Sentaari (Guild)

Revision as of 09:01, 8 May 2010 by Tessra (talk | contribs) (Leadership update)

The Sentaari

                        [GUILD LEADERS]
                  Guildmaster: Benedicto
                Divine Patron: Iosyne, the Muse
                  Secretaries: Tessra, Clearwater, Fenelli, and Visciro
         Tutor of Enlightment: Visciro

The Sentaari are a guild of close-knit monks dedicated to the preservation of Life in Aetolia through the tenets of Balance, Enlightenment, and Renewal. Walking fearlessly into the unknown, the Sentaari seek to find Balance within themselves by helping their bodies, minds, and spirits work in harmony with each other, both as individuals and as a united guild. It is through Enlightenment that the Sentaari find their inner Balance, and it is part of their duty as monks to constantly enlighten both themselves and others by bringing the light of understanding to minds darkened with ignorance. It is through the tenets of Renewal that the Sentaari have the most visible affect on Aetolia, for it is through the Cycle of Renewal that Life itself is perpetuated, and it is the purpose of the Sentaari to oppose those that seek to stamp out the light of Life. It is the belief of the Sentaari that all Life has a right to exist, but it is the decisions of those that contain Life that decide their fate.

In order to defend Life, the Sentaari train themselves rigorously in three arts: Tekura, Telepathy, and Kaido. Tekura is the art of the body, requiring the most vigorous training to make the deadliest of movements. Telepathy is the art of the mind, used to aid friends and hinder enemies to the point of death. Kaido is the art of the spirit, controlling the body through sheer will, and using the energy of violence to devastating effect. Though the Sentaari seek to preserve Life itself, they are more than willing to kill or be killed in defense of themselves, their fellow Brothers and Sisters, and those they care about.