spinesreach==
The 8th of Severin in the year 107 started out like any day in
Spinesreach. The farmers ploughed their fields for their upcoming
planting, Franwet began her day's cooking, and the grumpy old villager
Eocik sat at the Inner Gate of Spinesreach complaining.
Though many tried to assuage him, none could get him to cease his rude
behavior. He insulted the manhood of more than one Shadowsnake, the
intelligence of quite a few others, and took particular care to take the
piss out of Avialle, who returned it just as well as she received it.
As he spoke to the crowd assembled, it became clear that Eocik had
secrets, but that initially, at least, he wasn't willing to share them
with the group of "imbeciles" in front of him. He had discovered lost
knowledge in Spinesreach that concerned the powers of the mystic
numerological symbols and had learned how to manipulate the symbols to
affect fate itself.
Eventually the crowd learned that Eocik was to open a Cabal, and that he
would allow in any who "strove above the level of moron" and sought to
learn the beauty of the numbers. And so the Cabalists were formed.
Little is known about them. Their guildhall is in the depths of the
Catacombs of Spinesreach, where they can be found contemplating the
beauty and mystery of the numbers, eliciting effects and manipulating
What is not known, however, is if the cantankerous Eocik will ever warm
up to any of his students long enough not to insult them.