Honest Jack

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This page is utterly silly.
This page may contain in-jokes, references, and running gags that might not make sense to outsiders or new players. Aetolia isn't all serious business!

Honest Jack is a fearsome Eleusian longbowman of incredible might, and the most dangerous known mobile in all of Aetolia. He is the only known member of Duiran's staff of guard to wear a medal of honor.

During the First Duiran Revival War, several members of Bloodloch's militia would amuse themselves by raiding Duiran. On one particularly foolish raid, the enemy raiding group was caught by a massive group of guards, made almost entirely of longbowmen, thus spamming Deathsight with "Name has been slain by a longbowman." On #NoT, it was jokingly concluded that these deaths were all the cause of a single archer, who was then given the name "Honest Jack" and immediately inserted into every and all possible Chuck Norris jokes.