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Skill Rank Percent Description
Energy Inept 0 % See how much energy you have.
Jolt Inept 0 % Jolt yourself with a surge of adrenaline.
Diagnose Novice 0 % Check the physical health of a subject.
Infection Apprentice 0 % Infect another with a mutagen.
Preservation Capable 0 % Preserve a specimen.
Tension Capable 50 % Superior tension within your arms.
Knitting Skilled 0 % Knit together wounds over time.
Flare Skilled 66 % Flare an infection into life.
Steroid Gifted 33 % Tap into the potential of your body.
Probe Expert 0 % Probe the abilities of your subject.
Adaptation Expert 66 % Adapt your body.
Osmosis Virtuoso 25 % Balance or instability.
Stimulant Virtuoso 50 % Quicken the recovery of the mind.
Ethereal Fabled 25 % Shed your physical form.
Catabolism Fabled 50 % Draw forth the power of your inner core.
Ameliorate Fabled 75 % Heal yourself and those around you.
Growth Mythical 20 % Form twisted growths within another.
Autonomy Mythical 60 % Remove the reliance upon yourself.
Nexus Transcendent 0 % Shared suffering at your command.
Mutagen Inept 0 % Concoct a deadly mutagen.

Mutagen Mods

Skill Rank Percent Description
Depressant Adept 0 % Dark thoughts within the mind.
Acute Adept 50 % Powerful but short lived.
Somnolent Skilled 33 % Sluggish response to threat.
Psychoactive Gifted 0 % Draw out the depths of depravity.
Virulent Gifted 66 % Weak at first, stronger later.
Reactive Expert 33 % Severe allergic reaction.
Narcotic Virtuoso 0 % Addictive reliance upon elixirs.
Chronic Virtuoso 75 % Repetitive and lasting.
Degenerative Fabled 0 % Inability to utilise bodily function.
Malignant Fabled 50 % Cause the formation of blisters.
Sporadic Mythical 0 % Increased speed but random.
Atrophic Mythical 40 % Weakened muscles and mind.
Morphic Mythical 80 % Let nature take its own path.