Earthcaller (class)

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Warrior Priests and Jailors

Class Overview

Earthcallers are warrior priests, trained in the ancient ways of the Earthen of Azvosh Rakar. Able to manipulate both the earth and the bones of their enemies, they marry martial discipline with the weaving of the Earthen Dirge into powerful magical verses.

Charged with maintaining a solemn vigil over the Pillars of the Earth and the Sorcerer-Kings held captive there, the role of the Earthcaller is that of jailer and warden, guardian against the oblivion that would come should their prisoners break free and bring about the breaking of the world

As members of the Teradrim guild, they wield the skills of Apocalyptia, Subjugation, and Tectonics to carry out their solemn duty.

Preferred Stats

  • Strength - Strength increases the damage of their attacks.
  • Dexterity/Constitution - Dexterity allows you to dodge more often if you have learned Avoidance, and Constitution increases your maximum health and endurance, making you tankier.


Preferred statpacks for Earthcallers are:

  • Typical - A good leveling statpack, this provides a 10% XP bonus as well as endurance regeneration, with no negative effects.
  • Muscular - With high base strength and a bonus to endurance regeneration, this statpack provides you with good damage and no negative effects.
  • Athletic - This is a great option for PVP with high strength, dexterity, and good con, but with the drawback of -10% fire audit and low int/mana.

Recommended Armaments

This list is meant to include things that might not appear painfully obvious. Things like vials, bandages pipes, and pills would fall under that heading.

  1. Splintmail - Splintmail is the recommended armor Earthcallers can use.
  2. Crozier - The Crozier is the main weapon Earthcallers use - its stats are not important once calified.
  3. Buckler - An Earthcaller will use a variety of shields - with the smallest providing a quicker attack and the heaviest offering more damage.
  4. The eclipse medallion - Negates the effects of the stars on the person wearing it. These effects are often beneficial in some way, so it's recommended that you remove it each month, to see if you actually want to be under their effects. Alternatively, a starchart relic may be used to choose which star you want to be affecting you.
  5. A necklace of purity - Has a chance to randomly remove one venom affliction from the person wearing it. Consider if you do not need three Ylem amulets.
  6. Resistance rings - Increases the resistance of the person wearing it to their specific element by 10%. Available resistances are electric, fire, magic and cold.
  7. A piece of jewelry enchanted with Allsight - To see while blind and hear while deaf, two common afflictions often encountered while hunting. This frees up a tattoo slot.
  8. Multiple fist sigils - when attached to your shields and crozier, will prevent it from being knocked out of your grasp easily.

Recommended Early Skills

Recommended Tattoos

Tattoos in Aetolia have various effects. Any novice can wear up to six at any one time. The following is a list of tattoos recommended for the Earthcaller class:

  1. Boar - passively restores health.
  2. Moss - passively clots bleeding.
  3. Crystal - full health restore on touch + 50% damage resistance in group fight. On a 15 minute cooldown.
  4. Shield - surrounds you with a magical shield that prevents damage.
  5. Cloak - prevents you from being summoned with the brazier tattoo.
  6. Tree - cures 1 random affliction when touched.

Additional recommendations are:

  1. Book - for hunting, increases experience gain.
  2. Starburst - Lets you revive from a death.
  3. Moon - passively restores mana.

Note: The Mindseye tattoo is NOT recommended, as the Allsight enchantment can do the same thing.

Class Navigator By Alignment - Note: Class alignment isn't always the same as the guild that teaches that class.
Shadow Neutral Spirit
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PraenomenIcon.png[Praenomen] SciomancerIcon.png[Sciomancer] TeradrimIcon.png[Teradrim] WayfarerIcon.png[Wayfarer] InfiltratorIcon.png[Syssin] ShamanIcon.png[Shaman] TemplarIcon.png[Templar] ZealotIcon.png[Zealot]
RevenantIcon.png[Revenant] WardenIcon.png[Warden]