Indorani (guild)

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The Indorani
Calignous PhantomVyxsis
Divine PatronChakrasul, Goddess of Corruption
The Council of ThirteenEvilo, Marharet, Meltas, and Tina
the Dark Empire

The Indorani, founded early in the First Epoch by the dark sorcerer Yetrent, are one of Sapience's oldest guilds. Claiming the city of Bloodloch as their capital, they formed the elite of a Dark Empire, built upon the bones of the Dwarven kingdom which preceded them.

Having driven the Dwarves of old into eastward exile, the Indorani unleashed a reign of terror upon the continent in which chaos and despair reigned supreme, to the end of consolidating their unquestioned power.

Though the Dark Empire fell after a few centuries, those who defeated it were consumed by the same aspects which had embodied the Indorani regime - the forces of Light squabble and bicker to this day, and the Ankyreans in their ever-growing hubris were destroyed by the Dark Mother, Chakrasul at the end of the Second Epoch.

The foes of the Indorani have weakened, while the Indorani have only grown stronger, achieving a full and thorough renaissance from scattered groups of occultists in the Third Mortal Epoch. As before, the Indorani seek to bring about an end to all things except a sheer and utter dominion - a revival of the Dark Empire of old.

To this end, the Indorani manipulate the essence of life and death with the fearsome talent of Necromancy. Fate itself trembles beneath their fingers as they frame chance and power within Tarot cards, bending both luck and reality to suit their whims.

Finally, the guild retains a long-standing compact, forged in the days of old, with the denizens of the Chaos Plane and their Emperor, Jy'Barrak Golgotha - through Domination, they call upon foul entities, securing their service with promises of gold, essence, and power.

Housed in the city of Bloodloch within a dread Tower, the Indorani use Chaos and Despair to forge the world of their ideal; a world in which only Darkness remains to the people of Sapience.