
Revision as of 01:23, 17 April 2012 by Daingean (talk | contribs) (Added refining. Whoops. Main page with detailed terms and AB needs to be added, still.)

Miniskills are the same as skills in every respect except that they get listed separately when you type SKILLS, and they take far fewer lessons - roughly half the cost of a general skill - to master. Most of the miniskills serve to increase player resistance to various damage types.


Many are the foul poisons in the land and the wise player doses himself with small doses of these venoms in order to build resistance to them. This skill will do this; slowly strengthening your body's natural ability to ignore damage caused by venoms.

Those who are Transcendent in Antidotes gain the "Purge" ability, which allows them to purge their body of the effects of alcohol, cactus weed and the ebrius serum. The syntax for this is PURGE BODY or PURGE SUBSTANCE.

*Note*: 'Venoms' as used here represents poison damage. For information on the Syssin skillset of the same name, please click here.


Most magical damage is caused by the forces of magical energy to simply pound away at your body in different forms. Constitution will train your body to resist this magical damage.

Once you are transcendent in this skill you will begin to store a portion of this magical damage as energy. You can RELEASE ENERGY FOR ENDURANCE/WILLPOWER to restore lost endurance or willpower respectively.


The benefit of exercise, whether by single combat or simple running, have long been known in Aetolia and Fitness is the skill with which you will strengthen your lungs and increase your endurance. As your fitness increases, you will find yourself recovering endurance more quickly.

Additionally, your skill level in fitness will reduce the damage you take from asphyxiation based attacks.


Frost represents the body's ability to resist extreme cold. At a certain level within the skill, you will gain total immunity to the vagaries of normal weather, and as you increase generally, your resistance to cold-based attacks will increase.


Galvanism is one of the basic defensive skills. It represents the body's resistance to damage by electricity. It might, for example, reduce the damage you'd take from a Druid's grove lightning strike, or a Sciomancer's stormhammer.


Horsemanship is a miniskill that provides the user of it abilities pertaining to riding and caring for a steed.

If you are mounted on a steed capable of flying, you may use SPUR MOUNT SKYWARDS to have it take you up into the skies.

Mounts may be bought from stables across the land. Owners of mounts may also keep their steeds in these stables, so that they are not in danger from anything in the outside world. For a list of stables and which mounts they sell, please click here.


The training of the mind in a logical, orderly manner has been shown to be a very effective way of defending yourself from psychic damage. As you progress in the skill, your resistance to psychic attacks will increase. You'll also notice that your willpower recovers more quickly as your skill in philosophy rises.

Transcendent Philosophy will grant the adventurer the ability to participate in PsyCombat.


Brought about by the knowledge of Delve, Refining is a crude method of manipulating ylem energy, particularly that which flows from an active leyline focus point. Through study of this technique, one may learn how to empower themselves with the residual energy that flows from an extraction, learning to detect subtle changes in the leylines and recognize the chaotic presence of primal eld. Those who are dedicated may even learn to divert raw ylem energy into magical fortifications, to protect themselves and their allies from assault.

The process of extracting ylem will release residual energy into the air; you may use this energy to power many abilities within Refining, but be warned that this same energy will cause one to glow for a brief period afterward. This aura will notify other organizations of your extraction attempts, and will make you open to assault until the aura fades.

Hannis of Delve will teach you the skill of Refining for a nominal sum of gold. Simply LEARN ABILITY OF REFINING FROM HANNIS.

*Note*: Refining is only available to those who've learned it from Hannis, as above. You won't see it on your AB list until you've done so.


Thermology is the study of the fire and heat that power life. It seeks to increase the body's natural ability to cool itself and thereby reduce the harmful effects of heat.