Artifice (skill)

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Skill Rank Percent Description
Hide Inept 0 % Conceal yourself in the shadows.
Tradecraft Novice 0 % Communicate to fellow operatives via coded language.
Climbing Apprentice 50 % Clamber up into the trees with ease.
Stoicism Capable 0 % Reject danger and uplift rationality.
Gird Adept 25 % Form a protective layer of seething shadow.
Coagulation Adept 75 % Use your knowledge of healing to reduce bleeding.
Conceal Skilled 0 % Obscure your identity as you prowl.
Kinesics Skilled 50 % Leave a mark for your fellow operatives.
Bounding Skilled 75 % Leap and stride throughout the land.
Inspirit Gifted 0 % Draw upon your inner reserves for a second wind.
Tent Gifted 40 % Protect yourself from the elements.
Campfire Gifted 60 % Build a campfire to soothe the body and soul.
Gloam Virtuoso 40 % Conjure terrifying shadows to assault your foes.
Bloodlust Virtuoso 60 % Revel in the weakness of prey.
Ascertain Virtuoso 80 % Study the land for disturbances.
Trail Fabled 0 % Order a loyal creation to trail your mark.
Grit Fabled 10 % Overcome ailments through sheer courage and will.
Revivify Fabled 40 % Scour any trace of desecration.
Vitality Fabled 60 % An adrenaline rush to heal your body.
Campsite Fabled 80 % Expand your hunting ground into a fortified campsite.
Facade Mythical 0 % Hide your accomplices from the watchful gaze of others.

Accomplice Attacks

Skill Rank Percent Description
Illustrate Inept 0 % Fabricate accomplices with ambient shadow.
Lurker Inept 0 % A tricksome, irritating accomplice to lead them astray.
Wardpeeler Novice 50 % An invasive, handsy accomplice that eats magic.
Lightdrinker Apprentice 0 % An enigmatic being of shadow that manipulates light.
Murder Capable 50 % An accomplice channeling primal, cataclysmic fear.
Darkhound Adept 0 % A canine accomplice of brutal demeanor.
Pilferer Adept 50 % A many-legged accomplice with insectile pincers.
Monstrosity Skilled 25 % A sinuous, betentacled accomplice.
Throatripper Gifted 20 % A shrieking accomplice of talons and flesh.
Brutaliser Expert 0 % A hulking, violent fabrication.
Cohort Expert 20 % Animate three accomplices.
Mount Expert 40 % Your accomplices will hasten your pursuit.
Accost Expert 80 % Accost their mind with fright and shadow.
Pester Virtuoso 0 % Pester their body with fear and shade.
Eviscerator Virtuoso 20 % An accomplice embodying bloodlust.
Rimestalker Fabled 20 % An accomplice wrought from night and frost.
Terrifier Mythical 25 % An accomplice that covorts within the mind.
Verglas Mythical 50 % A spray of bone-chilling cold from a rimestalker's palm.
Coterie Mythical 75 % Many hands make light work.
Exploit Transcendent 0 % Strike terror into the hearts of prey.