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(Created page with '{| |- | Squirrel || <rank> || A cute, bushy-tailed woodland creature. |- | Powers || <rank> || Lists the powers you possess when morphed into a creatur…')
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{{SkillTableRow | Squirrel | Inept | 0| A cute, bushy-tailed woodland creature. }}
| [[#Squirrel|Squirrel]] || <rank> || A cute, bushy-tailed woodland creature.  
{{SkillTableRow | Powers | Inept | 0| Lists the powers you possess when morphed into a creature. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Scorpion | Inept | 0| A small poisonous insect. '''Sentinels only'''}}
| [[#Powers|Powers]] || <rank> || Lists the powers you possess when morphed into a creature.  
{{SkillTableRow | Wildcat | Novice | 0| A small untamed feline. Alert and perceptive. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Duck | Novice | 25| The common waterfowl. }}
| [[#Scorpion|Scorpion]] || <rank> || A small poisonous insect.  
{{SkillTableRow | Wolf | Apprentice | 0| The wary white wolf. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Jackdaw | Capable | 0| The black jackdaw. }}
| [[#Wildcat|Wildcat]] || <rank> || A small untamed feline. Alert and perceptive.  
{{SkillTableRow | Cheetah | Capable | 44| A creature quick of eye and fleet of foot. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Owl | Adept | 0| The wise bird of prey. }}
| [[#Duck|Duck]] || <rank> || The common waterfowl.  
{{SkillTableRow | Hyena | Adept | 50| A vicious, stealthy creature with a chilling howl. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Condor | Skilled | 0| The swift and mighty bird of prey. }}
| [[#Wolf|Wolf]] || <rank> || The wary white wolf.  
{{SkillTableRow | Gopher | Skilled | 40| A cute, burrowing animal. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Sloth | Skilled | 40| A slow, ponderous creature. }}
| [[#Jackdaw|Jackdaw]] || <rank> || The black jackdaw.  
{{SkillTableRow | Basilisk | Gifted | 0| The silent, magical beast of lore. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Bear | Gifted | 50| The mighty grizzly bear. }}
| [[#Cheetah|Cheetah]] || <rank> || A creature quick of eye and fleet of foot.  
{{SkillTableRow | Bonding | Expert | 0| Increased rapport with the animal spirits. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Swordfish | Expert | 13| Dashing swashbuckler of the oceans. }}
| [[#Owl|Owl]] || <rank> || The wise bird of prey.  
{{SkillTableRow | Nightingale | Expert | 25| A delicate, beautiful bird with an exquisite song. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Elephant | Expert | 63| Largest of the land mammals. }}
| [[#Hyena|Hyena]] || <rank> || A vicious, stealthy creature with a chilling howl.  
{{SkillTableRow | Transmorph | Virtuoso | 0| The ability to morph from form to form. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Wolverine | Virtuoso | 33| Pound for pound, one of the most vicious animals. }}
| [[#Condor|Condor]] || <rank> || The swift and mighty bird of prey.  
{{SkillTableRow | Jaguar | Virtuoso | 78| A powerful, quick, and stealthy beast. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Eagle | Fabled | 0| The king of all flighted birds. }}
| [[#Gopher|Gopher]] || <rank> || A cute, burrowing animal.  
{{SkillTableRow | Gorilla | Fabled | 55| An agile yet powerful primate. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Icewyrm | Mythical | 0| A mythical creature of awesome, magical power. }}
| [[#Sloth|Sloth]] || <rank> || A slow, ponderous creature.  
{{SkillTableRow | Affinity | Mythical | 51| Obtaining a greater affinity with an animal spirit. }}
{{SkillTableRow | Wyvern | Mythical | 69| The cousin of dragons themselves. }}
| [[#Basilisk|Basilisk]] || <rank> || The silent, magical beast of lore.  
{{SkillTableRow | TrueMorph | Transcendent | 0| Instantaneous metamorphosis. }}
| [[#Bear|Bear]] || <rank> || The mighty grizzly bear.  
| [[#Bonding|Bonding]] || <rank> || Increased rapport with the animal spirits.  
| [[#Swordfish|Swordfish]] || <rank> || Dashing swashbuckler of the oceans.  
| [[#Nightingale|Nightingale]] || <rank> || A delicate, beautiful bird with an exquisite song.  
| [[#Elephant|Elephant]] || <rank> || Largest of the land mammals.  
| [[#Transmorph|Transmorph]] || <rank> || The ability to morph from form to form.  
| [[#Wolverine|Wolverine]] || <rank> || Pound for pound, one of the most vicious animals.  
| [[#Jaguar|Jaguar]] || <rank> || A powerful, quick, and stealthy beast.  
| [[#Eagle|Eagle]] || <rank> || The king of all flighted birds.  
| [[#Gorilla|Gorilla]] || <rank> || An agile yet powerful primate.  
| [[#Icewyrm|Icewyrm]] || <rank> || A mythical creature of awesome, magical power.  
| [[#Affinity|Affinity]] || <rank> || Obtaining a greater affinity with an animal spirit.  
| [[#Wyvern|Wyvern]] || <rank> || The cousin of dragons themselves.  
| [[#TrueMorph|TrueMorph]] || <rank> || Instantaneous metamorphosis.  