Woodcraft (skill)

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Those who can craft useful items from wood are highly sought after for some of the basic staples of adventuring life, as well as some more esoteric objects. Vials, pipes, coffins, and elixir pots are some of the items frequently requested of skilled woodcarvers. Wealthy and powerful individuals often commission specialized designs for their own use, preferring to sip their elixirs in style.

To become a professional woodcarver, you must be trained by the craft guild of a major city. Go to the craft guild office and BUY WOODCRAFT PERMIT. The craft guild assesses a fee of 100 credits for the permit, which does not expire. Once a licensed woodcarver, you will have basic ability in the Woodcraft miniskill. The more you train in this skill, the higher quality your products will be.

To produce a useful item from a chunk of wood, simply purchase a project diagram and the components required to make the item as indicated by the diagram (usually wood). Then CARVE [qty] <#> to construct your item.

Once you have attained Expert skill in Woodcraft, you will gain the coveted ability to design items of your own.