User talk:Haven

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Revision as of 21:03, 22 February 2013 by Lin (talk | contribs)
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AB Template

Be sure to leave two empty lines between each AB template, or they look really crowded! Also, try and delete the game's linebreaks, they mess it up sometimes. For the pipe character ('|'), use ' {{!}} ', which will display as a pipe (Like this: '|'), even through the template! I haven't figured out how to do the same thing for brackets satisfactorily, unfortunately. Perhaps Lin will figure something out. -Erion

Re: Premote page

I'm having trouble figuring out what you're getting at. You have a few templates put onto the page that don't actually exist yet. lin Deer.gif

Ah, caught what your intentions were on the forum. I don't know that you'd even really want to use a template for the big table of emotes, since it's likely the only place you'd ever put it. Check out Mediawiki's Table Guide and you should be able to make a table pretty simply. However, are you intending for a user to be able to click an emote on the table and then navigate to the appropriate target info? Because that could be a prohibitive amount of work for you. lin Deer.gif