Ferality (skill)

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Skill Rank Percent Description
Mangle Inept 0 % Mutilate the limb of your victim.
Combo Inept 0 % Claw your opponent repeatedly.
Destroy Inept 0 % Destroy the limb of your victim.
Leapslash Expert 0 % Leap at your opponent from your mount.
Armpitlock Expert 33 % Pin your victim by their armpit.
Expose Expert 50 % Aim for their unprotected areas.
Spleenrip Expert 66 % Destroy their spleen and health.
Necklock Virtuoso 0 % Pin your victim by their neck.
Fury Virtuoso 50 % Convert your frustration into power.
Throatrip Virtuoso 66 % Destroy their throat and fitness.
Thighlock Fabled 0 % Pin your victim by their thigh.
Gore Fabled 50 % # They didn't need those intestines anyway.
Buffet Fabled 50 % ## Batter them blow after blow.
Deathroll Fabled 50 % ### They cannot escape you.
Rupture Fabled 50 % #### Rend their flesh in a spray of blood.
Headdrop Fabled 50 % ##### Drop them on their head.
Groinrip Fabled 66 % Destroy their legs and agility.
Pant Mythical 10 % Gather your breath.
Flurry Mythical 66 % Attack in a flurry of limbs.
Quarter Transcendent 0 % Quarter your victim in a packhunt.

Claw Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Slashing Inept 0 % A claw attack that causes bleeding.
Spinalcrack Apprentice 0 % Cause nerve damage to your opponent.
Rend Apprentice 50 % Disable the arms of an opponent.
Hamstring Capable 0 % Disable the legs of an opponent.
Faceslash Adept 0 % A strike that will cause blurred vision.
Bodypunch Adept 33 % A serious blow to their torso.
Throatslice Skilled 0 % Silence the cries of the weak.
Skullwhack Gifted 0 % Cause damage to the skull.
Jugular Gifted 66 % Causing bleeding in the neck.

Bite Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Bite Novice 0 % A basic bite attack.
Gut Novice 50 % A bite that causes damage to the torso.
Lacerate Skilled 33 % Lacerate them, causing delayed bleeding.
Neckdrag Virtuoso 33 % Drag your victim by the neck.
Facemaul Fabled 33 % Make them unrecognizable.
Spinalrip Mythical 0 % Cause permanent nerve damage.
Skullcrush Mythical 33 % Crush your opponent's skull in your jaws.

A # indicates exclusivity to the Wereboar subclass.

A ## indicates exclusivity to the Werebear subclass.

A ### indicates exclusivity to the Werecroc subclass.

A #### indicates exclusivity to the Werewolf subclass.

A ##### indicates exclusivity to the Wereraven subclass.

Mangle Mutilate the limb of your victim
Syntax: MANGLE <LEFT/RIGHT> <ARM/LEG> OF <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If your victim possesses a broken arm or leg, you can latch your might upon it and mangle

it in one swift blow. If you mangle a leg, then it will cause your opponent to fall to the ground.

Note: {{{note}}}

Combo Claw your opponent repeatedly
Syntax: COMBO <target> <[ab] [param]> <[ab] [param]>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This ability allows you to unleash a swift combination of attacks with a single command.

You may optionally include which limb to strike after specifying the ability you wish to use.


Note: {{{note}}}

Destroy Destroy the limb of your victim
Syntax: DESTROY <LEFT/RIGHT> <ARM/LEG> OF <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If your opponent is suffering from a crippled limb, then you can completely destroy that

limb, leaving it broken and useless.

Note: {{{note}}}

Leapslash Leap at your opponent from your mount
Syntax: LEAPSLASH <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: While mounted, you may leap from your steed and crash into your target, knocking them to

the ground as you slash frantically at them.

Note: {{{note}}}

Armpitlock Pin your victim by their armpit
Syntax: JAWLOCK ARMPIT OF <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This skill will let you pin an opponent who has either a mangled torso or a mangled arm

with your jaws, providing they are prone. While pinned, you can still use your claw attacks, but your bite attacks will become unavailable.

Note: {{{note}}}

Expose Aim for their unprotected areas
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This ability is passive.

When your opponent is prone, you will aim for the soft flesh that is unprotected by armour. As such, your Ferality attacks will not be as impacted by your opponent's armour while they are in this state.

Note: {{{note}}}

Spleenrip Destroy their spleen and health
Syntax: SPLEENRIP <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If you are pinning an individual by their armpit, you can rip out their spleen. The

damage to the spleen will be great and incurable while the body naturally fixes itself. While they are suffering from this, the ability to clot naturally and intentionally will be significantly reduced.

Note: {{{note}}}

Necklock Pin your victim by their neck
Syntax: JAWLOCK NECK OF <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This skill will let you pin an opponent who has a broken head with your jaws, providing

they are prone. While pinned, you can still use your claw attacks, but your bite attacks will become unavailable.

Note: {{{note}}}

Fury Convert your frustration into power
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This ability is passive.

Providing you are mutated, if you strike parry three times within a short time frame, your body will flood with fury. During this state, you can use claw attacks while off balance, allowing you to bite and then claw twice.

Note: {{{note}}}

Throatrip Destroy their throat and fitness
Syntax: THROATRIP <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If you are pinning an individual by their neck, you can rip out the tender flesh of their

neck. The damage to the area will be great and will be incurable while the body naturally fixes itself. While they are suffering from this, they will be unable to make use of their voice and their ability to recover quickly from elixirs will be reduced.

Note: {{{note}}}

Thighlock Pin your victim by their thigh
Syntax: JAWLOCK THIGH OF <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This skill will let you pin an opponent who has a mangled leg with your jaws, providing

they are prone. While pinned, you can still use your claw attacks, but your bite attacks will become unavailable.

Note: {{{note}}}

Gore They didn't need those intestines anyway
Syntax: GORE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires a jawlock. If your target is below 25% health, this will instantly kill the

target. Otherwise deals heavy cutting damage. Removes jawlock upon use.

Note: {{{note}}}

Buffet Batter them blow after blow
Syntax: BUFFET <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If you have your target jawlocked, deliver a buffet of blows upon them,

dealing heavy damage and stunning. This will clear your jawlock.

Note: {{{note}}}

Deathroll They cannot escape you
Syntax: DEATHROLL <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires your target to be jawlocked. Deals heavy cutting damage, but if performed in a

flooded location, deals asphyxiation damage instead. Removes jawlock upon use.

Note: {{{note}}}

Rupture Rend their flesh in a spray of blood
Syntax: RUPTURE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If your target is jawlocked, rip their flesh apart. Deals heavy bleeding damage equal to

one-third of their missing health, damages them, and removes jawlock.

Note: {{{note}}}

Headdrop Drop them on their head
Syntax: HEADDROP <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Requires your target to be jawlocked. Lift your target into the air with your mighty

wings and drop them upon their head. Does fair damage and breaks said head. Removes jawlock.

Note: {{{note}}}

Groinrip Destroy their legs and agility
Syntax: GROINRIP <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If you are pinning an individual by their thigh, you can rip out the tender muscles in

their groin. The damage to the area will be great and will be incurable while the body naturally fixes itself. While they are suffering from this, their ability to dodge and divert will be halved and they will move from room to room slowly.

Note: {{{note}}}

Pant Gather your breath
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Providing you are filled with fury, you may release your breath in a cloud of hot steam.

This will provide the following benefits:

- Reduce your Fitness cooldown by 5 seconds if used.
- Cure the 'exhausted' affliction if you have it.
- Restore a small amount of endurance.

Please see AB HUNTING FITNESS for more information on this skill and AB FERALITY FURY for information on fury.

Note: {{{note}}}

Flurry Attack in a flurry of limbs
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Attack in a savage flurry of tooth and claw, striking out at multiple body parts at once

in a powerful assault. While this ability cannot be parried, any limb damage dealt will not cause the limb to break. You will need to use a different attack in order to break a limb.

When preparing to flurry, you will automatically flurry the next person to enter the room.

Note: {{{note}}}

Quarter Quarter your victim in a packhunt
Syntax: QUARTER <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If a fellow shapeshifter has an opponent captured in a jawlock, you can take hold of a

free limb and tear them to pieces, granting them a grisly death.

You will also come out of it with a yummy snack!

Note: {{{note}}}

Slashing A claw attack that causes bleeding
Syntax: SLASH <target> [limb]
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Draw your sharp claws against your foe in a basic attack. If you choose a limb to target

it will cause damage to that limb.

Note: {{{note}}}

Spinalcrack Cause nerve damage to your opponent
Syntax: SPINALCRACK <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Strike powerfully at their torso, damaging their spine and causing paresis.
Note: {{{note}}}

Rend Disable the arms of an opponent
Syntax: REND <target> [LEFT/RIGHT]
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Use your claws to rend the muscles of your opponents arm, crippling it in the process.
Note: {{{note}}}

Hamstring Disable the legs of an opponent
Syntax: HAMSTRING <target> LEFT/RIGHT]
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Aim for the juicy muscles in your opponent's leg, crippling their ability to make use of


Note: {{{note}}}

Faceslash A strike that will cause blurred vision
Syntax: FACESLASH <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Take swing at your opponent's head, blurring their vision with a vicious strike to the


Note: {{{note}}}

Bodypunch A serious blow to their torso
Syntax: BODYPUNCH <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Launch into a massive blow at the torso of your victim, stunning them briefly.
Note: {{{note}}}

Throatslice Silence the cries of the weak
Syntax: THROATSLICE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By aiming for the neck, you can cripple your opponent's voice and prevent them from

speaking or making use of it.

Note: {{{note}}}

Skullwhack Cause damage to the skull
Syntax: SKULLWHACK <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Deliver a painful blow to the skull of an opponent. If they are suffering from a broken

head, then the strike will knock them unconscious.

Note: {{{note}}}

Jugular Causing bleeding in the neck
Syntax: JUGULAR <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: A potent strike that will aim for the vitals of your prey, ripping forth their jugular

and making them bleed profusely.

Note: {{{note}}}

Bite A basic bite attack
Syntax: BITE <target> [limb]
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: A nasty bite against an opponent. If you specify a limb then you will deal damage to that


Note: {{{note}}}

Gut A bite that causes damage to the torso
Syntax: GUT <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If your opponent is suffering from a broken torso, you can savagely rip into their gut

and instantly mangle it.

Note: {{{note}}}

Lacerate Lacerate them, causing delayed bleeding
Syntax: LACERATE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: A master of combat knows it is important to keep the blood flowing to ensure death to

their victim. If your opponent is suffering from a broken torso, you can lacerate their chest, causing some bleeding up front and more a few seconds later. This ability will also give your victim the rend affliction.

Note: {{{note}}}

Neckdrag Drag your victim by the neck
Syntax: NECKDRAG <target> <direction>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: By clamping your jaws around the neck of your target, you can drag them in a direction of

your choosing. This will throw them to the floor and knock them off balance.

Note: {{{note}}}

Facemaul Make them unrecognizable
Syntax: FACEMAUL <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If your victim has blurry vision, they will be open for an attack to maul their face

leaving them with a form of permanent disfigurement.

Note: {{{note}}}

Spinalrip Cause permanent nerve damage
Syntax: SPINALRIP <victim>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Using your maw, you can rip their spine out of place, causing periodic paralysis until it

is cured, as well as blocking the use of the survival skill Restoration.

This effect can be cured with the restoration salve, or the spine will heal itself in a short period of time.

Please see AB SURVIVAL RESTORATION for more information on this ability.

Note: {{{note}}}

Skullcrush Crush your opponent's skull in your jaws
Syntax: SKULLCRUSH <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If your opponent has fallen and is suffering from a broken head, you can crush their

skull between your jaws, instantly mangling it.

Note: {{{note}}}