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{{SkillTableRow |Hide | Inept | 0| Conceal yourself in the shadows. }}
== Abilities ==
{{SkillTableRow |Swinging | Novice | 0| Swing up into the trees like a monkey on kola. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Hide|Inept|0|Conceal yourself in the shadows. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Traps | Apprentice | 0| The ability to search for traps in your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Signal|Novice|0|Call across an area to your kin with the voice of the wild. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dart | Apprentice | 0| A trap that shoots out a poisoned dart at its victim. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Climbing|Apprentice|50|Clamber up into the trees with ease. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fox | Capable | 0| Summon a lithe vixen to attack your enemies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Hardiness|Capable|0|Your time in the wilds has hardened both spirit and body. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Barkskin | Capable | 40| Make your skin tough like bark. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Barkskin|Adept|25|Make your skin tough like bark. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Trip | Adept | 0| Knock an unruly foe to the ground. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Coagulation|Adept|75|Use your knowledge of healing to reduce bleeding. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Snare | Adept | 50| Trap your enemies like the stupid beasts they are. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Conceal|Skilled|0|Naught but a wisp of shadow from the wood. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Lemming | Skilled | 0| Summon a suspiciously helpful lemming to your aid. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Wildmark|Skilled|50|Leave your mark in the depths of the wild. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Returning | Skilled | 40| The ability to throw an axe such that it will return. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Foreststriding|Skilled|75|Walk the woodland with the stride of the rangers. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Firstaid | Skilled | 70| Use your knowledge of healing to reduce bleeding. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Refresh|Gifted|0|Rouse your wearied body with a surge of strength. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Disarm | Gifted | 0| Attempt to disarm a trap. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Tent|Gifted|40|Protect yourself from the elements. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Noose | Gifted | 33| A trap to strangle your enemies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Campfire|Gifted|60|Build a campfire to soothe the body and soul. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Raven | Gifted | 66| Call a raven to aid you in combat. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fitness|Gifted|80|Controlling your breathing. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Catapult | Expert | 0| A trap that will throw your enemies out of the room. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Thornspray|Virtuoso|40|Attack your enemies with a flurry of flying thorns. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Campfire | Expert | 25| Build a campfire to soothe the body and soul. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Lifesap|Virtuoso|60|Leech from the spilled blood of others. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Badger | Expert | 50| Call for the aid of a very grumpy badger. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Instinct|Virtuoso|80|The forest is your domain; the land your ally. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Clothesline | Expert | 75| A trap that will rip open the jugular of a victim. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Track|Fabled|0|Order a loyal companion to track down your prey. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Alarm | Virtuoso | 0| Put an alarm on a trap. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Might|Fabled|10|Cure yourself of an affliction through might. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Charging | Virtuoso | 11| Charge, impale, trample. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Rejuvenate|Fabled|40|Return life to blighted land. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Grab | Virtuoso | 33| Use an axe to pull someone in from a nearby room. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Vitality|Fabled|60|An adrenaline rush to heal your body. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Impale | Virtuoso | 66| Impale attackers on a spear or trident. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Campsite|Fabled|80|Expand your hunting ground into a fortified campsite. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dustbomb | Fabled | 0| Numb the senses of this trap's victims. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Camouflage|Mythical|0|Hide your companions from the watchful gaze of others. }}|}
{{SkillTableRow |Butterfly | Fabled | 36| Summon a butterfly to assist you in combat. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Horseshoe | Fabled | 63| A trap that stuns its victims with a blow to the head. }}
== Companions ==
{{SkillTableRow |Dragging | Fabled | 81| Drag your impaled foe around. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Calling|Inept|0|Call to the beasts of the woodlands to aid you in battle. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Thornspray | Mythical | 0| Attack your enemies with a flurry of flying thorns. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Wisp|Inept|0|A glowing wisp that will distract your enemies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Conceal | Mythical | 31| Conceal the nature of a trap's effect. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Weasel|Novice|50|Call a weasel to your aid, capable of shredding defenses. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Spinning | Mythical | 54| Set up a defensive shield with a spear or trident. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Nightingale|Apprentice|0|A beautiful bird that will protect you and your
{{SkillTableRow |Wolf | Mythical | 77| Call the mighty grey wolf to your side. }}
companions. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Camouflage | Mythical | 81| Hide your animals from the gaze of others. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Rook|Capable|50|Throw your foes off balance with the rook's swoop. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Tent | Mythical | 85| Protect yourself from the elements. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Direwolf|Adept|0|Call upon the great direwolf to tear apart your victim. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Darts | Transcendent | 0| A trap to quickly overload an enemy with poisons. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Raccoon|Adept|50|A beast that will pluck curatives from your foe's grasp. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Elk|Skilled|25|The mighty elk will block all passage at your call. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Gyrfalcon|Gifted|20|Summon an enormous gyrfalcon to rip your foes to pieces. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Raloth|Expert|0|An ancient, harrowing beast that will shatter their bones. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Entourage|Expert|20|Lead up to three companions at a time. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Mount|Expert|40|Great beasts will bear your weight in the hunt. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Daunt|Expert|80|The daunting cry of a beast will rattle their senses. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Swoop|Virtuoso|0|Harry your foes from the heavens. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Crocodile|Virtuoso|20|Summon a powerful crocodile to tear their body apart. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Icewyrm|Fabled|20|The legendary icewyrm will freeze your enemies in place. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Cockatrice|Mythical|25|A mythical beast inspiring insanity in your foes. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Icebreath|Mythical|50|A chilling gout from the jaws of the icewyrm. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Company|Mythical|75|Surround yourself with forestal allies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Opportunity|Transcendent|0|The watchful hunter strikes at the first sign of
weakness. }}|}
|skillname = Hide
|syntax = HIDE and EMERGE
|description =
In the ebb and flow of the Rhythm, the hunter may become the hunted. Many scouts amongst the
Sentinels quickly learn to keep to the shadows in their training, lest their elders catch them.
This will allow you to quickly conceal yourself from common view, assuming no others stand in your
location. If you wish to no longer hide, then you can emerge from your hiding place.
|skillname = Signal
|syntax = SIGNAL <message>
|description =
It is often said that the enemy has many spies; but none so cunning as to know the speech of birds
and beasts. The Sentinel rangers have spent much of their time within the woodlands and vales of
Sapience, and so have learned to mask their calls to their allies across the great expanses.
Masking your words, you can communicate in secrecy by twittering as a mockingbird or even the
croaking cry of a raven for the enemy shall be none the wiser as the Wilds themselves are your ally.
|skillname = Climbing
|syntax = CLIMB UP and CLIMB DOWN
|description =
It takes a knowing hand and eye to move through the treetops, finding purchase in every lofty bough
and making sure the wind doesn't buffet you from your perch. The Rangers will often tell the
younger Trackers of their bone-shattering plummets from the heavens, but many claim it is little
more than an attempt to 'put a scare' into you.
Should there be trees in your location, you may climb up into their treetops. You can then climb
down if you wish to leave them.
|skillname = Hardiness
|syntax = HARDINESS
|description =
Through their training, the Sentinels have become hardy in the unyielding and unforgiving
wilderness that spans the breadth of Sapience. Your natural resilience has granted you bonus
resistance to the harmful effects of cold and poisons.
|skillname = Barkskin
|syntax = BARKSKIN
|description =
Make your skin tough as bark, granting bonus resistance to physical damage. This resistance is
greater when standing in a forest or overgrown environment.
|skillname = Coagulation
|syntax = Snytax: COAGULATION <ON/OFF>
|description =
Anyone who spends time in the wilderness understands the value of a basic knowledge of first aid.
Using this technique, you will cause your bleeding to passively clot while active, though it does
drain mana in order to maintain.
|skillname = Conceal
|syntax = CONCEAL
|description =
By masking yourself in the shadows, you will be able to mask your movements to and from locations,
concealing your identity from those who see you dart away. This defence lasts far longer when used
within a forest environment.
|skillname = Wildmark
|syntax = WILDMARK CREATE <message>
|description =        WILDMARK MAINTAIN
Subtly altering the natural environment around you will allow you to leave a message that only
Sentinels may read. This message will last only a few months, though you may maintain it to reset
this timer. Alternatively, you may simply clear the present message. You may only clear messages
you have placed.
|skillname = Foreststriding
|description =
You are capable of moving through the forest with incredible ease, granting you bonus celerity in
any outdoor environment and an additional bonus within forests.
|skillname = Refresh
|syntax = REFRESH BODY
|description =
Usable only so often, you can call upon your inner reserves to instantly regenerate a portion of
your endurance, while simultaneously granting you a temporary bonus to both your strength and
|skillname = Tent
|syntax = TENT SETUP
|description =        TENT COLLAPSE
3 rope, 3 wood, and 3 cloth.
With the right commodities you will be able to construct a simple tent. The tent can only be put up
outside and in fitting environments, these being:
Forest, Valley, Hills, Plains, Desert, Mountains, Grassland and Jungle.
When a tent is collapsed, you will only recover a portion of the commodities.
Patrons are permitted to change the descriptions of your tent, as long as the description maintains
that you are indeed inside a small, simple tent.
|skillname = Campfire
|description =        CAMPFIRE STOKE
3 wood to build
1 wood to stoke
By building a campfire, you can keep yourself and others warm in the cold. Additionally, your  
craftsmanship will help regenerate the endurance and willpower of those that linger by the flames.
When the fire starts to burn out, you may stoke it with extra wood to keep it alive.
|skillname = Fitness
|syntax = FITNESS
|description = 
With the increased lung power you have gained from your bodily mastery, you are able to resist the
effects of asthma. If you already have asthma, then you can purge it from your body. There is a  
period of time before you may use fitness again after using it.
|skillname = Thornspray
|description =
While in a plant lush environment, you may fill the air with deadly flying thorns, damaging any
enemy that is within your location. These thorns will additionally sting your opponent with the
loki venom.
You may use this ability in the following environments:
Forest, Jungle, Swamp, or Grasslands.
It is possible to use thornspray within an overgrown location caused by a Shaman, however you will
find that the damage is reduced.
|skillname = Lifesap
|syntax = LIFESAP
|description =
When you spill the blood of another, you will recover a portion of the damage you dealt as health.
Critical hits do not affect the amount returned.
|skillname = Instinct
|syntax = INSTINCTS
|description =
While standing in a natural environment, you will be able to spot disturbances such as fires or
exterminated plant-life in the local area.
|skillname = Track
|syntax = TRACK <target>
|description =
While mounted on one of your summoned beasts, you may track to an outdoor opponent, moving you to
their location after a short delay.
|skillname = Might
|syntax = MIGHT
|description =
Let out a mighty shout and purge yourself of a random affliction. There is a cooldown before you
may use this ability once more.
|skillname = Rejuvenate
|syntax = REJUVENATE
|description =
At the cost of ten elemental ice commodities, you may restore the state of a natural location that
has been exterminated by a necromancer's magics through this simple incantation.
|skillname = Vitality
|syntax = VITALITY
|description =
Once active, this ability will send a rush of adrenaline coursing through your body, healing it
significantly when you drop below twenty-five percent of your maximum health. You will need full
health and mana to activate this ability.
|skillname = Campsite
|description =        CAMPSITE REMOVE
You may convert your tent and campfire into a full campsite, granting you several bonuses exclusive
to its presence. This process takes a bit of endurance and concentration as you set up the
surrounding area, and may only be done in a forest environment.
You will receive the following effects while remaining at your campsite:
- Your campfire will no longer require stoking.
- The title of your location will be temporarily changed to match your site.
- Remaining in the treetops of your location will mask the presence of any allies, hiding them from
- You may SCOUT while in the treetops, discerning the presence of any denizen or animal in the area.
A campsite will last for one Aetolian day.
|skillname = Camouflage
|description =
You may hide your companions in the undergrowth, concealing them mostly from view.
|skillname = Calling
|syntax = CALL <companion>
|description =        DISMISS <companion>
You are able to call and control up to two companions at once. Consult AB WOODLORE for a list of
the companions you may use. Calling companions has no delay if used in a forest, a short delay if
used in a non-urban environment, and a long delay otherwise as it will take some time to find your
If you get separated from your animals you can CALL ANIMALS at any time to return them to your side.
ANIMALS will let you see what animals you have summoned, as well as their current location.
|skillname = Wisp
|syntax = CALL WISP
|description =
Call forth a wisp of the woods to confound your enemies. Its pulsing lights will occasionally
instill idiocy into the poor sap that it surrounds.
|skillname = Weasel
|syntax = CALL WEASEL
|description =
Wiley and fast, the weasel will dart about your foe and attempt to strip away their defences,
particularly the aura of rebounding.
|skillname = Nightingale
|description =
The tranquil nightingale will periodically sing a refreshing melody that will heal you and your
allies in the same location as it. It will heal either health or mana - but not both - as long as
you are below 90% of your respective maximum.
In addition, it will seek to protect other animal companions in your entourage, generating
transient prismatic barriers that prevent aggression against them.
|skillname = Rook
|syntax = CALL ROOK
|description =
The frantic rook will constantly harass your foe, occasionally succeeding in knocking them off
|skillname = Direwolf
|description =        ORDER DIREWOLF LEAP <direction>
The great direwolf will allow you to leap over any obstacle while mounted - should you also possess
the Leaping ability in Horsemanship, it will become significantly faster.
Additionally it will maul your opponents when it attacks, causing large amounts of bleeding and
|skillname = Raccoon
|syntax = CALL RACCOON
|description =
While not as quick or powerful as other companions, the raccoon makes up for what it lacks in sheer
strength with ingenuity - when an opponent attempts to consume herbs or slices, it will simply
steal them away.
|skillname = Elk
|syntax = CALL ELK
|description =        ORDER ELK BLOCK <direction>
The majestic elk acts as mount and surprising companion both, and will allow you to completely
block exits with its horns.
Additionally it will ram your opponent when attacking, knocking them to the ground.
|skillname = Gyrfalcon
|description =
This powerful bird of prey will not hesitate to lacerate your victims, cutting their flesh with
deadly talons and causing disfigurement.
|skillname = Raloth
|syntax = CALL RALOTH
|description =        ORDER RALOTH TRAMPLE <direction>
This mythical forest beast resembles a rhino in some regards, and its ability to trample over any
obstacle is shared. While mounted, you may trample a direction to bypass any blockers while
simultaneously stunning them, or trample a prone victim to deal significant damage while breaking
their body.
Additionally, should the raloth attack an opponent that is prone, its horns will puncture their
chest and leave behind a light wound.
|skillname = Entourage
|syntax = This ability is passive.
|description =
You may now summon and control up to three companions at a time.
|skillname = Mount
|syntax = MOUNT <companion>
|description =
You may now mount several of your larger companions to use them as a steed. Not only are they
usable with any associated Horsemanship abilities, but several of the companions possess unique
abilities only usable while mounted.
|skillname = Daunt
|syntax = ORDER <companion> DAUNT <target>
|description =
A quick command to your companion will cause them to roar at your target, startling them with a
mental affliction. If the target is undeaf, they will sustain mental damage. Using this ability
will open up the opportunity for a dhuriv flourish.
Direwolf: Claustrophobia
Raloth: Agoraphobia
Crocodile: Loneliness
Cockatrice: Berserking
|skillname = Swoop
|syntax = ORDER <companion> SWOOP <target>
|description =
You may order a companion with wings to swoop from above, striking your target and producing a
specific effect depending on the animal. Using this ability will open up the opportunity for a
dhuriv flourish.
Gyrfalcon: Bleeding
Nightingale: Amnesia
Rook: Upsets balance
|skillname = Crocodile
|description =
The crushing bite of the crocodile inflicts not only physical trauma, but can weaken the target's
very body, causing one of clumsiness or weariness. You may not control a crocodile while a
cockatrice is in your entourage.
|skillname = Icewyrm
|syntax = CALL ICEWYRM
|description =
This wyrm of legend will constantly plague your foe with chilling breath, causing cold damage while
occassionally freezing them.
|skillname = Cockatrice
|description =
This legendary beast possesses a stare that assaults the mind of your enemy, instilling one of
dizziness or epilepsy with each strike, alongside psychic harm. You may not control a cockatrice
while a crocodile is in your entourage.
|skillname = Icebreath
|syntax = ORDER ICEWYRM ICEBREATH <target>
|description =
You may command your icewyrm to freeze your target, stripping their caloric defense first and
subsequently chilling your victim. Using this ability will open up the opportunity for a dhuriv
|skillname = Company
|syntax = This ability is passive.
|description =
A master of animal empathy, you may now wilfully control up to four companions at a time.
|skillname = Opportunity
|description =
For a limited duration you may order your companions to watch their target, looking for moments to
strike. Their attack speed will be doubled for the duration of the effect. There is a short
cooldown put into effect after this ability is used.