Beastmastery (skill)

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Skill Rank Percent Description
Beastcall Inept 0 % Call the wild beasts to your side.
Direwolf Inept 0 % Earn the trust of a wild direwolf.
Status Inept 0 % Check the status of your beasts.
Glance Novice 0 % Look through the eyes of your beasts.
Soothe Capable 0 % Heal the wounds of your beasts.
Orel Capable 50 % Call for the help of a mighty orel.
Placate Adept 50 % Summoned beasts won't see you as a threat.
Orgyuk Gifted 66 % Mastery over the mighty orgyuks.
Spider Fabled 0 % Convince the elusive spiders to come to your aid.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Flank Novice 50 % Have your direwolf flank an injured foe.
Redeyes Apprentice 0 % Draw your prey into the direwolf's eyes.
Heirloom Skilled 0 % A trinket to guide your direwolf home.
Hunt Skilled 50 % Order your direwolf to track the owner of an item.
Swifttrack Gifted 0 % Order your direwolf to track to anyone you are an ally of.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Traverse Adept 0 % Order your orel to locate its prey.
Dive Gifted 33 % Have your orel dive down and tear their throat.
Swoop Expert 33 % Order your orel to swoop at its prey.
Hoist Virtuoso 0 % The orel can lift even the heaviest mortals.
Pursue Virtuoso 25 % Order your orel to aerially pursue someone.
Deathroll Mythical 40 % Send your orel to bring its prey crashing to the ground.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Rake Expert 0 % Never underestimate the strength of a orgyuk.
Swipe Expert 66 % A quick swipe from the orgyuk.
Throw Virtuoso 50 % Orgyuks so enjoy playing toss-a-mortal.
Roar Virtuoso 75 % The roar of the orgyuk will unnerve those before it.
Weaken Fabled 50 % All shall tremble before the orgyuk.
Pummel Fabled 75 % The orgyuk will mangle the limbs of its target.
Mawcrush Transcendent 0 % Order the orgyuk to bite into an unlucky victim.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Web Fabled 25 % The spider webs are strong indeed.
Intoxicate Mythical 0 % The toxic bite of a spider.
Strands Mythical 20 % Thwart the escape of the spider's prey.
Negate Mythical 60 % A spider venom makes resisting blows difficult.
Acid Mythical 80 % Burn your target with a spider acid.